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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Phrost

  1. Sorted, enjoy!
  2. Sorted
  3. Posted 01:59, therefore it's invalid.
  4. No screenshots, it's invalid.
  5. It was nice being with you. Good luck in future!
  6. Applicant has passed the testing phase and now part of procops.
  7. Vehicle ID: 598 Wrap access: San Andreas Police Academy Gang Panel name: Police_Academy It can be uploaded as; gang_sapa Type of wrap: https://i.imgur.com/wCoE4o7.png Thanks!
  8. Dear @Epichu After carefuly reviewing your application, we've decided to go forward with it. Please find any of the PC testers ingame. Phrost SAPD Staff
  9. This was already on the server, but the file was replaced with HLS Rancher, so it is no longer on the server.
  10. It's used to offical wrap for HLS and it is not anymore. I got a permission from Steven to use this as a personal donation wrap.
  11. No, this is not about HLS. HLS Rancher Wrap stays same. This is just a personal wrap.
  12. This is an automated post for: Phrost Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Link to your donation tracker topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your donation tracking topic link and requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: 598 Vehicle Colour: alper_4 Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) alper35 Where you want it placed: HLS Base For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  13. Date: 28/05/2024 Roleplay Title: Operation Peacekeeper: Restoring Order in Los Santos Participants: @Phrost @Axponk @Darius @Zyler @Kwonj1ral @GetAway @MetalHead Story: In response to escalating gang violence, the Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) launched a citywide operation to restore peace. San Andreas Police Academy (SAPA) officers were tasked with infiltrating the Renegados gang stronghold. Under the cover of darkness, SAPA agents executed a meticulously planned raid on the Renegados' turf. Despite facing resistance, they seized illegal contraband and made arrests, weakening the gang's hold on the city. With each confiscated weapon and arrest, SAPA agents edged closer to dismantling the criminal network. Their efforts culminated in restoring peace and order to the streets of Los Santos, marking a significant victory against crime. Screenshots:
  14. Date: 26/05/2024 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @GetAway @Kwonj1ral @JUDGE @Phrost Screenshots:
  15. Date: 26/05/2024 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @GetAway @Phrost @MetalHead Screenshots:
  16. Date: 25/05/2024 Activity: Stopping CR Participants: @Axponk @Zyler @Axponk Screenshots:
  17. Date: 25/05/2024 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @MetalHead @Axponk @Zyler Screenshots:
  18. Date: 24/05/2024 Activity: Patrolling Participants: @Phrost @MetalHead @Zyler Screenshots:
  19. Date: 24/05/2024 Activity: Securing the VIP Participants: @Phrost @MetalHead @Zyler Screenshots:
  20. Vehicle ID: 598 Wrap access: alper35, st3v3n517 This wrap is not being used in HLS, decided to upload it as a custom.
  21. Moved to archive since the requesting icon service is closed.
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