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Everything posted by Laza

  1. Ohai. I'm selling a Bonestreet house located in Las Venturas, it has opened interrior and a garage for a car. Property panel How the property looks? Starting bid: 20,000,000$ Good luck.
  2. Congratulations, well deserved!
  3. Never had even a single doubt, also when you showed me your projects back then when we talked about new SAFD bases and so on, until now it can only be better and better. However, it's overall good project, also agreeing on the terri's sugg.
  4. I am usually reviewing suggestions and ideas, this one just made me to post a comment below and hand my vote. I do definitely agree for this idea, would be really interesting, a big plus from my side.
  5. wooo, wish you best of luck my fella
  6. After reading yours suggestion so far, this might be somehow interesting idea, squad and gang members would have fun and so on in their bases, therefor yes from me.
  7. Hypee, something interesting, alohaa! :dash:
  8. It's pretty sad to see around that people kept closing squads, however wish you too best of luck. RIP TST.
  9. Participants: Only myself, as usual. District: Actually Las Venturas, Red Country and Los Santos, I've visited actually every side of Los Santos. Shift period: Today afternoon (10th November 2019) Number of vehicles: There was alot of burned vehicles especially in LS, couldn't be sure to say exact number, but more than 15 vehicles definitely. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VrQghKP ~ yours lovely chiefff
  10. I do think this is a smart suggestion, therefor; I'm supporting this!
  11. Participants: Me,myself and Laza! District: Usually main cities, such as LV & LS & SF. Shift period: Yesterday, around a hour (afternoon/evening). Number of vehicles: There was alot of burned vehicles, couldn't be sure to say exact number, but more than 15+ definitely. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/D8on994 ~ yours lovely Chief
  12. It's good to see that many people remember this old fella, happy birthday friend, have a nice one! @Halo
  13. Participants: Me,myself and Laza! District: LV & LS Shift period: Today afternoon / evening. Number of vehicles: Around 6-7. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/C5RAhvE
  14. Good that you are aware of your mistakes, but to be honest, if they denied your appeal and gave you permanent, I doubt that they even gonna reply to here, the topic is getting locked soon, I guess.
  15. Good evening fellas, I'd like to post three of our activities, haven't enough time for that 2 days ago, so on this post you may find total 3 our activities. 27.10 ::: https://i.imgur.com/emjHKKd.png https://i.imgur.com/JJIEmgM.png https://i.imgur.com/RJJb4Li.png ::: 28.10 ::: https://i.imgur.com/CnlxLy8.png https://i.imgur.com/4A8jbvF.png ::: 29.10 ::: https://i.imgur.com/5vFRdzR.png Hanging with a wannabe though, but our members activity on this time is 5+ :::
  16. In-game name I'm known as Laza. Username l4ki1 Age 21 Nationality I'm serbian nationalities. Previous bans/punishments Actually, been banned twice, once for multiaccounting and some bug within jail, no clue how that happened, but everyhing has been explained, and I was okay. All sorted out since then. Why you think you would be suitable for the role I feel like that I'm quite ready to take this kind of job, and accept the obligation. I'm SAES player since the end of 2011's,and the beginning of 12', seen many things on SAES, learned from other players and so on, but always it's been fun for myself owning and searching good props, therefore that's one of the main reasons why I'm applying, I do love this kind of jobs, since it makes me more obligated within game and the job itself. Although, I have never gave up of playing the server, there might be some breaks due to my working and so on, but usually I'm active within game, but mostly on discord as I have that installed on my mobile.
  17. Another good activity +7 members on, alohaaaa! https://imgur.com/a/ozwm67r
  18. ^ We have been together pretty much time in-game, we've been leading together SGS, working for that service, making that active, actually roleplay back then were more widespread, actually even in SAFD while BMaster were leading that. I do quite like when some players make a nicely post similiar to this one, it's always good seeing some good members showing up. I'd like to thank you man for making me a smile because of this post, wish you best of luck in your life, and I hope you'll show up in-game one day too, whenever you have time. ~privet
  19. I guess, we'll have to raise money for the events! @kipt
  20. The Outfit activity - hanging together, having fun around, and so on. More different activities coming from us. ::: https://imgur.com/a/OaKYbqS :::
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