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Everything posted by PhantomS

  1. Izanagi clan member
  2. Secret Plunder Number: #1 Date: 25/12/2019 Location: LS, near airport Participants: N/A Car(s) Name: Majestic ScreenShots: ::: :::
  3. Roleplay #69 Personal Roleplay #1 Participants: @Greed @jonathan959 Description: I was patrolling with a partner and i heard in the radio that that is a gun fire happens in a park near bank so i went there and i found a victim got shot in the back the i hurried and i taked my medic bag and i start checking the injured area, i told my partner to put some alcohol if it hurt him . i take out the bullet from his body and i putted some medicine on his back and some bondages then he starts feeling ok . Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Strong Plunder Number: #1 Date: 24/12/2019 Location: Los Venturas, near Sas Base Participants: @The-Best1 @Sweets Car(s) Name: Sentinel The Weapon used: Combat Shotgun ScreenShots: ::: :::
  5. I think criminals are just jealous but rllly cop side is dying now SAES is missing squads we can see that squads are dying always but gangs are not we we see that there is more then 10 official gangs but Squads have unless then 6. This is too unfair we should get what we want not standing in watching our dearh .
  6. Patrol #966 Personal Patrol #11 Participants: @DJO Time of Patrol: 35mins Screenshots ::: :::
  7. Patrol #965 Personal Patrol #10 Participants: N/A Time of Patrol: 30mins Screenshots ::: :::
  8. Patrol #964 Personal Patrol #9 Participants: N/A Time of Patrol: 45mins Screenshots ::: :::
  9. PhantomS


    Activity #15 Activity Type: Patrolling Players: me alone Screenshots ::: :::
  10. I don't understand why this days suggestions are terrible, I mean every single one hits the "cop life" this is unfair criminals are more then cops. Stop making suggestions about things that will change cop life
  11. Patrol #950 Personal Patrol #8 Participants: @jonathan959 Time of Patrol: 40mins Screenshots ::: :::
  12. Patrol #949 Personal Patrol #7 Participants: @jonathan959 Time of Patrol: 25mins Screenshots ::: :::
  13. Patrol #948 Personal Patrol #6 Participants: @jonathan959 Time of Patrol: 20mins Screenshots ::: :::
  14. Type: Training (parachuting0 Date: 20/12/2019 Participants: @chris01 @jonathan959 Screenshots ::: :::
  15. This is impossible how can a cop arrest a criminal and he have to run for like 10 feet even if all cops rush in the same time they can't And just like vennelle said it will be jeffrison event #killarrestwillstay
  16. @Raf0 after thinking about it i think you diserve to be my assistance vL so yes you are ~[accepted]~(lime)
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