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Everything posted by Absent

  1. Damn, I don't really remember, but @Ramby helped me a lot when I was RDMC wannabe and afterwards as well.
  2. Happy Birthday @Pera98!!! Wish you all the best!
  3. @starwars said in [Suggestion]Groups: @absent said in [Suggestion]Groups: SAIs aren't traffic officers, but okay. "San Andreas Interceptors is a specialized State Police unit. Enforcing laws on the Highways and Interstates of San Andreas." It doesn't say " traffic officers ". It says " State Police unit ".
  4. @starwars said in [Suggestion]Groups: @kipt said in [Suggestion]Groups: I ain't saying that they should get deleted but move SAI to be a sub-group for PC wouldn't hurt, in my opinion. It would actually make sense, though I believe it is better the way it stands out right now due to their access to the build panel. SAI is way more restrictive with their applicants and filters them out quite better then SAPA, giving access to PC pretty much just for showing some interest and passing some easy tests. If you want it to be a real life based thing then yes, add SAI to PC as a subgroup, but then you'll have to make PC VERY restrictive and I don't really think it's the best of the ideas as even then every newbie ingame that just joined a month ago would want to get the PC Diploma just to have access to the build panel and draw dicks with cones around the place. In my opinion the best way is having it the way it is right now, though RP-wise there could be some changes done, for example, removing the traffic officer from PC, as essentially, SAIs are the traffic officers, yeah, for highways but still. SAIs aren't traffic officers, but okay.
  5. ::: FOX night patrol FOX crew: [FOX]Absent, [FOX]007, [FOX]Sam#, [FOX]Ha$$oni, [FOX*]Legend, [FOX]FireFox Date and time of the patrol: 18/08/2018 / 23:00 - 00:00 Screenshots: :::
  6. I am on the left. Let the roast begin!
  7. In-game name: Absent Username: bobi02 Age: 17 Nationality: Bulgarian Previous bans/punishments: Well, I have a couple which are actually in the circle of the joke. But in terms of those which can be classified under "serious" ones, I believe I have been adminjailed once or twice in the past. Recently no violations. Why you think you would be suitable for the role: Firstly, I am applying for this role, because it will be something new to me. I am actually being curious what it will be like to have some more responsibilities within the server. I clearly understand the housing rules, that's for sure. I am looking forward to be helpful to anyone who has a problem. I tend to make decisions based on my experience within the server and since I've been for 4 years here, I have pretty much knowledge of how the server actually works. I might seem mean to some people, but those who really know me, they are aware of how serious I am when there is something to be done. Anything I start, I finish it to the end. Anyway, it would be pleasure for me to help the community as a SAHA agent.
  8. Hell, yeah! I can finally rekt some crims without being camped!
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