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Everything posted by Marko.

  1. was never added to maximum mong :)
  2. says Richard
  3. @filex said in Wild Angels Promo Video: @marko said in Wild Angels Promo Video: Professional in stealing cars - He uses a Deagle to unlock the car's door. That shit just killed me xDDD ::: ::: First part of the video is boring, 2nd part is nice, Gj loooooooool he checks the area with a sniper ahhahahahhah Ah ye, didn't want to mention that but .. fck it xD
  4. Professional in stealing cars - He uses a Deagle to unlock the car's door. That shit just killed me xDDD ::: ::: First part of the video is boring, 2nd part is nice, Gj
  5. You have been annoying for almost 3 weeks. If you want to join an organization in SAES, go to the forums as u did right now and read the topics carefully then apply and everything is written u just need to wear your broken glasses. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/219/san-andreas-medics-recruitment-open https://saesrpg.uk/topic/218/san-andreas-medics-main-topic
  6. Denied, Re-apply in 2 weeks
  7. Accepted, meet me ingame
  8. Accepted, Meet me ingame
  9. #BlameGengar
  10. @master-chief said in [Suggestion]Groups: I support this idea because groups like BES or SAP ( which is dead now ) and Taxi bla bla bla and most of groups are really inactive as hell +1 SAP is back. its called Taxi el centrino and try to behave or u will hit down -100 again ..
  11. Forums are safe, it's just @Filex was asslicking u, idk why but he was and he just upvoted all your retarded posts and if u can read, those 66 notifications u got were filex upvoting u...
  12. Accepted
  13. @niceez said in Dislike all my posts: He cant score likes, that is why he decided to score dislikes. Thats a result of posting useless shit with no sense in every topic. Ye and seeking attention by being a weirdo. Gj moenesmjaid, Nice thinking
  14. Happy birthday newbie
  15. Actually, all of them were arrested yesterday in that Jail thing we had Except groove as he was hiding as a trainee ..
  16. @filex said in PolicySquad Recruitment [Not official gang we need first level 1]: @human_ said in PolicySquad Recruitment [Not official gang we need first level 1]: Good luck! lol human @wesleyxl bro you won"t get lvl 1 with such topic, it's an uncomplete topic you need to add things and make the topic more realistic/original with some spoilers/logos you need to add a backstory/roleplays(list)/informations(like color code foundation date) and finally a media archive here where you post the activities/roleplays /events and everything It's not easy you need time bro ask me in pm if you need more informations :smile: You forgot to add, "Your squad must have a name, not a .. .."
  17. Denied, 2 weeks and re-apply and please don't waste our time if u will do the same application and same shit
  18. Why did it turn to a general chat? Just post the most wanted list and close it, would be better..
  19. You asked me to re-open the topic 2 days ago, Are u still interested or shall I close it forever?
  20. Denied, Lack of shit Re-apply in 2 weeks
  21. Accepted, meet me ingame
  22. Still waiting for activities ..
  23. ^[Application closed, Applicant is going inactive *(Will be opened once he is back)*]
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