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Everything posted by Marko.

  1. @fabman Looks like a drunk drug dealer
  2. 1st of July, nice, the day i come back active accname: blackflage
  3. Nice topic, Good luck ::: You need some banners and good logo tho :::
  4. Oh ye, KATLA.. Hope my kids will be young enough to see that ..
  5. Why not putting that topic there: https://saesrpg.uk/category/24/teamspeak And change the section name to TS3 & Discord
  6. .. blame brophy
  7. @tefa said in IDEA: nice idea i have a great one too , we can horn to cars by pressing H u can horn
  8. @turbo said in Last Letter!: epic Like you said Epic I say CUNTS IQ -1042
  9. 10
  10. 6
  11. Good fuck
  12. Best motto 2k18 :ok_hand: And why is that colorcode looks like CLO ?
  13. Iphone
  14. Looks nice, Good luck fellas (God bless you SANA)
  15. Is that MTA ??? Then why the fck it looks like mario on my fckin PC
  16. Happened once to me and managed to fix it, idk how but try following and trying that: ##spoiler==Spoiler https://imgur.com/a/f1AwBrp ##endspoiler
  17. Good luck getting unbanned
  18. Hotel maid
  19. Special police ? From all the names you can find, you pick that? Good luck
  20. Xvideos
  21. Same shit iam having with that topic aswell https://saesrpg.uk/topic/218/san-andreas-medics-main-topic
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