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Everything posted by ClaR

  1. @Vahe2005 Denied. "Knowing I can not become a member of WA I decided to join UE." We are not second choice gang.
  2. @DarkSideR @PlatWater Accepted. Meet any HQ. @Dystrex Pending @LoneBeaver Denied. Copied organized crime definition. @Dexter Pending.
  3. @jaimy333 Accepted. @DarkSideR Pending. @Dexter Denied. Poor organized crime knowledge @Adnan Application withdrawned. @PlatWater Pending. @Gavin Denied. @Belushi Pending > Accepted. Meet one of our HQs.
  4. Your ingame username: symicity Your ingame alias: Clar or Clario Your real name: Yaroslav Your year of birth: 1998 Your gender: Male Nationality: Ukraine Country of residence: Ukrainian Language skills: Russian, Ukrainian and English English Proficiency: I've decent level of English. 8/10 How long you have been playing: Since 2013 Your strengths: I think i have couple of strengths, I try to be honest and objective in all situations, not depending on whether I like or hate one of the sides. I can mention my patience too. Also, i've the ability to choose the moment when it is necessary to say something, and when not, in order not to cause harm to myself or others. And I think the most necessary thing here is that I am used to work with people in real life, and I'd say that I am quite experienced in this, and I think this will be useful here. Your weaknesses: I dont think that i have big weaknesses, but still there are some. I like to troll people and sometimes it comes out of limits, so people might think im not serious at all, my mood may be different, so my reaction to everything that happens will be based on my mood. Preferred Position (SAHA/CS/SAES): SAHA Teamspeak Installed: Yes. Discord Installed: Yes. Do you frequently get involved on Discord: : i have discord on my phone, so im involved in it all time. Reason for application: To be honest, I applied, because I wanted to occupy myself with something new on this server. I would like to play not only for myself, but also to help this server in some way. I applied for SAHA first because CS is a very responsible thing, so for the beginning i wanna show you what i am as SAHA. Unique qualities you can offer: I can offer maximum responsibility to work, and my free time schedule. In other words I have a lot of free time to handle this position. Server Memberships: Underground Empire HQ, RaceTech Proffessional, Enternia member. Additional information: I am a student of the Ukrainian University of Internal Affairs, studying in the 3rd grade. I like to spend my free time at the computer or outside. I love to watch football and support Manchester United. I also love cars and watch over all the new products in the automotive world. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Had few adminjails, and was muted for speaking on russian in main chat :) Previous (legitimate) bans: Was once banned for DMing back in 2013. Are you a muslim?: Nope Ehh just realized I'm late
  5. @Krrrecik Accepted. @martinJames Denied. Weak application. @Spicey Pending. Don't miss that chance, I hope you'll fix ur behavior during ur pending period. @Darkl1ght Denied. Weak application. Read more about us.
  6. @Krrrecik Under Consideration. We all know what's going on, do we? @martinJames Denied. Very weak application. @zKill98 Pending. Average application. Hang around us for some days until we make our final decision. Pending results: @Belushi Pending (extended) Haven't seen you around us. @Thrzu Accepted. Welcome back bruv!
  7. We will take in attention Sam's word, also I would ask you to leave this conflict out of this forum.
  8. @Thrzu Pending.
  9. @Spicey Denied. You don't seem to be mature and suitable enough. @Belushi Pending. We know you good enough to give you pending. Glad to see you applying for us again. Good luck.
  10. @Faysal-Kruger Accepted. You were very patient and your efforts were very obvious and commendable.
  11. @bastian1 Denied. You are too annoying ingame, you still need to work on your behavior and yourself in general. You are not ready. Faysal is still pending.
  12. @faysal-kruger Pending. Although you copied the organized crime part, your overall application is good. Hang around us ingame until we make the final decision @bastian1 Pending. It's your chance, show us that you fixed your attitude.
  13. @weiss Denied. Try to write your application on English next time. , .
  14. @nobodyknows Accepted.
  15. @amara Denied. Although you made such a good application, we still have reasons to deny yourself. Like any other gang, we need only trusted members, but you ain't this one in our eyes.
  16. @nobodyknows Pending. A good application, with decent amount of information, although the history of your past gangs is big enough, you've been quite faithful to us in the past. See you in-game. ::: @zeus74330 @Hannibal Unfortunately for you, our opinion about potential members is based on actions and behavior in game, and not on anything else outside the game, I dont have to check the discord round the clock and watch what you wrote. You were given a certain amount of time to show yourself and your qualities, you did not manage to impress us during this time for the reasons that were indicated in the previous results, it's exclusively your problems, not ours. Doing this publicly, you do only worse, first of all for yourself. Most likely, you will not lose anything from this, but for you the road to our gang is closed. P.S. This time, avoid posting anything, if you want to make a drama, do it somewhere else. This forum is intended only for applications. If you ignore this, actions will be taken against you. :::
  17. Pending results: @zeus74330 Denied. Haven't seen you around us enough time. @Zilean Denied. After some observation, we've decided that you aren't ready yet. Edit: @Hannibal Denied. After a big amount of time you've been given you didn't manage to prove that you're worthy. Also your behavior wasn't very impressive.
  18. @zeus74330 Pending. Your application is not really bad, we've heard enough about your past, but we give you a chance to start over everything again, and to prove that all your mistakes were left in the past. @MrDeathBoy Denied. You obviously spent some time creating your application, that's really nice, But we dont want to be the next gang that you will point out in the list of ex-gangs, applying to another gang. You can stay around us and apply again when you are told. @Zilean Pending. Although u've made not best application, you seem like a chill and mature guy, for now youre pending, hang around us for some time until we make a final decision. @Spentou
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. @Curvy Accepted @XpookS Accepted
  21. @Pump Accepted. Great efforts shown, welcome aboard. @kntent Denied. Unfortunately we haven't seen yourself around us.
  22. @xpooks Pending.
  23. @curvy Pending. For now you're pending.Keep this in mind, that due to your reputation, which was formed as a result of constant rulebreaks from your side, you'll have to hang more than anyone, in order to prove us that you're the worthy one.
  24. @quick Denied. Weak application.
  25. @bastian1 Denied. You don't suit us. @ItzSpicey Denied. Tried to trick us by making another account? You've been told to not apply again.
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