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Everything posted by Marko.

  1. Congratulations, Well deserved fellas
  2. Just leave them do whatever they doing, Ain't hurting anyone. Just avoid/decrease the spam of ur adverts in the mainchat and we will be so cheerful.
  3. Sorry for late answer, real life is calling sometimes Denied for inactivity, feel free to re-apply once u are back and active
  4. ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[Badass Screenshots for whoever wanna add it in his application for the latest RP hosted by SAFD.] ^[Click Here] September Recruitment, 2018
  5. Trainees Invasion and a dead SAFP ^[]
  6. Happy birthday stronk!
  7. @nemesis said in ARES - San Andreas Arena: Current amount : $$$$$$$$$$$$ Pretty sure even MTA can't count how much you have Good luck
  8. Happy birthday Gayri
  9. i was about to accept you dude !
  10. ^[] ^[] Event: Rhino Shooter Prize: 1.000.000 $ LWS: Matizz Winner(s): Justsomeane Screenshots: Don't Click Here ^[]
  11. Happy birthday, Admiral!
  12. Marko.


    @bone said in bye: cya next month pal just crashed into him this morning ingame
  13. DENIED, re-apply in 2 weeks
  14. refresh @Scorpyo
  15. i 100% agree on adding something like that with maybe a cmd of /togglecs but if it gonna be added, add it to Official Squads & PC ofc not the whole cop side. Don't make it easier for trainees to DM around atleast if they want to DM, they go and buy it. @Bones about u said above there, FOX already got a unit spawned with CS for RP/Training purpose, and that's why i suggest it being added to Official squads only, and we already got other weapons to kill criminals at SR/BRs
  16. Happy birthday cyka bylat !! RUSH B RUSH B!!!
  17. please add "Cunt" to the poll, ty
  18. Lost interest already ?
  19. Section B in your application is lame, short answers, no RP skills shown at all. You might be active ingame and so but you still need more experience around in server and in the medical field, Keep on hanging with us if u are still interested and re-apply in 2 weeks with a better application and especially better RP Skills shown in Section B. DENIED.
  20. Lack of interest shown, Lack of experience DENIED, Re-apply in 2 weeks
  21. Didn't u say u are leaving?
  22. Happy birthday cunt ! Enjoy it !
  23. Double post /deleted
  24. He posted it 8 hours ago I Have been reading it for 8 hours and still trying to get it.
  25. Remove the "******" Everywhere in your topic please and stick to the original format in HERE . For more help with forum's stuff check that LINK.
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