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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Lincoln

  1. Date: 18/10/2023 Activity: Stopping PBR Participants: @mammy @Yandri @Lincoln Screenshots:
  2. Name: Lincoln Username: Abdivdbf Age: 21 Nationality: Dutch Squad: SWAT Policing Groups: DE - ProCops Pro Cop Since (date): 19-08-2023 Link to Pro Cop Sign-in Post: Previous Experience: My previous role as a Drill Sergeant at the Desert Eagles Military Academy was a valuable experience. I was responsible for training cadets and preparing them for their tests. This role not only honed my communication skills but also taught me the art of guiding individuals, even when they faced setbacks, which could be quite challenging at times. Why would you make a good tester?: What sets me apart is my unwavering commitment to going the extra mile in actively assisting and mentoring players who might not initially meet the ProCop standards. I closely engage with them, providing consistent guidance and feedback to help them grasp the specific issues hindering their approval. I offer unwavering support until they attain the necessary level of proficiency. This approach ensures that even the least experienced players have the opportunity to succeed and ultimately earn their ProCop diploma.
  3. Date: 13/09/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Zarc@Delta @Arkantos@MArk@SKY-911- Screenshots:
  4. Enjoyed a server wide roleplay for the first time in years, hopefully we'll see more of these in the future 👍
  5. Date: 12/09/2023 Activity: Stopping Rogue BB BR (5/8) Participants: @Lincoln@Rieeria@Infinity_@nulgath@Asgal Screenshots:
  6. Date: 12/09/2023 Activity: Stopping VVZ LV BR (6/8) Participants: @Lincoln@niceez@MetalHead@Asgal@Hesha@Infinity_@3KO Screenshots:
  7. Date: 29/08/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @reket @Arkantos @Lincoln Screenshots:
  8. Date: 27/08/2023 Activity: Stopping LV BR BB (4/8) Screenshots:
  9. DE vs CLO
  10. Date: 20/08/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Screenshots:
  11. Date: 15/08/2023 Activity: GRing CDC Screenshots:
  12. Date: 14/08/2023 Activity: Stopping Z BR TR (2/8) Screenshots:
  13. Date: 12/08/2023 Activity: GRing ThC Screenshots:
  14. Vehicle ID: 451 Wrap access: Thread for reward change: Wrap image or give existing standard wrap name: piglambo
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De64lyOElkk Tried replicating this with CLO and DE, I think everyone enjoyed it overall. With the majority of the community liking this & Infinity willing to provide the script for it, I don't see why this shouldn't be added. And por favor fix the hydra script 😭
  16. I'd like to use my last 20 remaining points for a turismo with the wrap "piglambo", Place it infront of SWAT Base in LV 👍
  17. Date: 02/08/2023 Activity: GRing The Company Screenshots:
  18. Date: 23/07/2023 Activity: Stopping VVZ BR Blueberry (2/8) Screenshots:
  19. Date: 22/07/2023 Activity: Stopping Z BR LV (0/8) Screenshots:
  20. Date: 24/07/2023 Activity: Stopping CR Screenshots:
  21. Date: 18/07/2023 Event Type: Blind Fallout LWS Host: Dufabo Prize: $1.000.000 Winner(s): Ironne Screenshots:
  22. Date: 17/07/2023 Event Type: Sky Boxing All vs All LWS Host: Dufabo Prize: $1.000.000 Winner(s): Arco Screenshots:
  23. Date: 17/07/2023 Event Type: Blind LMS LWS Host: Dufabo Prize: $1.000.000 Winner(s): Colobria Screenshots:
  24. Date: 09/07/2023 Event Type: Blind Fallout LWS Host: Dufabo Prize: $1.000.000 Winner(s): Stalin Screenshots:
  25. Date: 08/07/2023 Event Type: Sky Boxing All vs All LWS Host: Dufabo Prize: $1.000.000 Winner(s): Ammar Screenshots:
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