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Everything posted by Laza

  1. Good, the thread might be moved then to archives, since the answer is already up there. -lock
  2. Yeah, but the thing is instead of that, could be way more easier having that.
  3. Howdy, I'm just having a nicely suggestion which could be good and way useful when we're posting some of the activities and so on. When we're posting at the random topic our posting space is just empty: ::: ::: What I'm suggesting is, to change this posting thing, and add it like it is when we're posting a new thread. ::: ::: By the way, we're having more options to use, for example when we wish to bold the text, then when we wish to add a link, or just a spoiler. Honestly, It might be edited, not to be same, as we don't need a poll at posting for example. Don't take me wrong, it's just an suggeston, which I honestly think it would be way interesting to have and much more useful, especially for new people.
  4. I have been always supporting this idea, already talked with a friend of mine like long ago to suggest this, then we just forgot about that. However, it's just a game, completely stupid to see everything is locked, and no one may enter the interrior. The gates might stay locked or so, as it is now, but when we let someone entering our base, he would be able to enter any interrior. Overall supporting this.
  5. Merry christmas and Happy holidays to everyone!
  6. @Siirtuga said in i need some help: @Laza alright i will try this one ty later but i need the full one ..i think that the trial cant do that You might just get the cracked one, I'm sure you can find it, or let me find that for you bit later.
  7. I guess what help you need, there is a nicely tutorial made on youtube, you might watch that, could be helpful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJimO9Oftqo
  8. Hi. I'm selling a Bonestreet house located in Las Venturas, it has opened interrior and a garage for a car. Starting bid: $10,000,000 Buyout price: $50,000,000 Property panel ::: ::: How does the property looks? ::: ::: Good luck to all participants.
  9. Username: l4ki1 Amount Donated: 30.00 GBP Links to all previous donation topics (including archive): https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13648/donation-laza-amount-30-00-gbp
  10. @Brophy Donated 10 GBP more, confirmation is needed.
  11. This is a manual post TXN ID: 6X5317316N594473V Donation Amount: 20.00 GBP TXN ID: 54321080RM858432F Donation Amount: 10.00 GBP Vehicle Type: Police Sultan Vehicle Colour: #34eded and black (mixed) Specify any upgrades: 10x nitros - black tires (Access) - #34eded lights - v8 and awd Usernames to lock: l4ki1 , rizacem , fuluid , system31 Where you want it placed: At Five-0 base Vehicle Type: Police Cruiser Vehicle Colour: #34eded and black (mixed) Specify any upgrades: 10x nitros - black tires (Access) - #34eded lights - v8 and awd Usernames to lock: l4ki1 , rizacem , ramby , ElRastaMan17 Where you want it placed: At Five-0 base Vehicle Type: Turismo Vehicle Colour: #34eded and black (mixed) Specify any upgrades: 10x nitros and Trance tires (black) - #34eded lights - v8 and awd Usernames to lock: l4ki1 Where you want it placed: At Five-0 base Medium interrior to be added - GUI: https://imgur.com/a/QFTJool Cash to be given and invited for Donator rank in-game.
  12. Hi, I don't have any clue if this were suggested before or so, let's make it simple. Most of the people gets pissed off when they are out of fuel in the middle of road. I would make an interesting idea, let it be possible to buy gas-cans at every gas station, and it could stay at least per can max 20l, that's how much we need at least to reach gas station and refuel the vehicle. It also could be an interesting thing, the gas cans could be a rare thing, it could cost bit more, I won't say any stupid prize, we could later make an voting poll about it. So yeah, there also could be an option in ALT+GR when we buy a can, so we place that back in trunk. Once it is out of fuel, we may refuel it. Don't blame me if this were requested before, no clue to be honest, but at least I'd love this idea to get discussed, since I think it would be pretty useful for anyone. :moistpepe:
  13. Hi @Spartan - Just to clear out some things, try editing your application and put at least some efforts, otherwise you can consider yourself denied, just from application stage. Regards, SAFD Chief
  14. @JoshBosh said in Good afternoon: @Laza I don't really travel any more, no need as I live in the Caribbean, with year round sunshine. I just travel to the USA to buy laptops, clothing, and other stuff that is stupidly expensive here. Eh I get you mate, however I'm honestly glad that I've seen you! Cheers pal
  15. AA men, good to see you alive and didn't forgot seas, try visiting us someday! :)
  16. Roleplay type: A garage was under huge fire. Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): It was a normal afternoon/evening, some middle time. I heard that a Cuban Cars Director is calling me on phone and reporting to me that CC Garage is under fire, there was also other people inside the garage which were stuck inside, they had no chance to get out untill we extinguish the garage door, since it were really a huge fire, thanks god the building still stays there, CC group doesn't have to pay that much for repair and so on. I must say it was a hard fight with the garage, we tried to be fast as much as possible, and try to get that people out. Everything gone successfully. Location: San Fierro - CC Garage. Participants: Laza - @Bas // @Ramos Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NI6Xy71
  17. Congratulations both of you!
  18. Ohai. I'm selling a Bonestreet house located in Las Venturas, it has opened interrior and a garage for a car. Property panel How the property looks? Starting bid: 20,000,000$ Good luck.
  19. Congratulations, well deserved!
  20. Never had even a single doubt, also when you showed me your projects back then when we talked about new SAFD bases and so on, until now it can only be better and better. However, it's overall good project, also agreeing on the terri's sugg.
  21. I am usually reviewing suggestions and ideas, this one just made me to post a comment below and hand my vote. I do definitely agree for this idea, would be really interesting, a big plus from my side.
  22. wooo, wish you best of luck my fella
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