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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. Address: Zip Clothing Shop San Fierro Account name: baristezgel2 Last seen: 8th October 2021 Screenshots:
  2. Account name: alexishellas Icon name: 12 Cum Close
  3. SAI member who you were with *: Mike Jones (LandShark) Date, time and duration of Activity: 7/11/2021 (30min) Type of Activity: * RoadBlock LV-BC highway Patrol details: Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  4. SAI member who you were with *: Mike Jones (LandShark) Date, time and duration of Activity: 7/11/2021 (30min) Type of Activity: * RoadBlock LS-LV highway Patrol details: Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  5. SAI member who you were with *: Angel gonzales (latino) Date, time and duration of Activity: 5/11/2021 (30min) Type of Activity: *Patrol Patrol details: Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  6. SAI member who you were with *: Nicolas_Wilde Date, time and duration of Activity: 3/11/2021 (20min) Type of Activity: *Patrol Patrol details: Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  7. SAI member who you were with *: C.Adams (Steve) Date, time and duration of Activity: 3/11/2021 (40min) Type of Activity: *Patrol (10min) RoadBlock lv-sf highway (30min) Patrol details: Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  8. Error
  9. Address: Las Venturas News Business Account name: badass123 Last seen: 30th September 2021 Screenshots:
  10. SAI member who you were with *: Angel.Gonzales (Latino) Date, time and duration of Activity: 28/10/2021 (around 30-40min) Type of Activity: * RP Patrol (20min) Patrol details: Random checks on Las Venturas highway roablock, checking licenses and registrations. Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  11. SAI member who you were with *: Sam.Nake(Sam) C.Adams (Steve) * Date, time and duration of Activity: 25/10/2021 (around 30-40min) Type of Activity: * RP Patrol, roadblock on ls-lv highway Patrol details: Random checks on the ls-lv highway roablock, checking licenses and registrations. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  12. SAI member who you were with *: Angel Gonzalez (Latino) Len Robinson (Absent) * Date, time and duration of Activity: 24/10/2021 Type of Activity: * RP Patrol Patrol details: Random pull over's on LS-LV highway ,drunk tests. One of them ended badly with taken in the police station a speeding driver while he was going with 220km/h while the speed limit was 120. He started losing control attacked a fellow police officer. And we had to take him at the station. We noticed that it was not he first ticket. He assaulted , speeding. Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  13. SAI member who you were with *: Angel Gonzalez (Latino) Len Robinson (Absent) * Date, time and duration of Activity: 23/10/2021 Type of Activity: * RP Patrol Patrol details: Random pull over's on LV-SF highway ,drunk tests,drug checking,gun checking Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  14. PART I: Introduction Ingame name: Alexis login name: alexishellas Age: 24 How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: I have been playing SAES from 2011,however I have been inactive for many of those years out of boredomm or in real life problems In 2-3 lines, tell us about yourself: Well, I am a student I study computer science in Greece. I am currently on the last year . I do play games in my freetime although it's kinda hard in my life right now, I always enjoyed them. PART II: Background Check Do you speak English: I do speak English good enough in my opinion, it is not my native language so if I was about to rate myself I would go for an 8/10 Tell us how good/bad you are at RP (SAI might be able to teach you things.): To be honest I do like RP,one of the few left in the server prob and I am trying to rp whenever i find the oppurtinity either as criminal or cop. I have been participating in Secret Services rp's whenever they are doing one . Rate your radio usage skills and abilities: I wouldn't rate my self good enough in the radio usage, I have been playing as criminal in game for almost ever . So I don't know the codes , but I am a fast learner I think and that wouldn't be a problem at least if you are willing to teach me those things Primary language: My primary language is Greek Other languages you speak: I do speak English as you can see , and I have a degree in german but I havent spoke for 10 years that language so I basically don't remember much of it Current groups: I am only part of RaceTech Previous groups: I have been also RadioSA in the past ( I just stated the official ones) PART III: Radio Check (California Penal Codes are mostly used in San Andreas.) https://saesrpg.uk/topic/235/sai-radio-protocol Have you read our radio codes topic? (This topic can also be found in SAPA.): Explain what a 211 is: 211 means that there is a store robbery going on What does it mean if it's a code 3: It is used when you are attending a call with lights and sirens on Which 10 code is used when you're