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Everything posted by PhantomS

  1. Activity #1577 Personal Activity #49 Participants: @Mixpeko Time Of Patrol: 25mins I guess Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Involved SAI members: myself Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: @LandShark Date, time and duration of activity: 11/08/2020, from 15:30 to 16:00. Activity type: Patrol Activity Details: Patrolling as usual (Adam patrol), rolling down in LV and some country sides, also stopping a driver in San Fierro and having some pursuits Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Activity #1569 Personal Activity #48 Participants: N/A Time Of Patrol: 25 mins Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Activity: Road Trip Participants: @Colo @Skerdi @LightSide @Judyes @Sanfara @Law Screenshots ::: :::
  5. @Homeless said in Show us yourself V3: @Bones nice dick bro
  6. Type Of Activity: Refufeling all the gaz stations in San Andreas. Date: 11/05/2020 (yesterday) Participants: N/A Screenshots ::: :::
  7. Involved SAI members: myself Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: @MouRiS Date, time and duration of activity: 11/05/2020, from 19:00 to 19:20. Activity type: patrol Activity Details: Simple MotorCycle Patrol, Doing some routine check out at some countries, We could not stop some vehicles basically because We were busy with some other things. Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Dope as fuck man, the gang is full of clo members
  9. I dont really know what happened to him, he was a chill guy in bloodz and now he is a clo member
  10. SECTION A 1- Name (optional): Mehdi 2- Ingame name: Sanfara 3- Age: 15 4- Sex: male 5- English proficiency: 8/10 6- Native language: arabic 7- Other languages: frensh and english, little bit of spanish. 8- Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: Yes 9- When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: I started playing mta since 6 years, and Im playing SAES for 5 years. 10- Total gameplay (hours): 1702. 11- Approx gameplay daily (hours): 3 to 5 hours 12- Average FPS: 40 13- Average Ping: 100 14- Previous organizations and reasons for departure: ICE: was the first official squad I joined, everything was cool till an amount of hqs and most respected members started to leave, etc.. which made me decided to leave. I stayed for 1 month and a half. SAFP: in that time bloodz was created so I asked the leader for a permission to help them with their level. Bloodz: after they have got LVL 1 everything was good so I went back to safp, 3 months as I remember. SAFP: it was a really nice experience to join a squad like safp, really!, but I have to be honest, I did a big mistake, I went to five-0 discord and I said some bullshits jokes like I'm going to leave.... leader got mad and decided to kick me but he didn't know I was joking, he gave me a chance to join but I felt like I'm a shame to re-join, 8 months in total. TRF: from the beginning till the end, felt confortable there as well, 4 months or so. Generaxtion X: I really didn't like the crime side at all, couldn't find a enjoyable thing there, stayed for 1 month. Royals: Same as TRF, felt confortable, I got my procop diploma there which counts as a success to me, Sadly the squad HQs decided to close it, 3 months. SWAT: probably, all royals members got a free invite to swat, and I was one of them, some left and some stayed, at the end, I got punished and I didn't have doubts that im going to stay so I left, 2 months. 15- Are you an active user of Discord?: Yes Im SECTION B A. Define our role (FOX): Fox Operation X, a intelligence and law enforcement squad, based on defending and protecting San Andreas and her citizens from the terrorists attacks, more over the squad has a well trained agents to face the danger that is happening around this City. B. Define marker arrest: Marker Arrest, arresting a criminal in the bank's marker, such as LS Bank or LV, its allowed in all the markers except the bank's markers. C. Minimum arresting level: 10 stars. D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: You are not Welcome to shoot or damage other players vehicle, that counts as a deathmatch. You are not welcome to kill yourself or disconnect in a pursuit between you and the cops. Killing someone in a Bank marker will counts as a marker kill Using bugs such as anims to hide from the cops will count as a rule break E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: By roleplaying with a wanted criminal means that you are giving him a chance to act like in real life, You have to respect that criminals have the right to participate in a Roleplay (speed trap as an example), its his choice to accept it or not, also roleplaying with someone can make your RP skills better. SECTION C I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: hello there!, my name is Mehdi a.k.a Sanfara from Tunisia aged 15 years old, I have been playing as a cop since the beginning of my career in SAES, I joined some squads, tried to improve my self, etc.., I love to make some walkthrough about games such as GTA games and all, also I like playing online games like MTA or CSGO with some friends of mine. II. Write your strengths and weaknesses: Im a honest person and I always like to express my self to others, im respectful, friendly if you are friendly with me, im someone you can trust in your weakness, and im good at shooting. and basically high ping is my weakness (+10k) III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: to be honest, I was going to post this application 2 months before, but some told me to stick with royals and all, so the opportunity came back and here im, basically I see that FOX is a straight Squad, I like the role that you guys are presenting, I believe that joining FOX is an experience that I want to make. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: As I said above, Im the one who will be there in your weakness, I was in a lot of squads, I learnt from those squad and my career went so far in the cop side, I would like to say that I will be ready to help always, and I will try my best to be active. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add:? No, for any questions, you may ask me in the private, thanks! By posting this application, you are aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by you, and states nothing but the truth. Retard test: Post a picture of White House in Los Santos to even be considered to join Fox Operations X. ::: :::
  11. Activity #1567 Personal Activity #47 Participants: N/A Time Of Patrol: 1 hour Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. @Nishki said in ~Ballas~: @Jagwar they are all algerians tho hoppers*
  13. eeeeeee hi my nickname is greed eeeeeeeeee
  14. from cop side to crime side then from crime side to cop side
  15. S.W.A.T Activity: SR Defend Date: 11/02/2020 Screenshots ::: :::
  16. Involved SAI members: myself Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 10/31/2020, from 19:01 to 19:35 Activity type: Patrol Activity Details: Simple patrol around some small countries such as BC and TR, doing some rolls in the highways too. Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. S.W.A.T Activity: Stopping LV PBR Date: 10/31/2020 Screenshots ::: :::
  18. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 10/29/2020 Participants: N/A Screenshots ::: :::
  19. Type Of Activity: RolePlay Participants: @Hash Story: I was working all day loing if I could say, I was passing by the Outfit base when I saw a cop ordering me to stop, He was blocking the way, I quickly responded to his order, pulled my truck in the right side of the road and waited for his next order. It took him a while to come, I asked him for the reason of stopping me, he said that I was high speeding, I really thought that he was joking because I was driving on 60 km/h anyhow, After a moment he asked me if I can give him my Identity card and license and I surely did give him... things went in a good way, he asked me to go after this. Screenshots ::: :::
  20. S.W.A.T Activity: Stopping BC BR. Date: 10/29/2020 Screenshots ::: :::
  21. S.W.A.T Activity: Stopping RC BR Date: 10/29/2020 Screenshots ::: :::
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