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Everything posted by Phrost

  1. Date: 06/01/2024 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @MetalHead @Freezy @JeremaYa Screenshots:
  2. Date: 06/01/2024 Activity: Securing the VIP Participants: @Oscar @Darius @Phrost Screenshots:
  3. Date: 06/01/2024 Activity: Securing the VIP Participants: @Oscar @Darius @Phrost Screenshots:
  4. Date: 05/01/2024 Activity: Responding BR Participants: @Oscar @Darius @Laciden Screenshots:
  5. Date: 05/01/2024 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Oscar @Darius @Laciden Screenshots:
  6. Date: 05/01/2024 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Oscar @Darius @Laciden Screenshots:
  7. Date: 01/01/2024 Activity: Patrolling Participants: @Skinner @Darius @Phrost Screenshots:
  8. Date: 26/12/2023 Activity: Responding Store Robbery Participants: @Darius @Rieeria @Stalin Screenshots:
  9. Date: 25/12/2023 Course: SWAT Course Training Participants: @Mr.Xleepy @Rieeria @Glayd Screenshots:
  10. Date: 25/12/2023 Course: SWAT Course Training Participants: @Mr.Xleepy @Rieeria @Glayd Screenshots:
  11. Date: 25/12/2023 Course: SWAT Course Training Participants: @Mr.Xleepy @Rieeria @MetalHead @Glayd Screenshots:
  12. Date: 25/12/2023 Course: SWAT Course Training Participants: @Mr.Xleepy @Rieeria @MetalHead @Glayd Screenshots:
  13. Date: 25/12/2023 Course: SWAT Course Training Participants: @aws @Rieeria @Asaf. Screenshots:
  14. Date: 25/12/2023 Course: SWAT Course Training Participants: @aws @Rieeria @Asaf. Screenshots:
  15. Date: 25/12/2023 Course: SWAT Course Training Participants: @aws @Rieeria @pastaa Screenshots:
  16. Date: 25/12/2023 Course: SWAT Course Training Participants: @aws @Rieeria @Darius Screenshots:
  17. Date: 25/12/2023 Course: SWAT Course Training Participants: @aws @Rieeria @Darius Screenshots:
  18. Date: 25/12/2023 Course: SWAT Course Training Participants: @BOB @nulgath @Winter @Itachi Screenshots:
  19. Date: 25/12/2023 Course: SWAT Course Training Participants: @BOB @nulgath @Winter @Itachi Screenshots:
  20. Date: 25/12/2023 Course: SWAT Course Training Participants: @BOB @nulgath @Skes Screenshots:
  21. Date: 25/12/2023 Course: SWAT Course Training Participants: @BOB @nulgath @Skes Screenshots:
  22. Date: 25/12/2023 Course: SWAT Course Training Participants: @BOB @nulgath @Skes Screenshots:
  23. Date: 23/12/2023 Roleplay Title: Pursuit of a stolen vehicle Participants: @Darius @Axponk Story: 22:50. After starting patrol in Las Venturas, officers Darius and Axponk recieved a call from dispatch regarding a reported vehicle theft near the Four Dragons Casino. The officers responded to the call with sirens off in order to not alert the suspect. 22:52. We passed the casino and saw a man standing next to a car at the adjacent parking lot. We pulled up and noticed that the suspect had picked the lock to the car door, and was attempting to hotwire the car. Officer Darius spoke through the PA system, ordering the suspect to stay and put his hands out through the window. 22:54. The suspect refused to cooperate and started the car, swiftly reversing and turning toward the parking lot exit. We pulled out of the parking lot and followed the stolen vehicle, officer Axponk reporting the vehicle pursuit to dispatch. 22:57. After pursuing the stolen vehicle through Tierra Robada, officer Darius performed a PIT maneuver at the Garver Bridge, causing the suspect to lose control of the vehicle and stop between the lanes. 22:58. Officer Darius ordered the suspect to get out of the vehicle, lay on the ground and place his hands behind his head. We moved over to the suspect and placed him under arrest, officer Darius putting the suspect in handcuffs. Officer Darius performed a body search on the detainee, confiscating a pocket knife and an unregistered handgun. 23:02. Officer Axponk escorted the detainee to the cruiser and placed him in the back seat while officer Darius searched the stolen vehicle for evidence. The search came up clean, and officer Axponk used his radio to request towing of the stolen vehicle. 23:10. We got back in the cruiser and transported the detainee to the Las Venturas Police department. Upon arriving we led the detainee inside, and locked him inside a holding cell. Officer Darius wrote a report and handed it to administration officer Linkan for booking. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/iIa2Nmn
