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Everything posted by alius

  1. This is fucking hilarious. Only thing missing is the amount of Bans hhhhh
  2. @Latinoo said in Impudents: RIP ironically says the kid who's banned. F good luck my fellow friend Poletna
  3. @Script100 said in I'm leaving.: Bring me some beer from the shop, pm when back Hes too young to drink beer let alone find someone to buy it
  4. @Groove Colors aren't an issue and can be changed whenever really. Cheers for help papi Gruve
  5. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 60 GBP over 2 accounts on the old forums. When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? My last request was September 6th, 2019 Why do you need this change? Would like to place a couple vehicles for C now that we've got base, and another heli for myself. Links to your donation topics: N/A we've changed forums many times so they are gone, I can only show from the last forums which is below. Links to your previous donation changes requests: Topic confirming both accounts were mine https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/89589-aliuss-request-of-dono-vehicles/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/99045-alius-donation-reclaims/ My Last Change : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11770/alius-donation-reclaims ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: N/A Location: N/A Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Maverick Location: C Base Username: alius Interior: N/A Vehicle 2: Shamal Location: BC AP Username: alius Interior: N/A Vehicle 3: Sparrow Location: LS AP on my helipad Username: alius Interior: N/A
  6. Username: alius Amount Donated: 60 GBP over 2 accounts Links to all previous donation topics (including archive): This will have the most information about my donation's https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11770/alius-donation-reclaims
  7. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 60 GBP over 2 accounts on the old forums. When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? My last request was February 7th, 2018 Why do you need this change? Would like a few vehicles to get around Links to your donation topics: N/A we've changed forums many times so they are gone, I can only show from the last forums which is below. Links to your previous donation changes requests: Topic confirming both accounts were mine https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/89589-aliuss-request-of-dono-vehicles/ My last request of a change https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/99045-alius-donation-reclaims/ ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: N/A Location: N/A Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: maverick Location: LS AP Username: alius Interior: N/A Vehicle 2: Dodo Location: LS AP Username: alius Interior: N/A Vehicle 3: Damaged Glendale Location: Glen Park North 5 in front of the garage Username: alius Interior: N/A
  8. https://imgur.com/sUIlpNa
  9. Address: 12 rodney road Account name: rocker 6244 Last seen: April 13, 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4gzzmkJ
  10. Ingame name: prolagger/olias Ingame username: alius Previous organizations and leaving causes: I've been playing since 11" and I've been around most squads/gangs. If anyone wishes to know the full details, I can go into full detail on discord if needed. But my most recent gang was OC which I left, and I've spoken to Arctic on the reason's why. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is a criminal organization that deals in the most professional of crimes like Drug and Weapon trafficking, and money laundering. They also know how to talk their way around politicians and cops to corrupt them and make them work with criminals. They also deal in contract killing if you need a hit on someone, but only for a nice price. What binds you with Underground Empire: Well few days after leaving oc, I was approached by a member Danger i think it was, and we talked about it. I started hanging with zkill98 and he seemed like cool guy and thinks I should try too, and I know the gang is full of highly skilled players, so i wanna try to join. And I know my chances aren't too good, but it's worth a shot right? What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a group of skilled criminals who come up with a well thought out plan and their main objective is to get in/do what they need and get out as quickly as possible.
  11. Congratulations to 2 cool guys
  12. I don't mind the kill arrest script all too much, but don't you think its kind of abusing the script when you come into the BR/JB with 5 or more stars and are able to arrest crims? Because as you all know, you cannot arrest anyone with 5 or more stars, so why can you kill arrest crims with more 5 or more stars? Doesn't seem quite fair a cop can spawn PC warden and clear entire JB with kill arresting with 5 or more stars lol.
  13. This is the best thing ever thank you so much.
  14. -Section 1- Username: alius Real Name: holden In-game Nick : oc|>olias Nationality: American Country of residence: United States Age: 21 English proficiency: 10/10 Other Languages: N/A -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: I want to join the Outbreak Organization because I spend a lot of time in the jail by myself, and jailbreaking others, and the the occasion, a big group of OB guys will come in and help, and/or break me out when I get arrested when I'm solo. If you're around outside/inside the jail, I'm sure you've seen me around. I basically live there, and try to jailbreak the entire time I'm on really, so I feel like I'd make a great addition to OB. I know some may not like me because of who I am, but I'd like you guys to give me a chance to maybe change your minds, I'm just here to play and have fun with friends and others. Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: You should take me into consideration because I'm really not an all that bad of a guy if you just give me a chance. I can offer my time playing will basically be spent jailbreaking the entire time honestly. I don't leave from the jail often, and when I do, it's for gang related stuff. So I feel like I'd be promoting OB really well by jailbreaking all the time as much as I hang at jail. This is the only group I've even thought about joining since it's the only group I feel fits me these days I play. How long you been playing in SAES?: I've been playing SAES since 2011, it's been a long road playing here. Current group membership(s): Overdose Crime HQ -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: Well my name is Holden, I'm 21 years of age, I've recently moved out of Oregon to basically the middle of nowhere in Washington. I watch a lot of NFL, and have been getting into NBA a lot recently. Since moving my internet is so bad that I haven't been able to play much XB1 / PS4 so I've been playing SAES a lot more now. But I do enjoy playing singeplayer still. Hoping to find a new ISP soon lol. I'm sure you know me, so you know my long time playing here I've/we've(reader) had some bad moments and great moments.Hopefully we can all move on from whats been bad and look to the future and the good. Some of my key moments of playing here are being a TST HQ, SAI Sergeant, CripZ HQ, and being apart of ThC and being an HQ in OC and being apart of SAM when it first got it's spawn back then. I've seen this community and SAES change, grow and decline so much, and I love being apart of it whether its good or bad.
  15. 2019 SAES in a nutshell. Where you can literally cheat the game, be fined 50m in pocket change, and not be banned.
  16. @ChasinTLSN said in Bad life never dies.: @alius said in Bad life never dies.: Damn they missed their shot. alius u sarcastic fegit Shouldve hired a better shot
  17. Damn they missed their shot.
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