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Everything posted by Razak

  1. This is a manual post TXN ID: 862203736P1597108 Donation Amount: <AMOUNT HERE> eg. 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: #800080 Specify any upgrades: N/A Username to lock: isis02 Where you want it placed: SF Airport For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  2. @Silent said in ~Cartel Da Sinaloa~ | Level 1: @xDarkMan said in ~Cartel Da Sinaloa~ | Level 1: hahahahahahah Hmm Silent Chouft CDS Kifh Nakha McJoni HadaQ na9che Nta MachfitChe 3lih Ay 3atay Kbir Nakna Khdamna Khdamna Houwa ja BasahLa nak 10 RP fa Nhar ay Nikoumou Ba3dD :D
  3. Happy birthday
  4. Address: Shopping Area Corp **Account name:**Nigatar **Last seen:**26th March 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Address: Accomidation Quaters 4 Account name: Nigatar Last seen: 26th March 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Address: Sweet Smoothie Store Account name: pablo190 Last seen:7th February 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Event number # 8 Event Name : Rhino Shooter LWS/G6 : @AntiRug Prize : 1m Winner(s) : @Casper Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. @LopeZz Lopez respect u'r self
  9. Lopez Crazy edit the post
  10. @CrazyDusty eyyy i said don't post anything here
  11. Please don't post anything here
  12. @Greed Hold your personal opinion and don't show it to everyone
  13. Event number # 4 Event Name : Chicken Shooter LWS/G6 : @Crash Prize : 1m Winner(s) : David Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. RP number #5 Story: And I was at our base, I was thinking about how to get some weapons for our gang and we didn't have much money so I thought that there is a place in Los Santos He has all kinds of weapons. After good thinking, I decided to start my car because there is not a lot of police, so I started and started thinking about a logical plan in order to not get into trouble and not be exposed because the police are very difficult in Los Sanatos. With my long walk towards Los Santos I arrived and parked the car a little far from the place where the weapons are, so I waited a long time before I started carrying out the operation, so there was no one around. I moved the car towards my destination and he was the weapon shop, so I entered it, thinking that I would buy weapons from him and started talking to him. After that, I made sure that he did not have the weapon in hand, so I took my weapon and directed it towards him, and he was very frightened, and he was unaware of him traveling with him. Finally, I collected the boxes and supplies I wanted, loaded them into the car, and went to the end.
  15. Event number # 2 Event Name : Rhino Shooter LWS/G6 : Brondy Prize : 1m Winner(s) : Barboy Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Activity number # 3 Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Event number # 1 Event Name : LWS/G6 : Mathewes Prize : 1m Winner(s) : Barman Screenshot: ::: :::
  18. Address:Discount Tv Shop Account name:fbixmato Last seen:27th January 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vzeehoj
  19. Good Luck <3
  20. LV BR 8/8 - 02/03/2020 ::: :::
  21. Assisting on BR ::: :::
  22. Assisting on BR's ::: :::
  23. @MeDai1 meet me ingame
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