  24. Date: 23/12/2023 Roleplay Title: Drug Bust Participants: @Darius @Axponk @Orten1 @Phrost @aws Story: Through out the whole raid we had to gather intel to make a rock-solid case towards the organization behind a major drug problem around San Andreas. The crew behind the making of the illegal substances are brutal and have left several informants killed. But one won over the trust! Thanks to our informant we managed to get locations of three big selling points and managed to snatch a few pictures as evidence to build a case. The point was to stay close to be able to get a good view and not be made at the same time. We also managed to get a location to one of their secret hideouts and possibly storage of a lot of substances. 22:10 We came back to the station to plan out the operation and raid one of their main hideouts. Officer Darius was giving out information on the upcoming raid, everything from habits to what we might expect on scene. We continued discuss tactics and then went on with preparation. Officer Aws and officer Orten started to prepare vehicles and equipment for the operation. Officer Darius and Officer Phrost had a narrow look on the map around the area to figure out which location that would be more fit to enter the trailer park. 22:25 We prepared by equipping weapons and armor for the raid. Then started to head to the location of the drug operation. We decided to take a discrete route to avoid any complications that may wait for us. The trip was successful. 22:28 We arrived on scene and hid the vehicles across the hotspot. We had a final gear check and restocked the ammo to make sure we would be prepared. Officer Darius took the lead and had the other officers follow. After some scouting, we decided to move forward to the location. We had the element of surprise and made a quick move on the drug nest. We only found the one guy we have been tailing inside probably planning his next sell. Thankfully we made a successful arrest and confiscated all his substances on scene. He decided to remain silence but having high hopes of him breaking to give up the rest of his fellow drug dealers. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/C3x7Oe5
  25. Date: 23/12/2023 Roleplay Title: Part 2 - Convict transfer Participants: @Darius @Axponk @Zarc @Orten1 @Phrost Story: 22:50. After starting patrol in Las Venturas, officers Darius and Axponk recieved a call from dispatch regarding a reported vehicle theft near the Four Dragons Casino. The officers responded to the call with sirens off in order to not alert the suspect. 22:52. We passed the casino and saw a man standing next to a car at the adjacent parking lot. We pulled up and noticed that the suspect had picked the lock to the car door, and was attempting to hotwire the car. Officer Darius spoke through the PA system, ordering the suspect to stay and put his hands out through the window. 22:54. The suspect refused to cooperate and started the car, swiftly reversing and turning toward the parking lot exit. We pulled out of the parking lot and followed the stolen vehicle, officer Axponk reporting the vehicle pursuit to dispatch. 22:57. After pursuing the stolen vehicle through Tierra Robada, officer Darius performed a PIT maneuver at the Garver Bridge, causing the suspect to lose control of the vehicle and stop between the lanes. 22:58. Officer Darius ordered the suspect to get out of the vehicle, lay on the ground and place his hands behind his head. We moved over to the suspect and placed him under arrest, officer Darius putting the suspect in handcuffs. Officer Darius performed a body search on the detainee, confiscating a pocket knife and an unregistered handgun. 23:02. Officer Axponk escorted the detainee to the cruiser and placed him in the back seat while officer Darius searched the stolen vehicle for evidence. The search came up clean, and officer Axponk used his radio to request towing of the stolen vehicle. 23:10. We got back in the cruiser and transported the detainee to the Las Venturas Police department. Upon arriving we led the detainee inside, and locked him inside a holding cell. Officer Darius wrote a report and handed it to administration officer Linkan for booking. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/iIa2Nmn
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