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Everything posted by ClaR

  1. @pump Pending.
  2. @kntent Pending. Decent application. @Max Denied. Copied application, plus being very annoying ingame, and spamming the discord PM of our HQs.
  3. @ItzSpicey Pending. Well you made a quite long application, as it is known the application is the key to get a pending, for now you have to prove yourself ingame, good luck. Pending results: @Max @Reus @Spinkes Accepted. Positive feedback from our members. You showed good patience and diligence to join us. @Therubik Denied. Unfortunately there weren't good feedbacks about you, also we didn't see you around us that much.
  4. @spinkes Pending.
  5. @Reus @Max @Therubik Pending (Extended). We still aren't sure about you, you've been given more time to prove yourself. P.S Please don't spam ingame PM, just locate one of our members and come to him.
  6. @elchapo2 Denied. Don't ask why.
  7. @Reus Pending. Nice application and overall attitude. @Therubik Pending. Your application is also fine but still we have some doubts about your loyalty, stick to UE members ingame and prove that you are worthy to join us. @Meliodas Denied. Doubious past and loyalty, hang around us one week and try to fix your overall attitude then reapply again. Cheers.
  8. @Max Pending. @Mistigun Pending.
  9. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: Castiel Prize: Type: Sniper 1v1 Location: Las Venturas Winner: BS|Steve ScreenShoot: https://imgur.com/a/btVJFdz
  10. @UrBan Pending. @Hannibal Pending. @Andre Accepted. @Danger-tkd Accepted.
  11. @urban Denied. Copied application. @Danger-tkd Pending.
  12. @Nippy1 @Mr-Dark Denied. @Andre Pending.
  13. @OneShotBG @Gary_Alex Pending.
  14. @Resistant313 @Bencxehun @Gelbert Pending. Hang around UE members during the next week. Pending results: @Kaylum Accepted. Nice activity and maturity shown, welcome. @MetalHead Accepted. Good to see when old members come back. @Brian Denied. We have not seen you ingame quite long. The rest are still under review.
  15. @josefrags Pending. The answer about all pending players will be given in nearest time.
  16. @metalhead Pending.
  17. @kaylum Pending.
  18. @brian Pending. Hang around UE members during the next week.
  19. Pending results: @FastYounq Accepted. Great efforts and patience shown, congratulations. @pazoo Accepted. The problems were solved, you've shown good patience and activity. @Filex Accepted. Well done!
  20. @litou Denied. You would've got a Pending if you didn't spam me and UE members ingame every 20 minutes to check your application. Patience is the key to success, some people had to wait more than a week, and even more, and that's not the maximal value. I wish you more patience next time. P.S As the example I can add that I was joining UE for 2 weeks.
  21. @FastYounq Pending. Hang around UE members during the next week. @Litou Denied. Not ready yet. Pending results. @Aldenti Pending (Extended). Improve your activity and show yourself @Nippy Denied. Unacceptable attitude and behavior during your pending period @pazoo Not answered until you explain your current situation.
  22. @filex Pending.
  23. @pazoo Pending @IceCream Denied. Again you copied your application. Don't bother applying again.
  24. @IceCream -Denied. Copied organized crime definition. @joker0 -Denied. Just no. @pazoo -Denied. Copied Organized crime definition from another site.
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