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Everything posted by Ferthis

  1. Cant handle the Corona quarantine
  2. Are weapons really that expensive? Just make sure you don't buy to much, so that when you accidentally respawn it wouldn't cost you to much money to buy back your weps.
  3. Still not
  4. Still waiting for the right answer
  5. Guess a number between 1800 and 2000 Don't edit your guess.
  6. Participants: Ferthis District: LV/LS Shift period: Evening shift Number of vehicles: 15 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. GXT Members: Ferthis Time Taken: 30mins Deliveries: Around 10 deliveries Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. This is an automated post TXN ID: 0S241065JR806063Y Donation Amount: 5.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  9. This is an automated post TXN ID: 3N332743M3113462P Donation Amount: 20.00GBP ( both donations total 25.00GBP I want to add another donation i made to this one: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/17390/donation-ferthis-amount-5-00-gbp I forgot i needed 25gbp for my rewards thats why i made another donation. Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below 5M ofcourse Vehicle Type: Burrito Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Custom SoA wrap Usernames to lock: ferthistheking17 Where you want it placed: SoA base (i show the exact location ingame) Vehicle Type: Freeway Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: ferthistheking17 Where you want it placed: SoA base (i show the exact location ingame) For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  10. @Ramos uknow professor
  11. @Nico the chosen one for SAHA
  12. Your ingame username: ferthistheking17 Your ingame alias: Ferthis Your year of birth: 1995 Your gender: Male Nationality: Dutch Country of residence: The Netherlands How long you have been playing SAES: close to 7 years Qualities you can offer: In my 7 years playing on this server i gained allot of knowledge of the Saes community, this means i am up to date on the server rules and regulations. I am always willing to learn new things and i am always ready to serve. Ive never been banned or kicked and i think ive only been punished only one time ingame with a adminjail, this shows my way of playing and my level of matureness. Your weaknesses: My 40 hour job, that makes sure and i cant play Saes as often as i want. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): SAHA Do you have Discord Installed: Yea Reason for application: Ive been a part of this community for a long time now and ive been having fun in the server. I think now its time to be in a more serious position where i can help players with housing related issues. Server Memberships: Gang; SoA - Probie Groups: SAFD - HQ GXT - HQ CC - Impounder DDMC - rc Additional information: My name is Ruben, i am a 24 year old private insurance agent from the Netherlands. In my spare time i like to play on Saes and Call of Duty with colleagues. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I think 1 adminjail Previous (legitimate) bans: 0 Do you eat pork: Ofcourse
  13. @Dazz said in [GXT Application] - Dazz: Activity type: Re-fueling Gas Stations GXT Members: @Ferthis @barboy Activity details: We filled the gas truck in bone county and re-filled some stations of Los Santos. Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/VQfXx0w ::: :::
  14. GL
  15. @Jasper you're lucky af because you accidentally choose the right number. 111 is the right guess, i will send you the activation code in discord. This means the giveaway is done for this time
  16. Its easy pick a number between 0-200, if you got the right number you win. Give 1 answer and dont edit your post
  17. @PsyNator You recieve 200k ingame cash for every 1 that you donate. Ofcourse you can always donate gbp on behalf of other players who are willing to pay you extra ingame cash for it.
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