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Everything posted by ClaR

  1. @FastYounq -Denied. Application is ok and you are a good candidate at all, but still we aren't sure about your loyalty. Reapply after 1 week and prove us that we are wrong. @Aldenti -Pending. Nothing much to say, you are good and mature guy. Hang around UE until we make the final decision @Nippy1 -Pending. Despite the fact that UE definition was partly copied, the rest is pretty good. Also you have a good behavior ingame. Hang around UE until we make the final decision
  2. @vass1432 -Denied. Poor application @Aldenti -Denied. Copied UE definition and poor knowledge about organized crime.
  3. @Brian -Denied. Poor application, also UE definition was copied from the first post. @vass1432 -Denied. To be honest its the first time i see someone copying whole text from a topic and pasting it to the application. Next time try to make it yourself. @Scar -Denied. Poor application, but still better than 2 applications above. Try to put more content into your app. Better luck next time.
  4. @icecream Denied. You wrote a good application, but you obviously used translator to create it. Also it was annoying when you spammed with your requests to join our group on site, if I reject it, it has its own reasons, no need to send it again and again. I don't think you are good enough to join us due to your annoying behavior ingame and your words about "many friends" in UE aint true. You can reapply when you fix your weak sides, you are denied for now.
  5. @feti Accepted @UNDER The application is cancelled.
  6. @feti Pending . @UNDER Pending.
  7. @xmoha Denied. Next time try to write your application by yourself.
  8. @UNDER Denied. @feti Denied. @RiseAgain Accepted.
  9. @riseagain Pending.
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