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Everything posted by alius

  1. sounds like someone's getting clapped too hard in turfs, F
  2. @Soul said in headshot in jail: @Kain said in headshot in jail: I couldn't think of anything more cancerous tbh HLS, cough Gets clapped in jail/BR WITHOUT armor, spams HLS spawn
  3. @Hassoni said in [QUESTION] Rule 1; part 7: EDIT; when rams like this happens most cops know better than to arrest while the crim is on the ground and he's given a chance to get up I'd certainly like to meet these non existent cops who I guess know better than to arrest while you're repetitively ramming us to the point we can't move.
  4. Still think Cops overall teamwork/skill has dropped over the years since me playing cop full time, but a suggestion like this is absolutely dumb founded. Why not just nerf the range slightly a few meters back to what it used to be and add back the HS arresting with taser full time? Still a 2 shot taser, 2x the money for cops, and full arrest time for crimes if they get HS by taser. Seems fair imo. Specially since you cops all /cargrab onto SWAT/Water Tank and can shoot while cargrabbed whilst spraying us with water lol.
  5. @Spetnazz said in [Suggestion] Solving an issue we all know about.: Today it made me get a network trouble-message. Today was a good day. Very cool, 10/10 would try again I literally wont even enter center of LV anymore in fear of my PC exploding trying to drive by.
  6. @Daryl Speculation isn't all that incorrect if in fact RT base is the issue lmao
  7. @Spetnazz said in [Suggestion] Solving an issue we all know about.: Something around the middle on the LV highway is making my game get seizures when I drive past it after logging in. It's annoying as fuck, and if it's their base causing it to happen, then yes, please fix it It's due to UE Base and RTech bases being loaded in at the same time as they're so close together. It makes my PC freeze up for like 5 seconds before it stops having a seizure.
  8. @James said in Donation Rewards: Mr @sila, How do i know??? I will tell you i always do my homework and check before i post something. This is how i check new players that want to join ICE. So If you do your proper work and check you will see what i find! Tim posted the first post for donation on 6 August 2011, and that was just a question not a donation. Also as you can see he was not even 18 years old. This didn't prove anything wrong to what I said still. He's just asking if he can donate with a different card than what was specified back then as there were very few ways to donate. So again, you don't know what you're even talking about as you weren't anywhere near being a player back then. Should focus your "homework" on your gameplay more as you play like an AI/Bot
  9. @James You weren't even around when these boys were active, how would you know? Those numbers are really outdated, they had more donations from the previous forums before that one as well.
  10. @Ramos said in No explosion in Bank zone: @sila said in No explosion in Bank zone: I mean clearly it's just gonna be Cops voting "Yes" and Crims voting "No" so is there any point to this? i also noticed many criminals trying to enter bank and they got killed by vehicle explosions aswell ... soo It's also common knowledge to know crims buy themselves extra time by throwing nades outside bank to damage cops nearby as they try to enter... soooo????
  11. I mean clearly it's just gonna be Cops voting "Yes" and Crims voting "No" so is there any point to this?
  12. @AntiRug said in Speaker/DJ station at bases.: Cough* Hello? Attention please! Ah yes, hello; more lag to bring to a server that already lags more than every other server on MTA.
  13. @JojoDb said in [SUGGESTION] No use of weapons during hospital spawn protection: @VayraN said in [SUGGESTION] No use of weapons during hospital spawn protection: @JojoDb said in [SUGGESTION] No use of weapons during hospital spawn protection: After multiple occurrences of criminals attacking cops near hospitals, while being immune to being arrested, I concluded it might be time for this suggestion. During the hospital arrest immunity, it should not be possible for players to attack other players, or at least to deal damage to them. This will prevent criminals from using this protection to their advantage (for example on their way to a BR in TR) and could prevent cases of police officers attacking criminals because they cannot arrest them during the protection. This should not have any negative consequences on criminals as they can freely grab a vehicle within the presence of said timer. I don't agree for 1 reason, 90% Of the fights happens at hospital because of a trainee trying to arrest a criminal, So the criminal shoots him and then the other cops comes to try to arrest that criminal so without weapons that criminal will get arrested 100% because he can't defend himself and he can't defend other criminals too. But cops are not allowed to camp hospitals, and criminals have time to leave the hospital as they have arrest protection, so how is this ever a valid argument? If a cop has time to arrest a criminal at the hospital, it means the criminal has been there for too long already... Cops will literally kill you, kill themselves to respawn at hospital with you, sit directly behind hospital disc car spawn with their own vehicle, to then shoot up your own vehicle instantly after driving 5-10 meters and arrest you, so your argument is equally invalid.
