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Everything posted by alius

  1. @sherap2-0 said in [SUGGESTION] Make a new rule about kamikazing shamal: Kmzing is the only way to a cop fight alone against 20-30 crimminals at a non-obstacles place. Why are you trying to fight 20-30 criminals alone in the first place? That doesnt make sense at all. Is this why you kamikaze? Is calling for backup that difficult?
  2. @teddy remember when saes would peak near 300 players back 4-7 years ago around this time? Times have changed old man, and Im part of it sadly
  3. @fenter said in SUGGESTIONS: @silalius said in SUGGESTIONS: @fenter said in SUGGESTIONS: Also i asked for a way to clean the sr without having to snipe them and not your glory days in 2014-15 Maybe you should gather more than 2-3 people to raid the SR then? You can certainly easily clear an SR with a group of 5-6+ cops if you strategize better, just sayin, and these new squads are proving that and theyre level 0 LMAO. (Heligrab is easily forgettable these days huh?) Sorry the glory days had smarter higher iq cops than today I really doubt 5-6 people can clear SR with +20 crims Heligrab is broke incase you didnt notice Our strategy includes sniping people sadly and we cant change it unless +10 cops agrees to come to the sr and clean it without using lethal force (with its pretty impossible) And as i said i suggest you come and play and try to clean a sr without sniping with 5-6 cops You can doubt it all you want, anyone in TST, SWAT, MI-6 back then can vouch for it. Ive played cop between 2011-16, Im pretty sure I know what Im talking about. Not my problem you cant regroup with your own squad and/or other squads and cops to take down an SR. SRs used to be at one location for 1-2 hours cause of the massive wars from raiding each other Again, sorry the glory days had smarter higher iq cops than today
  4. @fenter said in SUGGESTIONS: Also i asked for a way to clean the sr without having to snipe them and not your glory days in 2014-15 Maybe you should gather more than 2-3 people to raid the SR then? You can certainly easily clear an SR with a group of 5-6+ cops if you strategize better, just sayin, and these new squads are proving that and theyre level 0 LMAO. (Heligrab is easily forgettable these days huh?) Sorry the glory days had smarter higher iq cops than today
  5. @fenter said in SUGGESTIONS: How are we supposed to clean a SR with 20 crims as 5 cops without sniping em? Back in 2014-15 in TST, wed air raid SRs no problem with 4-5 people vs 20 crime
  6. Involved SAI members: silalius Divisions involved: N/A Other involved people: Facu_Barasi Date, time and duration of activity: 10/1/21 @ 17:45 - 18:00 Activity type: Roleplay Activity Details: I pulled out from the HQ and was taking a cruise down LV highway when I noticed a vehicle parked and stopped on the railroad tracks. I drove over to asses the situation to find a possible disturbed man in the car. I was able to get him out the vehicle and was met by a fellow officer for assistance, and eventually got the man away from the tracks safely. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PDldohD
  7. I thought your YouTube videos were already cringy enough, but this topic certainly takes it
  8. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 60 GBP over 2 accounts confirmed here. https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/89589-aliuss-request-of-dono-vehicles/ When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? January 30th, 2020 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/14931/sila-reward-chango Why do you need this change? Updating and moving vehicles and interior to new house. Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/89589-aliuss-request-of-dono-vehicles/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/99045-alius-donation-reclaims/ https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11770/alius-donation-reclaims https://saesrpg.uk/topic/14931/sila-reward-chango ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Maverick Location: alius LS Maverick Vehicle 2: Kart Location: NigerianPrince_Nest (alius) Interior: Remove interior here too ^ ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Dodo if possible otherwise Maverick Location: 2 Radiowview Road (alius) location on the roof can be shown in-game Username: alius Interior: Large Interior 23 Vehicle 2: Hotring Racer 1 Location: 2 Radiowview Road (alius) Username: alius
  9. @Liyones_ said in [SUGGESTION] Acess to save weaps as Official gang (only ones u bought): i just lost 1.5m in weapons , can't even spawn as worker to do ZIP activities Maybe you should learn to carry less weapons then? :shrug:
  10. Never been much of a fan for this kit, but it'd be cool to see in-game for more nostalgic feel to the era.
  11. FBI new motto : Join FBI today, get into SAES Clan tomorrow
  12. @Maxyou12 said in Prevent criminals from mark killing at Jail: @alex0107 No we don't do that. And you don't give us a chance to defend or move that's why we become weak Really? Almost EVERY cop sits in the marker to abuse the marker protection to kill arrest easily.
