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Everything posted by batya8890

  1. @xDarkMan I'll come back sometime, maybe in a year, when I pass all the exams, and continue to arrest all members of the WA gang. :relaxed: :relaxed: :relaxed:
  2. As long as guys, criminals with 1 star of crime can sleep peacefully. I'm leaving the server, although I played here for about 3-4 thousand hours. The foundation of this was adminjail for fakereport (https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7120/reporting-tut -greco-for-illegal-adminjail) Well, in general, good luck and so that more players play here, and you can also write here that I am a stupid Russian and please delete these accounts: @UNDER @batya @batyaonly @ batya8890
  3. address: Sexy Lady Shop username: andresrico Last Seen: 13 February 2019 Screenshots:
  4. I hope you will be fine :white_frowning_face:
  5. @Crash Lock pls,sold to player Klay for 900k
  6. I realized I couldn't be in a gang because I'm so fucking bad at English.
  7. ~[Addres: 22 Donut Road]~(green) ~[Market Value : min50k/max500k]~(green) ~[Car spawn : +++]~(green) ~[screenshot's]~(green) ::: ::: ~[STARTING BID 600K]~(maroon) ~[Please do not bid if you are not ready to buy this house, do not litter the forum.]~(cyan)
  8. Address : 22 Donut Road last seen: 10th february 2019 Account name : morcao69 SS: https://imgur.com/a/frLwvBb
  9. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6955/inactive-ls
  10. @Thing I think that's why you're being punished more.It was a joke.
  11. Press the X key, then press F1> I'm stuck. If you do this, then you can shoot.
  12. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4936/request-format you haven't filled out the request format.Do it below xD.
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