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Everything posted by Ferthis

  1. Adress: Ghost Town hut Starting: 40M Buyout: 85M Screens:
  2. Roleplay type: 904B building fire During our evening shift and right after we were done extinguishing the colapsed bridge we got a call about a appartment fire in San Fierro. Because the fire was on the top floor of the building we took several engines and a ladder truck, we also called in the air unit to extinguis the roof. When we arrived at the scene we started to connect our hoses, but because we couldnt reach the top floor we set up our ladder truck and sended a couple firefighter up to the balcony. At the same time the air unit had arrived and dropped a team on the roof of the building. After a long night we were able to control and extinguish the fire. Location: northern San Fierro Participants: @Matthews @Andre @Judyes @JojoDb @Greed @Schwarz Screenshots:
  3. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 20th, june, 2020 Applicant, @DaLi Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. Keep doing daily activities, and expect to be tested in the upcoming days. We wish you best of luck! Commissioner, Ferthis
  4. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 20th June, 2020 Applicant, @Freezoom Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to not proceed with you, unfortunately you have been DENIED at this time. However that doesn't mean you cannot join SAFD, you can hang around with us, and if you're enough active and show off effort towards the group, you might get chance. Fire Commissioner, Ferthis
  5. Roleplay type: Bridge colapse During our evening shift we recieved a emergency call regarding a colapsed bridge near the Los Santos firestation. We gathered enough firefighters and headed out to the scene. When we arrived with several engines and ladder trucks we noticed that not only the bridge colapsed but there were several vehicles on fire. We called in support form the Los santos police department to secure the roads and connected our trucks to the hydrants. After a good amount of time we were able to control the fire and secure the bridge. Location: nothern Los Santos Participants: @Andre @Matthews @Judyes @Schwarz @Greed @Leonard @Freezoom Screenshots:
  6. @RiseAgain Is that a chaser?
  7. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 16th, june, 2020 Applicant, @Greed Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. Keep doing daily activities, and expect to be tested in the upcoming days. We wish you best of luck! Commissioner, Ferthis
  8. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 16th, june, 2020 Applicant, @Schwarz Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. Keep doing daily activities, and expect to be tested in the upcoming days. We wish you best of luck! Commissioner, Ferthis
  9. @Bodo420 meet a HQ ingame for your test.
  10. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 13th, june, 2020 Applicant, @Bodo420 Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. Keep doing daily activities, and expect to be tested in the upcoming days. We wish you best of luck! Commissioner, Ferthis
  11. Roleplay type: Plane crash During our evening shift we recieved a emergency call regarding a plane crash next to the Los Santos airport. A cargo-plane missed the landing strip and crashed next to the airport. Because of the amount of flammable kerosene that was in the plane, We decided to head out to the fire with 3 engines. When we arrived at the scene we secured the area and made sure no citizens could acces the crash site. We connected our engines to the hydrants and started extinguishing the fire. After a couple of hours we were able to control the fire and cleared the wreck. The pilots got our before we arrived at the scene and were taken to the hospital by the airport-paramedics. Location: Los Santos (airport) Participants: @NORI999 @ALIJR007 @Guard Screenshots
  12. @JohnnyEnglish Sold!
  13. Roleplay type: 904B During our morning shift we recieved a emergency call about a 904B (building fire) in southern Los Santos. Because the fire was quickly spreading We decided to head out to the fire with 3 engines and one ladder truck. When we arrived at the scene we connected our engines to the hydrants and started extinguishing the fire. Because our engines couldnt reach the top of the building, we installed the ladder truck and extinguished the top of the building by hand. After a short period we were able to control and extinguish the fire. Because of the strong structure of the building there was no need to call the salvage team. Location: Los Santos Participants: @Ramby @FTH @Ragnar Screenshots
  14. Roleplay type: 904B During our evening shift we recieved a emergency call regarding a 904B (building fire) at Montgomery in Red County. Me, Guard an FTH headed out to the fire with 2 engines and one ladder truck. When we arrived at the scene we connected our engines to the hydrants and started extinguishing the fire. After a short period we were able to control and extinguish the fire. Because of the danger that the roof would collapse we called in a Salvage team that works for the local government. Location: Red County, Montgomery Participants: @FTH @Guard Screenshots
  15. Adress: 8 Grove street Starting: 20m Upper bid: 1m Screenshots:
  16. @Ragnax please find me ingame for your test.
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