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Everything posted by Lucifer

  1. Address: 2 Chlamydia Road Account name:kado123456 Last seen:10th May 2021 Screenshots:
  2. Feliz Cumple mi amor <3
  3. Happy Birthday bro ! <3
  4. One of the few best, interesting and possible suggestions i've seen around here.
  5. Happy Birthday !!
  6. @sherap2-0 said in [CHANGE]Change BC bank to BC top: @blackyy said in [CHANGE]Change BC bank to BC top: First of all everyone knows that BC bank is the hardest bank between country Banks and maybe its the hardest bank between all banks cops raid the bank robbery too fast and also you know that cops have prio in BR's cuz they can kill arrest but when they are dead the get back to the bank too fast because its too close from hospital and that is not good for crim side, so if we can change the bank to BC top so it will be fair to crims, and cops have TR Hospital to go to the Bank. Old BC Bank: ::: ::: New BC bank: ::: ::: No ? The cop side already has a low number of players... Dont need to make our work even more difficult. and? I mean the number of players that decided to be part of the cop side isn't due because of us..? It's not because you guys are a minority that we should grant you more favors..
  7. Address:Domins Smelly House Account name: donna Last seen: 27th August 2020 Screenshots:
  8. (Please delete the previous topic due to a miss-reading of the person's username, it is giris and not girls.. apologies)
  9. Address:BC Motel Room #7 Account name: girls Last seen: 24h June 2013 Screenshots:
  10. Joyeuux ya bnin <3
  11. sorryyyy sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. my message are being sent sir!??!?!?!
  13. pls sir happy barday me shq pls sir
  14. can you see message sir?
  15. hapy barday sir pls give me hq
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se5S1r2lpWY&ab_channel=fp350z1fp350z1
  17. In order to join a gang pal, you should probably look one by yourself and not wait until gangs come to you (that shows that you are really interested in joining them).. And you should be the one hanging with them, so they get to know you! Best way to do that, is to apply for a gang you'd like to join and then participate to the activities they do in game ;p (You should also join their discord server if they have on)
  18. Best of Luck!
  19. @xDarkMan Ye I heard about the expensive costs, but that doesn't only concern the private unis? Like for instance public ones in English aren't that much expensive are they ?
  20. Huge help @fenter, I need specific information about them do you really think I haven't already done my researches online... So now instead of being funny go fish me a Dutch.
  21. ~[Sup lads, I need someone that could eventually give me some information about the NL Universties. If you can please DM me on discord Luci#8172. It would really help me. Thanks in advance!]~(silver) ((Got my answer thank you.)) You may delete this topic.
  22. @Morpheus said in Show us yourself V3: Wrong forum you posted on mate, here's the correct one : https://www.planetromeo.com/auth/signup (its a joke fam don't take it serious, but I don't think it's the type of content a 90% male gamer community would like to see if you see what i'm saying)
  23. @smeevil What sort of rules are you trying to suggest? Like a non-abuse kind of rule? What I am suggesting is the fact that the player that eventually want to RP because obviously it is not impellent to do, would be able to add some decors that for example ZIP use or SAI in a role-play. But I don't really think that changing or adding any specific rules would have any kind of useful aspect, obviously some basic rules should be applied, but I don't really get the point of ''varies violations in certain situations''. I mean there aren't any interdiction in a role-play are there? And yes I do think the map is what we lack of, i mean this is the main purpose of this suggestion to add a map specifically made for RP.. People cannot RP proprely if some other players come arrest you because you have 2 stars (even though it's always good to not have any wanted level in order to do an RP but still..) or random people ramming into you by accident.
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