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Everything posted by PhantomS

  1. Address: Georgeus Fence View Apartement Account name: aivisty Last seen: 23 December 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Patrolling around LV/LS ::: :::
  3. Main Characters: @RenQ @Smurf @LandShark @jonathan959 Story: ~[Drugs in the trunk]~(navy) Today, me i was doing some routine patrol with some officers and we had a call from control that there are some drugs trafficking in that place so we had to search the place, and we found 2 gang members loading some drugs and was going to transport it so we handcuff them and put them and i searched the trunk and holy shit.... i found more then ~[10 grams of]~(green) ~[weed]~(green) in the car then we drived to SAFP base where we will search and ask them some questions. A crime like that may put them in jail for more then 10years thats what i said as a beginng, one of them said that they are not for them but i havent believed him so i told him you have the right to bring a lawyer and then we putted them in the jail . Screenshots ::: :::
  4. Honestly I didn't know that CLO can kill with his
  5. @brilliantadam hope that u are fine
  6. Can't raise a group
  7. @Bartman said in Trucker Spawn: @Tut-Greco said in Trucker Spawn: @Bartman said in Trucker Spawn: @Sanfara said in Trucker Spawn: @Bartman I always kill them when I spawn as a trucker lol :joy: but u loose load if u leavin truck, or was there some update alrdy? you can go approximately 50 meters or 2 trailer lengths away from the truck before you'll fail the job ah, guess missed this, last time did illegal trucking was ages ago, earlyer u either tryed drive away from cops (wich never worked) or u killed cop & lost load Yea as he said don't go away from the load and don't throw grenade
  8. Safe hands
  9. @Bartman I always kill them when I spawn as a trucker lol :joy:
  10. @ExtraDip22 props and cs are not a solutions we don't have a lot of time to respond to BRS @Rzz0 u said We are having stingers,blocks,blabla and all those stuffs but look at ur sides dude gangs was always note then us even saes is missing squads and police groups.....killing a drug dealer is not a solution I will not keep talking to get ur "negative feedbacks"
  11. As u niggas free to use them we have the right to use them Unfair
  12. @NORI999 remove kill arrest will not fix it
  13. Sanfara is a famous guy who leaves in tunisia he go some special things like pro arresting blabla.... He is a Tunisian rapper who sings about things like his daughter or idk what but I putted his name into a nickname as a fame
  14. If money talks ofc yes
  15. The fact that is I didn't like the hitting racer number 3 its kinda small or smth also not comfortable so it will be better if you guys replace it by this
  16. Guy I see him everyday but i don't know him
  17. @Tut-Greco soo? Vehicle will be added?
  18. Retarded criminal
  19. Respected cripz member
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