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Everything posted by Laza

  1. Name: I'm known as Laza within this game. Username: My username is l4ki1. Rank before kick/leave: I used to be Sergeant. How long have you been in sapa: It's been a long time ago since I have been part of SAPA, it used to be led by WES and Tony were viceleader. I have been part of squad around 4-5 months I guess. Who kicked you: No one, I have left. Date of kick/leave: I can't remember. Reason for kick/leave: It's been long ago, I wanted to be a part of SWAT back then, and I've quit SAPA. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : As I've mentioned above, I've decided to join SWAT, as back then I were too much interested into that squad and unfortunately I didn't succeeded. Why do you want back in? : Well, there are couple of reasons why I would like to become again SAPA. I never lost interest into cop life, because it fits me, during my whole career, most of the time I have spent as cop. Also I do know how to teach cadets, as I've used to be instructor. Though, right now I am leading a squad and I do have pretty big knowledge. What have you learned from this? : I have learnt from SAPA mostly everything I should know and what is needed in order to become one of good cops with high experience and skills. I have been teached from old instructors which were, Geri as Captain, Zeking as headquarter, Tony as Vice Leader, WES as Leader and there was many other instructors back then, I can't remember everyone. Who do you want to apologize to? : I would apologize mainly Zeking back then as I guess I have disappointed him for leaving SAPA, as I were trusted. However I would thank them all for what I am now, as they have teached me and made from me a good police officer. Why should we give you a second chance?: Well, I would give my best to help SAPA in every possible way. Since it is now group, many people will be trying to join academy and try to become good police officers, therefore I will teach them everything what they should know and make of them great police officers. Thanks in advance, kind regards - Laza
  2. Rest in peace. It's been a long way, sad to see you guys decided to give up.
  3. @JohnnyEnglish said in STF - Special Task Force: Personal Information - Name: JohnnyEnglish Nickname: JohnnyEnglish Age: 16 Gender: Male Nationality: Canadian Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): Greetings, I am Akshat Shree Ram Pandey, 16, I was born and raised in Canada yet I now reside in India with my mother's family until I complete Highschool and I can return to Montreal for Universities. I currently am a sophomore and possess a deep interest towards Computer Science which has led me to master many a programming languages including MTASA Lua. I have been a part of many MTASA servers, and was in the administration of all. However, SAES has a community which has amused me to the extent that I solely play on it now. When I am free, you'll find me ingame or Cycling the streets of my city along my mates. Special Task Force HQ Management Team 2nd February, 2019 Dear @JohnnyEnglish After reviewing your application, we have decided to proceed with you. You have wrote perfect application, which seems you've added here some effort and that's one of important things. You are set on ~[pending]~(orange). Keep hanging with us and show us yourself. When the time comes, you will receive your tests. Good luck! Sincerely, STF HQ Team.
  4. @HaKy said in STF - Special Task Force: Personal Information - Name: Sergei Nickname: Haky Age: 23 ( 22\08\1995) Gender: Male Nationality: Ukrainian Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): My name is Sergei. In-game nick Haky. Im from Ukraine, but now Im in Israel. I like to play computer games like MTA, SAMP, CS:GO and others on-line games. First sever in MTA witch I start to play was SAES, and I still continue play here. Finish university and move to Israel now trying to find job here and learning hebrew. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? 4-6 years Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? No Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: Hell Soldiers, SWAT, Outfit Please list your current group memberships on the server:Desert Eagles Reserve ( Recruit ) What are your strengths? Teamwork, driving car, shooting and RP What are your weaknesses? Driving helicopter Do you have discord & TS3? Yes Whats your average ping? 60-80 Do you have access to the PC spawns? No, I dont How many hours do you have in-game? 2-5 hours per day How often do you visit the forums? 2-4 times per week Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10): 8 Arresting (out of 10): 7 English (out of 10): 7 Driving (out of 10): 9 Combat (out of 10): 8 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? I want to join STF, because i thinking that its nice squad. Also I have many old friends in this squad, and try my self in STF Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? Laza Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? Yes, ofcource In your own words, define roleplay: Role play - playing your role in game, act like in real life In your own words, define DM: Death match - killing person without reason In your own words, define teamwork: Teamwork - acting like a team with your teammate, covering them, using starategy. Meet me in-game for your tests!
  5. @Filex San Andreas Fire Department: https://discord.gg/r282ajw
  6. @lil_borivoje said in STF - Special Task Force: Personal Information - Name: lil_bori Nickname: kurcina21 Age: 17. Gender: Male. Nationality: Serbian. Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): I come from Serbia , I am 17 years old , I go to highschool but that doesnt stop me from being active on both the server and on the forums , I enjoy playing video games and I also like reading comics , I am a huge fan of history , some of my favourite video games are strategy based , besides them I like GTA and some mobas. Special Task Force HQ Management Team 20th January, 2019 Dear @lil_borivoje, Thank you for your patience during application period. We have decided to proceed with you to the next stage. That means you are set on ~[pending]~(orange). Keep hanging with us and show us yourself. When the time comes, you will receive your tests. Good luck! Sincerely, STF HQ Team.
