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Everything posted by batya8890

  1. Sold for $ 9 million. @Crash lock post pls
  2. @Sanya win. sold for 2m. @Crash lock post pls
  3. @Mohamed-Mostafa retard
  4. ~[Business in LS with an interior.]~(lime) ~[Near the spawn point carjackers.]~(teal,teal) ~[Income: 2800$]~(violet) ~[**Interior:]~(orange) ::: ::: ~[Panel]~(sienna) ::: ::: ~[Exterior]~(navy) ::: ::: ~[STARTING BID: 1$]~
  5. install another version of gtaSa
  6. Address: Apartament Rental Business Account name: kenttabadat Last seen: 18h January 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7Hcib42
  7. Address: Suburban Store Account name: wawawa Last seen: 18h January 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/oLCg2aL
  8. House do not want to buy. Please close the auction.
  9. ~[Car spawn +++]~ ~[121 meters from the bank.BC]~ ~[STARING BID: 1$ SS:]~ ::: :::
  10. ~[$ 400 daily profit.]~(red) ~[20 meters from the bank.TR]~(blue) ~[STARING BID: 1$]~(teal) ~[SS:]~(purple) ::: :::
  11. Yesterday the houses were sold. (Green icon). Groove Street has 2 houses and a big business and biker bar near Groove Street. Probably this is also a consequence of the bug.
  12. @Licano batya8890
  13. Buying these houses : 1)https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6335/inactive-tr 2)https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6334/bc-inactive these houses somehow returned to their former owners. https://imgur.com/a/3Rvu6xp give them back to me pls!
  14. I really want G-class added to the game. This car in Russia is associated with criminals.
  15. I think the limit should be reduced to 6. So you can buy a house in every city that has a Bank. One player doesn't have to control a lot of better businesses or houses.
  16. Locate| near TR bank Usarname: erenshot Lastseen: 2th October 2017 https://imgur.com/a/lubVG8s
  17. ahh.. DELTED PLS!
  18. locate: near BC bank Usarname: aypostyle Lastseen:4th september 2018 https://imgur.com/a/XRia1Zq
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