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Everything posted by PhantomS

  1. Defended Bank: Bone Country, 0/8 Screenshots ::: :::
  2. Defended Bank: Tierra Robanda, 4/8 Screenshots ::: :::
  3. Involved SAI members: myself Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 13/07/2020, from 08:24 to 08:37. Activity type: Patrol Activity Details: City Wide patrol around LV and LS, made it into pursuits. Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Defended Bank: Tierra Robanda, 0/8. Screenshots ::: :::
  5. Involved SAI members: myself Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 12/07/2020, 20:59 to 21:32 Activity type: Patrol Activity Details: Solo Patrol around San Andreas, trying to have some good quality of pursuits, stopping drivers and such things. Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Involved SAI members: Nick Wide (@Sanek ) and Zane Jackson (myself) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 11/07/2020, from 19:34 to 20:30. Activity type: Patrol Activity Details: City Wide patrol around Los Venturas and Tierra Robanda, looking for drivers but the highways were empty as usual. Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Involved Agents: Royal|Richard, Royal|Matthews, Royal|eagle, Royal|Vanessa, Royal|jamal, Royal|Guard, Royal|Sanfara Type Of Activity: Mixed Patrol and Delivering the VIP. Screenshots ::: ::: ~[Extra:]~(lime) ::: :::
  8. https://youtu.be/EuTznh1wTiU
  9. Involved Agents: Royal|Ikillyou, Royal|Vanessa, Royal|Sanfara / ISCO Type Of Activity: Simple patrol around Las Venturas, shutting crimes down. Screenshots ::: :::
  10. @ILLUSION this one is all yours baby
  11. Type Of Activity: Roleplay Story: So tonight, when I was driving in the highway, taking direction to Los Venturas Rockstar working site, I heard some sirens sound coming from behind me, all I had to do is shoting the engine down andwaiting. Sometime after, A officer came and greeted me, requested from me to step down, anyways I responded and waited a bit there, till he asked for my Identity card and license, I gave them, after that he told me to wait... Some other officer came, i was kinda mad so I spoke to him with a bad way which made him saying that all what he is doing is related to his job or so, I really did not care. The other offier came and gave me my cards and said that im clear, I was going to go but the federal cop asked if im drunk or no, I responded and said that I drinked something this morning and all... anyways I contined my ride. Date: 07/07/2020 Participants: @houssam @Jemmyx46 @Ardron @Pika and myself Screenshots ::: :::
  12. Type Of Activity: Delivering goods Date: 07/07/2020 Participants: N/A Screenshots ::: :::
  13. Type Of Activity: Delivering goods Date: 07/07/2020 Participants: N/A Screenshots ::: :::
  14. Activity #1345 Personal Activity #38 Participants: N/A Time Of Patrol: 30mins Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. +1 in my opinion this idea is brilliant and probably should be added
  16. Date: 07/07/2020 Defended Bank: Los Santos, 4/8. Screenshots ::: :::
  17. Date: 03/07/2020 Defended Bank: Red Country, 0/8. Screenshots ::: :::
  18. I like my armpits hair
  19. @SpeeD1Tn
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