  13. I've noticed certain cops abusing their spawn protection over and over to rambo entire SR's by spawning on props directly next to the marker.
  14. Ahhhh, the guy who was crying about getting clapped by HS in turfs is back with another topic
  15. I've been noticing this a lot inside the jail where cops like to abuse their marker protection. Looks like they're standing still not aiming, but they're actually crouched shooting you lol.
  16. @Poodlyz said in Gangs alliance chat: How and who will manage the chat tho, you gonna have to create hierarchy between gangs of the alliance if you want it to be managed well. But it can create jealousy. if a gang leaves the alliance, someone gonna have to remove them from the chat. Pretty much this. As in Discord, gonna be a bitch/cry fest between gangs who are too lazy or simply dont care about those calling for help. Leave it on DC, don't need more bitching and crying between gangs ig.
  17. just sounds like someone butthurt they got reported for marker abusing too many times. Learn how to move out the marker for once or maybe use the other entrance? You Dogs of Kain always act like you can't climb objects cause your arms and legs are suddenly broken or the front entrance marker is suddenly broken. Literally never been an issue till now.
  18. @Element said in BR Alert Sound for Criminals: @flusha The Bank Robbery alert that cops can hear it's simply a Dispatcher voice that says that there's an active Bank Robbery and bla bla, as I know so far criminals do not have Dispatch so why would they get any alert at all? I would say that the top bar red alert is already too much and there's no reason giving voice alert in this case. @Bartman That's the point of the alarm after all, however, it improves the gaming experience and gives a sense of true robbery. Never seen a jew asslick so much to try and get CS
  19. I doubt it'll come back as every time its been released "fixed" and released again, it gets abused every time.
  20. @Luffy said in Ask when respawning at LOGIN: Respawn should ask a question if you are safe when respawning because sometimes people accidentally hit and lose all their weapons. It's mainly during JB's when shooting with M4/Sniper/CS and upon shooting, if you die and your mouse is near the spawn GUI, while shooting and dying, it may click the new spawn and will lose ALL your weapons but still respawn automatically as your last spawn in jail whilst losing 1m+ worth of weps when you shouldn't in the first place.
  21. @SAFP-Stoner said in [QUESTION] Rule 1; part 7: Honestly, I don't see what the big deal with ramming a suspect to give a chance for your squad mates to get out of the car and arrest. It's a strategic maneuver. Most of the times wanted suspects like to throw grenades at the cars before the cops are even out and that's the best way for them to kill you off. If it's when you do it in a repetitive manner then , yes I understand. But I'll admit, when a criminal is on foot , I usually ram them, accelerate a little further and let my squad mates out to avoid grenades. All you guys do is /cargrab onto Water Tank or the SUV which you can all shoot from /cargrab for fuck all reason, and you when you ungrab you can move instantly without having to do any anim like the driver. Shooting from grabbing makes zero sense when you have 6 people grabbed shooting at you with M4 lmfao.
  22. This has been suggested several times over the years and has been denied every time lol
  23. @Filex said in [SUGGESTION] BR paycheck area: like anyone cares about cash these days in saes that's literally the whole point of this topic is earning cash??????
  24. @MWL said in Staff Recruitment: @MWL Thank you. how lonely must you be to give cheer yourself on for good luck and thank yourself?
  25. @Ramos said in Headshots in the turf war zone: i give zero fucks about that suggestion since im cop, but 'dislike' button isn't here anymore, so i'm happy to say 'YES' to that suggestion :D fuck you. who hurt you today?
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