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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Lincoln

  1. Happy Birthday 🐐 🫶🏾
  2. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: abdivdbf Your ingame alias: Lincoln Your real name: Abdi Your DOB: 19/01/02 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Dutch Country of residence: Netherlands Language skills: Dutch & English and occasionally Spanish for hermana de burako. English Proficiency: Decent How long you have been playing: 8 years Your strengths: Connecting with others in an approachable manner, making them feel comfortable when seeking help- This was honed during my time in management roles at organizations like NavM and SWAT. By being open and approachable, I've learned to reassure members, creating an environment where they feel supported. Many players who initially sought my help have since become key members of the community, showing the impact of this supportive approach. Addtionally I consider myself dedicated to my craft - When I pick something up I go beyond the standard, those who've given me the chance in DE and SWAT can vouch for me. Your weaknesses: Here is where the above mentioned dedication nails me in the foot - I tend to overdo things at times resulting in a burn out where my character turns ass. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: Beyond the standard roles of a CS member, I'd rather prioritize providing enjoyable gameplay, gapping the bridge between enforcing the rules and having fun what in my opinion is overlooked alot. The unqiue DE vs CLO wars I've recently gotten to host with Burako, showcased the importance of engaging community wide events, with server reaching peaks of 150 players, it's clear that these activities play a crucial role in sustaining high server activity. I intend to delve deeper into hosting such activities on a wider scale - perhaps even with the support of the developers giving the community something to look forward to rather than standard powerhours. Unique qualities you can offer: As a former NavM leader and SWAT HQ, I've gotten the oppertunity to deeply indulgde in both sides of the server allowing me to see the short commings of each. As a CS member this would help me navigate in tricky situation that aren't written in F1 but rather common sense. I can also offer you free work out & meal plans and 10% off anytime fitness if that is not convincing enough. ( I'm fat I get it through my brother ). Server Memberships: SWAT Honorary & DE HQ Additional information: 德羅特是素食主義者 & 你很可愛 Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I have a few adminjails on my record, but barely remember the last one that was in 2020, dancing in and out of markers I believe. I mention fitness on my application and Blade adminjails me for avoiding arrest 😔, jokes aside you'd think avoiding would be my last concern considering I just spent a year as SWAT HQ but shit happens I guess. Previous (legitimate) bans: Got banned for using multiple accounts by Master in 2020.
  3. Reading the title truly hurt allah ya rahmou
  4. abdivdbf Lucky Street7 SF
  5. Ingame name: Lincoln Ingame username: Abdivdbf Previous organizations and leaving causes: Been quite a few to bo honest - Mainly S.W.A.T. for the past 2 years, left it to try and find some joy for the remainder of this silly server through turfing. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is a symphony of crime, pulling strings in the shadows. Having a crew that varies from influential politicians to rutheless mercenaries, orchestrated under a structured hierarchy that has the Emperor at the top. Widely ranging in criminal activities from drug and weapon trafficking, contracat killing and even the finesse of money laundering through their set of casinos and other facilities. What binds you with Underground Empire: UE being the first gang I joined back in 2015/16 where I learnt the basics to then now applying for it almost 9 years later feels ironic. Ending the yourney where you started it gives a sense of closure. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a structural way of approaching illegal activities. With a hierarchy that each have their own set of tasks that are essential for the overall success.
  6. Date: 06/11/2023 Activity: Stopping LS BR (0/8) Participants: @SILIKONDY @Strong @Itachi @Zarc Screenshots:
  7. Date: 05/11/2023 Activity: Stopping Blue Berry BR (2/8 BB) Participants: @Zarc @Doom @Lincoln @SILIKONDY @krecik @moley. Screenshots:
  8. Date: 05/11/2023 Activity: Stopping CR Participants: @Zarc @Doom @Lincoln @SILIKONDY @krecik @moley. Screenshots:
  9. Date: 05/11/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Zarc @Doom @Lincoln Screenshots:
  10. Date: 05/11/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Enemy44 @Dinaz @Lincoln Screenshots:
  11. Date: 04/11/2023 Activity: Training at Dust2 Participants: @Killer @Dinaz @moley. @Doom @Coma @Takagi @Mitchie @SILIKONDY @Ryns @Yuki @Lincoln @Candy Screenshots:
  12. Date: 04/11/2023 Activity: VIP Protection Participants: @Takagi @Candy @Killer Screenshots:
  13. Date: 04/11/2023 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @Dinaz @Doom @Candy @Takagi @Lincoln @SILIKONDY Screenshots:
  14. Date: 04/11/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @DROT @SILIKONDY @Coma @General @nCov Screenshots:
  15. Date: 04/11/2023 Organization Robbed: Outfit Participants: @Doom @Dinaz @SILIKONDY @Candy @nCov @Lincoln @Razor Screenshots:
  16. Date: 04/11/2023 Organization Robbed: CDC Participants: @Lincoln @niceez @Cappo @Candy @moley. @nulgath @Razor @nCov @Doom @reket @Zarc Screenshots:
  17. Date: 27/10/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Nishki @Cappo @Enemy44 Screenshots:
  18. Date: 24/10/2023 Activity: Stopping CR Participants: @Nishki @moley. @Dinaz @Strong Screenshots:
  19. Date: 24/10/2023 Activity: Stopped HR Participants: @Nishki @mammy @niceez Screenshots:
  20. Date: 24/10/2023 Activity: Stopped JB Participants: @Nishki @Ammarr @mammy @moley. Screenshots:
  21. Date: 23/10/2023 Activity: Stopping PBR Participants: @Killer @Dinaz @Lincoln @moley.@Nishki@Aoxy@Pulsee@MetalHead Screenshots:
  22. Date: 17/10/2023 Activity: Stopping TR BR Participants: @Killer @Dinaz @Lincoln Screenshots:
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