going on duty and you're announcing that you're available for duty? you are using the code 10-8 PART IV: Role-Play Character First name: Jessy Surname: Blue Age: 26 Sex: Male Place of Birth: Los Santos, United States of America Date of Birth: (22/10/1995) Country of residence: United States of America Address: Grove_Street Los Santos Convictions: A couple of nights spend on the jail Tattoos: I got an anime related tatto on my leg Do you own a driving license, and for how long: I obtained my valid driver's license when I was 19 years old. Full backstory: First of all I would like to thank you for reaching that far in my application, my backstory is kinda different of the things you might have heard that is why I would to be completely honest with you. As you may read above I come from grove street, which is known for the drugs dealers leaving there and for the gangs that are controlling the street. I have been part of a toxic family for my whole life my mother was a drug addict and my father used to sell drugs to make a living. At the age of 14 my father was murdered by some rival drug sellers or gangs I don't excacly now since the police never sodl his case. Not long after that my mother out of her sadness se overdozed bought 10 gramms of crystal meth and did it . I found her dead in the next morning, my grandmother came to look over me she was living in San Fiero. She tried her best to not let me grow in this place, but I didn't want to leave the place since it was where I was born. At that age I had a childish dream of becoming an austronaut and I was studying hard to make it the years passed and that dream faded away. My decision to become a state trooper has to do with an incident that happen almost 10 years later. My best friend the one I remember from the time I was a baby, died , no he was murdered. As the most of them in that place peopel sell drugs to make a living. He was caught by the rival gang. And then it hit me hard, I made an oath to myself that I wouldn't let anymore younsters to throw their lifes. I would become the change I wanted to see. I would become a state officer and I would stop the drug trafficking. And show those people that there are people that care about them, people that are willing to help, people they can trust. That is my backstory and the reason of wanting to become a state trooper. I would like to thank you for reading my application and hope to be available to fullfill my dream Thank you, Jessy Blue
  15. Address: Appartment Block 105 Account name: stevieg Last seen: 26th august 2021 Screenshots:
  16. @Sollozzo I agree on some parts with you, but mta communities are really active , there are more people playing than 5-6 years ago.With a quick search on MTA you will see that there are many servers with 300+ players which wasnt a fact some years ago. So I dont think the problem is the evolution of techonology it's something else I am not pointing my finger towards anyone. People are active and inactive cuz real life going on or just becuase they are getting bored of this game, I dont have a suggestion for it to help the community and tbh it is not my job to have suggestions.
  17. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 40gbp When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? it was at november 2020 Why do you need this change? Due to switching gang and also noticing that the location in my property isnt usefull enough to have 2 cars locked there Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/31662-donation-alexiss-amount-4000/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22791/alexis-reward-change?_=1633022245337 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Comet from Location: 5 Vaginal Discharge Way. Username :alexishellas Interior: - Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 2: stratum Location: Z base on the left from the main garage ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Jester Location: HS base will show exactly where in game Username: alexishellas Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 2: Stratum Location: HS base will show exactly where in game Username: alexishellas
  18. I don't like this suggestion to be honest, I feel it will only help gangs that are unable to win the war and take turfs.
  19. Hi,I am playing as a criminal from the time I started on this server back in 2011. I tried switching to cop side over the years, but I am going to be honest it bores me and I am talking about myself I found it extremely boring trying to chase someone with a nightstick and dive in an sr to rambo arrest 10 crims and die 50 more times. I do like rp'ing as both sides to be honest which is a plus but thats almost dead nowadays. I do find cool people and retards in both sides as far as I can tell by the mainchat. So to conclude this I just find it a bit boring(for me at least, I am not judging anyone ) and I always did it is not something that happened recently.
  20. totally yes!! Might get a chance to get some of my money back
  21. happy birthday mate!
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