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Everything posted by Max.

  1. Activity # 1 Activity Type: Repairing cars around SA. Participants: @Maxyou12 Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/C4fsJTH
  2. Welcome to my CC Activites topic. I will post my activites here Activity # Activity Type: Participants: Duration: Screenshot: Roleplay # Participants: Story: Screenshot: Event # Event Type: Prize: LWS/G6: Winners:
  3. hbd
  4. Happy birthday
  5. Happy birthday
  6. @Law :D
  7. :cop: I. Personal Info In-game Name: Max Username / Account-name: rana Age: 17 Gender: Male Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): B4 Nationality: Egyptian Languages Spoken: English, Arabic & abit Turkish Average Ping: 84 Average FPS: 55 Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): My name is Mohamed. I like playing online games like MTA, PUBG, And ROBLOX :D I'm from Egypt>Alexandria. I'm active member, I'm working on my PC application, And i want to join SWAT to help them and stay in it. I joined SAES Since 2013 when i was trainee i decided to Join SWAT from along time, I Applied for SWAT in 2018-2019 and i was not ready so i took DENIED. in 2020 I applied and i was not ready too, this time I will be ready. And I will continue my career as SWAT-H. II. In-Game Experience When did you join the server: Since 2013-2014. How much do you play each day: 4 or 5 hours. Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: .ICE-HQ TST-MAJ Five-0-MAJ FBI-Lvl2 Name the reason(s) for leaving: .ICE: When i was HQ And it was so close to die i wanted to make it like before but they rejected. And i was bored so i left. .TST: died :( .Five-0: died :( .FBI: I was bored as FBI member and i want to train more about SAES History from SWAT because SWAT is the oldest squad on SA. Current group memberships: Centrino & K9 If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?: I will be honest but I don't know to don't lie. But i will try. Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): Bans: Im not sure that i took any ban before but maybe i took 1 since 2013. Kick: i didnt get any kick before. Punishmnets: I got a lot of punishments since 2013 but cant remember the number of it. Name the reasons why you received these punishments: When i was newbie. My brother was taking alot of adminjails and he was hiding, Then i knew that and i told him to don't play in This server. Then I took 1 adminjail since i took a name of a player and he dmed me, When he dmed me i reported him. and he Didnt stop until i Kill him and he reported me and i got adminjail. In 2019, I took an AdminJail and that was unfair, I was in the Jail with my friend from SAFP, the jail cleared then 2 trainees shooted us and outside the Jail without any reason then I reported him and Admins thought that its a fake report or im lying. III. Personal skills and knowledge Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences. Your strengths: Driving, Shooting, Arresting & Building. Your weaknesses: Lag Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: To learn from it all things that i should learn and to help them in Media Achrive and to be an elite cop. Also , I have alot of friends there. Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: Because I'm Old SAES player and i know the rules well and I'm good arrester And i respect players that higher than me. Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): In 8.7.2020 When the sky was raining I was walking in the street to check the people are safe or not then i saw someone was walking like criminals near a store, seems like he is buying something from a mafia, From: General.Max: Drop your gun and put your hands up now!, and i was alone so they were running and i was running and preparing my weapon, until i got one and I jailed him, And the other ran. I was in base thinking what to do. And I told a Cop in the police station to find this criminal. And he was strange not doing his tasks and he is acting like a new cop. And i told him do your job. In the next day, I was listening to the RADIO and suddenly, I heard a dead cop and someone said Who killed him?!, And i saw the cop that was acting like a newbie near him and all was near the dead cop, But I couldn't talk to him or do anything Because all cops were asking me in a lot of things, In the next day I saw a Cop at the top of the base, seems like he is sleeping there. I walked there and i saw him and he is dead, But No one was there. Then I was checking the news and i saw a lot of people got killed. I was thinking who is the murderer and I saw a criminal in the street selling drugs and i told him to put his hands up, I tased him and i got him, I told the cop to put him in Jail, then I was sitting near him, From:Cop: Don't worry friend I'm your teammate I'm acting like a cop to safe you all from this prison But he had a mic in his clothes i put it into him to see what is he doing,, And I walked into him and I saw another guy not a cop, I told him where is the cop and he told me I'm the cop, Then he had a device that make him a cop, and he is a criminal, But i couldn't come i let my weapons and the taser in my office i called cops in radio, But he killed half the cops, And I didnt find my weapons then i ran to them before they ran but by fist :D until i find a cop, I called them in RADIO and finally some cops came to arrest them before they open the cells. In the next day, The people were safe and no one needed help, And I came with new cops, And everything under control.
  8. ^[] Activity Type: Patrol Around SF, And Raiding bases. FBI Members Involved: KosovaLi, Ramzi & Max Date: 7/7/2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Happy Birthday Kuby
  10. @AkyZ Give me your account and i can make you DE :joy:
  11. @Freezoom said in DESERT EAGLES RECRUITMENT - NEW DATES - 5TH AND 8TH OF JULY: @AkyZ Your time has come again and again go go go go @Kiroa6Ko don't let him pass it
  12. @Kiroa6Ko Block Akyz for the third time :P
  13. Happy birthday
  14. Don't worry when i join the rec again my pc will restart and you will reset the rec :laughing:
  15. Rest in peace
  16. Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/TDv6vwu
  17. Selling a Nice Prop at LS beach. ~[Advantage:]~(green) Its near SR. With no car spawn but near a disk. Starting bid: ~[1.000.000]~(cyan)
  18. Event #17 Event Type: All vs all airboxing event. LWS/G6: XpookS Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(S): @ItzMoha ScreenShot: [s=][/s]
  19. *EVENT #*31 Event type: All vs All Airboxing. Host: @Maxyou12 Winner and reward: @ItzMoha , 1.000.000 LWS: @XpookS Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. ^[] Event: Hangman event. Reward: 1.000.000 Winner: SWT Screenshots: ::: :::
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