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Everything posted by Absent

  1. Happy birthday, man!
  2. Happy Birthday kuchka!
  3. Happy birthday, man!
  4. ^[] Involved SAI members: Len Robinson, Jemain West, Thomas Reed, Sam-B and more Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None Other involved people: Tom Jordi, FBI agents, ICE officers, medic Date, time and duration of activity: 26th of June, 21:45 - 22:15 PM Activity type: Roleplay Activity Details: Len Robison and Tom Jordi were patrolling state-wide under Adam-64. They were on Interstate 25 when the suspect, Soza Tommy, drove past them, exceeding the speed limit with 44 kph. Soza Tommy was pulled over by Adam-64 and traffic stop was initiated. During MDC check performed by Len Robinson, Soza Tommy managed to pull out a firearm and take Tom Jordi as a hostage. AIR unit and DAVID units were requested. Soza Tommy was followed to several places when finally he was baricaded in a house located on Grove Street, Ganton, Los Santos. Soza Tommy had someone who aided him commit the crime. The following individual wasn't identified. Len Robinson attempted negotiating with Soza Tommy and the other suspect, but without success. Green light was given to the DAVID units to take down the suspects. Upon neutralizing them, officer Tom Jordi was injured. He was transported to the closest hospital where he got treated. After gathering the evidence coroner unit was called on scene to take care of the bodies. Coroner report is to be received in order to identify the individual aiding Soza Tommy. Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/CZTHGQC :::
  5. @AkyZ said in [SUGGESTION] SAES:RPG ( DEAD ) - SAES:GANGWAR ( RIGHT NAME ): @MarksMan said in [SUGGESTION] SAES:RPG ( DEAD ) - SAES:GANGWAR ( RIGHT NAME ): Nightstick "doesnt work like that BuT oK, it really works like that if I start recording the gameplay you'll see that you get arrested from 2-3 meters away hit Sometimes you get hit and arrested by it from 2-3 meters away, sometimes we hit them 4 times at the closest distance and there's no arrest happening. It's stupid for both sides. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjP2wgGQJzw That's due to the ping, I guess. Try arresting someone with 200-300 ping, you will need to hit him at least 10 times. Also, you could have easily arrested him when he was tazed the second time. When that happens ( tazing someone in the air ), just wait down and hit him with the nightstick. Simple as that.
  6. @Kybali0n said in [SUGGESTION]Economy reset: Not big deeal with my 4 m in game Same shit xD
  7. Ty all :3
  8. Lol pirates aren't those guys with beard,eyepatch etc that you see in the movies. Go check in google what pirates are really like and then talk about RP role and other stuff.
  9. @Skerdi I like how some people will start bringing shit up which is off the topic, just because they have no arguments and can't say anything else. When you dislike someone keep your opinion for yourself, because it has nothing to do with the topic here, sarcasm/insulting is totally unnecessary.
  10. HBD kuchka
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtax3Fl-UZo
  12. HBD nigger
  13. Lol whatever, who uses flashbangs anyway? Everyone who has been in the server for at least a week or so probably knows how to avoid them. Also, I love the feeling when a flashbang pops up in front of my face while I am shooting. Most cops just throw a flashbang randomly, rush and die. I really wonder why this suggestion was even made when the flashbangs are so useless. They can just be removed or somehow restricted.
  14. @ILLUSION said in Pro Cop (PC) for Criminals: @Absent said in Pro Cop (PC) for Criminals: RP in SAES is dead since years. The players who can actually roleplay can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Trust me @Ardron, it isn't that hard to join PC, so I don't really believe only " the best roleplayers " will join PC if they ever get that option. What do you think RP is? RP is not something that can be only made by people who come together to do some anims and /me dialogues. A criminal doing storerobs or a cop bribing a criminal, or a trucker doing deliveries, these are all RPs. RP cannot be dead as long as SAES:RPG's structure stays like this. This server is all about RP. If you want to see how a server without RP looks like, join MTA Pubg or Race servers. When you come to SAES:RPG, no matter what you do is RP to earn money or smth. So, don't think RP is only this: /talk /me gets license and ID. goes to police vehicle /wash comes back to criminal /talk /me hands the ID I have played in such non-RP servers, but I've also played in strict RP servers. SAES isn't a RP server, It is RPG server and trust me, there is difference between arresting criminals or killing cops just like that and roleplaying that thing. That's why that what you are talking about isn't real roleplay. Also, by saying this, you are telling me that everyone should be PC, because everyone can arrest criminals, right? Let's free invite everyone to PC, it's roleplay after all.
  15. RP in SAES is dead since years. The players who can actually roleplay can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Trust me @Ardron, it isn't that hard to join PC, so I don't really believe only " the best roleplayers " will join PC if they ever get that option.
  16. FOX Operations X - Training Date and time: 24th of March, 2019, 13:09 server time Description: FOX agents were gathered at base when they were about to do a training. The training was based on bank robbery breaching techniques which are to be enforced in future bank robberies. FOX agents headed to the training facility in the desert of Bone Country. Captain Absent was the one leading the training and he gave the instructions. Upon entering the facility the agents were trained where to stand, what to do, when to shoot, when to move in and so on. FOX agents as a whole team repeated the whole action several times until they finally understood how to breach in and clear the building efficiently. Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/YDT1EnG :::
  17. FOX regular patrol Date and time: 06/01/2019, 14:30 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pnHPinf
  18. Involved SAI members: Len Robinson, Marcus Lamirez, Ryan Wilson, Howard Penkins Responsible SAI Teams involved: SPTU Other involved people: Liam Harris, Z|Rosalina, Sylvanas_Wrynn, Date, time and duration of activity: 11/01/2019, 12:20 Activity type: Hostage situation Details: Los Santos Police Department requested SAI assistance to respond to a hostage situation at Blueberry, Red County. Soon enough SPTU team gathered at SAI Headquarters. The team moved to the scene and once it arrived, a perimeter was set up. Perimeter was controlled by the officers who came along the SPTU team. Meanwhile, the SPTU team started to negotiate with the fugitive. The fugitive agreed to surrender and came out of the apartment. Fugitive's name was Rosalina. Rosalina informed the SPTU team that the hostage is dead and right after that she was apprehended. The SPTU team, lead by Len Robinson, breached the apartment. They found injured officer, grunting in pain on the ground. Ambulance was called on scene and the officer was transported to the nearest hospital. In the meantime, SPTU team transported Rosalina to SAI Headquarters where she was processed. Rosalina plead guilty and was put behind the bars. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WtxbLDD
  19. Definitely not a DMer
  20. Old but gold, you said it :D
  21. So kill-arrest isn't realistic, but selling arms/drugs while being JBed is realistic. Man, if we start comparing SAES with the reality, woah, there is much to talk about then. Anyway, even that this " kill-arrest system " got implemented, I still don't see everyone getting the value from it. Only people who have been quite a while in the server are using this. Also, it's never that easy to stop the jailbreak even though this system exists. I suggest you try killing 10-20 criminals who are using drugs and camping the small corridor as you know that only 2-3 officers can fit there. No need to try doing that actually, let me tell you what will happen - you either get killed instantly or you get someone killed/jailed who gets JBed again after 1 second. Well, I believe that this kill/arrest system actually brought balance between cops and criminals, but of course, one of the sides will always complain. If the criminals get something new, the cops will complain as well, that's for sure. So basically both sides have to deal with it and that's it.
  22. Happy birthday, niq!
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