  14. Changing your name so you dont get confused with someone is so difficult in 2020
  15. @blizzard said in Nametags lowering FPS: it would be ok to make it an option for those with bad PCs but I like the current ones I have a potato PC, but I just prefer the old nametags myself personally as I thought they looked better, caused less fps drops in high crowded areas, and I'm just an "old schooler" that likes the older things more. As Brophy mentioned, would be cool to have a "toggle" on/off of new/old tags
  16. Last I remember you technically always could, by either contacting SAHA leader, or by contacting the inactive/retired admin yourself, and getting permission from them to sell the house to you or someone. wANTy let me buy his mansion a few years ago like a nice fella.
  17. @Garcia1999 said in Able to spawn bikes, in props that has no carspawn.: (my point isn't in business, cuz i have some apartments that has no car spawn) @AntiRug said in Able to spawn bikes, in props that has no carspawn.: Would make busineses actually usefull. +1
  18. @jonathan959 said in Yet Another Hackerman Thread: Jesus christ, crims always have to make everything a piece of cake even when it shouldnt be that way, like always.... Typical pig finding something to cry about even though it has nothing to do with them
  19. If Ape. Doesnt get stars, then neither should Horkent, The Godfather of Transporting.
  20. @Eusebio Well obviously. This isnt 2014 anymore where ALT is active enough to still be considered an official Company lol.
  21. @Eusebio said in Bring back the companies !: @Markus what are you talking about ? , this pool is about companies not groups Then create a Company and dont call it Group...?
  22. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 60 GBP over 2 accounts on the old forums. When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? My last request was October 24th, 2019 Why do you need this change? Would like to move few vehicles and remove my Maverick from Cancer base. Links to your donation topics: N/A we've changed forums many times so they are gone, I can only show from the last forums which is below. Links to your previous donation changes requests: Topic confirming both accounts were mine https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/89589-aliuss-request-of-dono-vehicles/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/99045-alius-donation-reclaims/ https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11770/alius-donation-reclaims My Last Change : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12580/alis-s-remaining-donation-reclaims-3 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Pink Maverick Location: C|ancer base Interior: N/A Vehicle 2: Sparrow Location: LS Helipads Interior: N/A Vehicle 3: Damaged Glendale Location: Glen_Park_North_5 Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Damaged Glendale Location: Hornet's Nest Username: alius Interior: Special Mapped Interior 25 Vehicle 2: Go Kart Location: Hornet's Nest Username: alius Interior: N/A Vehicle 3: Maverick Location: LS AP on my helipad Username: alius Interior: N/A
  23. @Rzz0 said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: @Kain said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: @Rzz0 said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: remove speed drug from the game, nerf tazer from 12m to 8-9m(it used to be 6 before and almost no criminal bought speed because it wasnt fkin needed before doubling the tazer range) im tired of those new updates, might aswell have given us an inventory in which we have speed and can use it at any time because every single person in the game can buy it now at hospital after he respawns Afaik taser range has never been changed lol It was long ago (2 years?), you can ask most of the oldschool cops, it used to be 6m now its 12 or 13, thats when people started using drugs a lot I remember when I was TST back between 2013-2016, that the range of taser was much less than the range now and took actual skill to arrest people (also didn't automatically switch to black dildo after hitting with taser either) and I certainly don't remember any of us having to buy Speed 24/7 to do any sort of activities (Base, HR/SR, Turf raids) and specially stopping BR's. Cops really just lost their skills over the years and beg for mercy to make it easier all because y'all lack teamwork. And I played as a Cop from between 2011 and 2016, so don't even complain idk what I'm talking about lol.
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