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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. Archiving this then. Congrats snoopy.
  2. Archiving this.
  3. I do love the fact you decided to randomly attack me. First of all I did not donate 20 that's from when we switched to these forums(not that it matters anyway). Second there have been people that donated over 1k (which is like 2 or something ). Yet , I did come with an actual concern on what that would do on day to day gameplay, also having the "having the freedom to use it whenever and however you like" is just stupid anyway that would mean you play with different rules than anyone else which is not the case for anyone including admins. But I am not deciding anyway, nor am i going to keep replying if you get triggered that easily. So good luck!
  4. It's just meant to be a "fun" spawn , without actually interfering with the gameplay of others at any point
  5. The main concern about it is on how easily it can be abused. If you had access on it while spawned as anything there would be tons of people abusing it. It's not necessary, but the whole existence of donator spawn is to value the fact that you, me or whoever has donated. That's the reason you have access to weapons other spawns don't.
  6. Eh as you said yourself, donator spawn already has a jetpack so what would be the point on giving anyone that donated over an x amount?
  7. User is member of the clan. Request Denied.
  8. Username belongs to a member of the clan. Request Denied
  9. You are 2/2 for this week. You can request again on Monday 00:00 server time.
  10. Request Denied. User is part of the clan
  11. Request denied.User is part of the clan.
  12. 48h passed and failed to claim the property. Closing request.
  13. sorted 2/2
  14. sorted 1/2
  15. +30 points, if anyone can confirm
  16. This is an automated post for: Alexis Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Link to your donation tracker topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your donation tracking topic link and requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
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