  7. @Laza said in STF - Special Task Force: @thestyle said in STF - Special Task Force: Name: Rihards Nickname: thestyle Age: 22,5 Gender: male Nationality: Latvian Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): My name ir Rihards, i'm 22,5 years old.Working as security @pain said in STF - Special Task Force: Personal Information - Name: Armands Nickname: Pain Age: 20 Gender: Male Nationality: Latvian Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): What could I tell, living in Ireland, moved my ass here. Listening a lot of rap, my bro's call me the mumble head, because of mumble rap. Eh, lets make it clear. Ya'll get me in game. Both of you, under-review. In the meantime show some activity in-game, hang around with our members and we will let you know soon. Both accepted. @pain Meet me or any HQ+ in-game for your tests. @thestyle already tested & invited.
  8. @thestyle said in STF - Special Task Force: Name: Rihards Nickname: thestyle Age: 22,5 Gender: male Nationality: Latvian Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): My name ir Rihards, i'm 22,5 years old.Working as security @pain said in STF - Special Task Force: Personal Information - Name: Armands Nickname: Pain Age: 20 Gender: Male Nationality: Latvian Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): What could I tell, living in Ireland, moved my ass here. Listening a lot of rap, my bro's call me the mumble head, because of mumble rap. Eh, lets make it clear. Ya'll get me in game. Both of you, under-review. In the meantime show some activity in-game, hang around with our members and we will let you know soon.
  9. @chris_nova said in STF - Special Task Force: Personal Information - Name: Chris Nickname: chris95nova Age: 23 Gender: Male. Nationality: Algerian. Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): my real name is Nacer-Eddine from algerian i'm 23 years old & i'm working in military ... i like playing games after i finish from my job. when i got ban in MTA (SAES:RPG) i was working hard and i didn't have time to get back again and now i got this chance to join SAES again with my friends. oh i fogot that ""i LOVE Sports"" just it. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? i think for 2 years (my first account is: Na23cer but i got ban in 2012 and now i'm back). Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? Yes . Ban (i forgot that .it was a long time). Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: FBI (2012). Please list your current group memberships on the server: N/A What are your strengths? Driving. arresting. shooting & i can use the Police radio (with out PC). What are your weaknesses? Sometimes i have a bug in game. Do you have discord & TS3? yes i do (Discord). Whats your average ping? 85 Do you have access to the PC spawns? No. How many hours do you have in-game? 42 hours. How often do you visit the forums? More than 15 times a day. Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10): 6/10 Arresting (out of 10): 8-9/10 English (out of 10): 6/10 Driving (out of 10): 8-9/10 Combat (out of 10): 7-8/10 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? good question. i want to try something different. new.. Something not like other Squads it's Teamwork and Skills. that's why i want to join STF. Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? yes but i forgot his name. Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? yes i have. In your own words, define roleplay: it mean acting like real life but Police roll it's so different you need to give more effort like you need to know Radio Codes Police and also you need to know how to user all this Codes .... In your own words, define DM: that mean kill other players for no reason. In your own words, define teamwork: the combined action of a group of people and especially when effective and efficient. Efficient and effective teamwork in the industry of moving people is paramount to success. Denied. You may re-apply again in 1 month from this post, if you are still interested though. Regards, STF Commander
  10. S.T.F. Activity - 14th January 2019 +11 Players online ::: https://imgur.com/a/ksaphjS :::
  11. Happy birthday my friend, best wishes!
  12. S.T.F. Activity 06-01-2019. +11 players online
  13. Event type: Protection Event (Kill Bones) Location: Jeffersons (Los Santos) Prize: $10,000,000 Winner(s): CripZ>DaLi Helper(s): STF Members Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/QkbeCWS.jpg / https://i.imgur.com/yli9ZsQ.jpg
  14. S.T.F. Activity 05-01-2019. @Laza - @XpookS - @iTsMe - @Ntruder - @Bozi - @Darius ::: https://imgur.com/a/qWOLtde :::
  15. @Bozi said in STF - Special Task Force: Personal Information - Name: Giorgos Nickname: Bozi Age: 17 Gender: Male Nationality: Greek Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): Hello there, My name is Giorgos (Yiorgos), I am 17 years old and I am from wonderful Greece! I am on the last grade of highschool, trying to join a university .In my free time, i usually play video games or hang out with friends, totally not studying :D. Special Task Force HQ Management Team 5th January 2019 Dear, @Bozi First of all, thank you for applying for us. We have decided to proceed with you to the next stage which means you're accepted. Therefore please meet me or any other HQ in-game for your tests. Good luck. Sincerely, STF Commander
  16. Updated. STF promoted to level 4. ICE promoted to level 4. SAPA became group - removed from the list.
  17. Congratulations boys! Keep up hard work xD
  18. Congratulations boys! Keep up hard work!
  19. fucking good girls each night
  20. Get well soon man! Stay strong.
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