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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. Activity: Store Robbery Date: 24/10/2022 Screenshot(s): [s=][/s]
  2. Type Of Activity: delivery Date: 24/10/2022 Participants: Me Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  3. Type Of Activity: delivery Date: 23/10/2022 Participants: Screenshots:[s=][/s]
  4. Activity: Store Robbery Date: 21/10/2022 Screenshot(s): [s=][/s]
  5. Activity: SR Date: 19/10/2022 Screenshot(s):[s=][/s] Activity: SR Date: 19/10/2022 Screenshot(s): [s=][/s] Activity: SR Date: 19/10/2022 Screenshot(s):[s=][/s] Activity: VIP Date: 19/10/2022 Screenshot(s): [s=][/s] Activity: SR Date: 19/10/2022 Screenshot(s):[s=][/s]
  6. Activity: SR Date: 19/10/2022 Screenshot(s):[s=][/s] Activity: SR Date: 19/10/2022 Screenshot(s): [s=][/s] Activity: SR Date: 19/10/2022 [s=][/s]
  7. Nickname: Alexis Ingame account name: alexishellas Discord name and tag:#Alexis How long you have been playing SAES?: I have been playing since 2012 if i remember correclty Server Memberships: I am part of HS,racetech,sai,gxt Your strengths: Dont have anything specific except the casual skills Your weaknesses: One of my latest weaknesess is that i tend to get bored pretty easily and never been satisfied with what i have Last legitimate adminjail: Eh It should be about 2 years ago must be like the 2nd time i got ajed was about deffending in 1st door in country bank **Last legitimate ban:**Have never been banned Additional Information (Optional): Well , I am a student studying computer science. currently I am doing my time in the army I am about to finish in 1 month finally thats why I am not that active lately. Freetime is all about games and walks with friends Have you read the entire topic before applying?: Of course
  8. Happy bday bitchollini
  9. Your ingame username: alexishellas Your ingame alias: Alexis Your year of birth: 1996 Your gender: Male Nationality: Greek Country of residence: Greece How long you have been playing SAES: Well, I started playing at late 2011 as far as I remember joined the forums a few months later in my first attempt on joining a "respected gang". I did take huge breaks all these years due to lack of interest or being busy in life, to be more specific first break I had was from 2014-2018 and the other one from 2018-2019. After that I have been playing actively on the server which is in my opinion one of the most basic things for applying in a position like that Qualities you can offer: I believe despite the fact that is activity which is something that will be said in almost every application, I can handle matters calmly with no drama and that comes from my career being a player for 10+ years and having such a low profile as me kinds proves my point I believe. I do have knowledge about all the ingame problems that could occur, I don't wanna flood my application with skills that I might have so I will keep it like that. Your weaknesses: I am a bit stubborn in general, that happens also in real life, usually I am in situations I have been well informed about and stand up for my opinion Do you have Discord Installed: Yes I do Reason for application: Despite the fact I am an old active player, I would like to take the next step and being able to help the community as SAHA to begin with and later as CS. Usually I would like to go for the CS position but due to the not known name of me I believe that would be a no shot, so I want to start helping as a SAHA member which is a job that I believe I coudl manage even better I believe. Server Memberships: I am currently member of South Side Blazers, raceTech, gxt, sai and wannabe of couple more Additional information: Well after saying all the basics in the first section, I need to state that I am a university student in computer science (almost done with that ) and I am also doing my time the army which also is coming close to an end, at this point I believe i need to state that even if I am in the army i am still active because they made me a driver and I actually go in the camp like I go on a dayjob 7am-3pm so it doesnt have much of an impact at least in my active time on the server. I believe thats all the basics about my life right now. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Hm I had an adminjail some years ago, was when I came back from my inactivity and defended on country bank on lobby and not after 1st door (can't recall any others generally all over the years) Previous (legitimate) bans: Not really
  10. Oh shit that sure brings back memories, good luck i hope you make it on top again
  11. oh you said it and you did it good luck mates!
  12. Patrol Number: #14 Activity Type: Patrolling ,impounding and repairing cars Date:9/3/2022 Time spent: 30min Participants: @Candy @JAMESS ScreenShots: [s=][/s]
  13. GXT Members: Alexis Time Taken: 10 mins Deliveries: Acitvty Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  14. Roleplay Number: 5 Participants: @Marso @Linkan Date: 07/03/2022 Story: It was a normal day in our garage ar Las Venturas X , we opened and an old client of ours came by for oil check up and air filter change. While we were at it tried starting the engine and noticed that the car turned on with some difficulty. I went to check for the battery because it's a common reason for the car having a hard time turning the engine on. I asked our client if he had the time to switch it right now after i informed him about the price of course. After we got his confirmation we started the procedure didn't take us a long time, we were lucky enough to got some batteries in stock. We finished and our client had the time to reach out his business meeting in San fiero ScreenShots: Sadly I totally forgot because I was focused in the rp participants can confirm it though
  15. Patrol Number: #13 Activity Type: Patrolling ,impounding and repairing cars Date:7/3/2022 Time spent: 30min Participants: me @Candy ScreenShots:[s=][/s]
  16. Roleplay Number: #4 Participants: Me as Mechanic and @Brazz as CC Date: 24/2/22 Story: An inciddent happened in ls-lv highway a car went on fire firefighters went to turn it off and after the crash we went there to impound the car, spoke with the officers at the location to find it more about the situation. [s=][/s]
  17. Patrol Number: #12 Activity Type: Patrolling ,impounding and repairing cars Date:24/2/2022 Time spent: 30min Participants: me @Brazz ScreenShots: [s=][/s]
  18. Patrol Number: #11 Activity Type: Patrolling ,impounding and repairing cars Date:22/2/2022 Time spent: 2hours Participants: me @Brazz ScreenShots:[s=][/s]
  19. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30179/donation-point-balance-alexis When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? i dont remember some months ago ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: cheetah Location: old hs base Vehicle 2: jester **Location:**old hs base **Vehicle 3:**stratum **Location:**old hs base ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: cheetah Location: bc prop will show you ingame Username: alexishellas Vehicle 2: infernus Location: new hs base will show exact spot ingame* Username: alexishellas Vehicle 3: bullet Location: new hs base will show exact spot ingame* Username: alexishellas
  20. GXT Member: @Alexis Time Taken: 10 Mins. Deliveries: Trucking Screenshots:[s=][/s]
  21. GXT Member: @Alexis Time Taken: 20 Mins. Deliveries: Trucking Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  22. GXT Member: @Alexis Time Taken: 10 Mins. Deliveries: Trucking Screenshots: [s=][/s]
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