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Everything posted by Razak

  1. Address:5 Las Barrancas Trailer Park Account name:dango420 Last seen:28 october 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. -116- Event Type: Guess The Number Event Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6:@Cornelius Winner: @Jake Screens: ::: :::
  3. -115- Event Type: Musical chairs Event Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6:@Cornelius Winner: Murtaza Screens: ::: :::
  4. Good Luck <3
  5. -114- Event Type: Rhino Shooter Event Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6:@Cornelius Winner: Screens: ::: :::
  6. -110- Event Type: Fallout+DD+Dune Event Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6: @Cornelius Winner: @Smokey Screens: ::: :::
  7. -109- Event Type: Fallout+DD+Dune Event Prize: 1.000.000~[$]~(green) LWS/G6: @Cornelius Winner: @Max Screens: ::: :::
  8. -108- Event Type: Chicken Kicker Event Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6: @Cornelius Winner: @Draven Screens: ::: :::
  9. #77 Roleplay ::: Participants: @Sweets Story: While I was lying in my house at 9:00 and I was in the footsteps of sleep and I enjoyed looking at the stars, I fell asleep and then I heard a strange sound. When I woke up, I did not find anyone and I came back to my place and heard the sound again. Here I thought that someone had tried to steal my arms He came from behind the door when I came to catch him and found a sudden and was a member of a group and this person was called SweeTy I was surprised at what is in my house began to discuss with him did not answer I put him in the car and took him to our headquarters began to question him and he told me I am here to steal drugs to take To our own headquarters I was marveled at this Vassal Its why they told me they would like to sell them to other bands so I did tortured him and kicked him and placed him in front of their base SS: :::
  10. -106- Event Type: Rhino Shooter Event Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6: @zaza Winner: @Draven Screens: ::: :::
  11. -105- Event Type: Checken Nader Event Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6: (Worker) @AdemBygt Winner: @Sweets Screens: ::: :::
  12. -104- Event Type: Chicken Shooter Event Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6: (Worker) @AdemBygt Winner: @Slimani Screens: ::: :::
  13. #76 Roleplay ::: @Sweets said in Clandestine Mob - Media archive: Roleplay#180 Participants: @Razak Story The next day was a sunny day when I was at the base. I had a little bit of money yesterday. I looked for someone with high class drugs. I found a member that Mongols MC. I called him and I told him that I wanted some of the drugs that are widely used in the country (Marikwan, Cocaine). He told me there was all that he wanted. I went to see these goods and I loved them as soon as the eye smelled good. I needed some cleaning because our nerves were still fresh. I told him that this was too slow and stopped while loading with him. But I have said: Allow me to try it first, I opened the box to take a bag and I felt a very good experience.``I liked it, I took it in the car and at the same time we agreed on the price of $ 100,000 shook hands and told him I would call him after I arrived at the base. I called him and told him I was fine after I arrived at the base I started downloading the goods and waited for my friends to come and enjoy. This is the end :::
  14. In-game Name: [MMC]RaZaK[*] Role-play Name: Farid.Ramzi Username: isis02 Nationality: Algerian How often are you on the server? (Hours per week): Yes i'm active 4-5 hours per day, Current organization: MMC English proficiency (1/10): 7/10 What position would you like to apply for: Ministry of Justice Current role-play affiliations (groups): Nope Why do you deem yourself fit for the Liberty Party:I am committed to others and I am active and have a good reputation in the server ,i hope that i be part of the Liberty Party.
  15. Address:Bc Motel Room #2 Account name:ptgboss Last seen:9th August 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Best OF Luck Guys :) <3
  17. -91- ~[Event Type:]~(blueviolet,black) Hide&Seek ~[Event Prize:]~(blueviolet,black) 1.000.000$ ~[LWS/G6:]~(blueviolet,black) @Brooks ~[Winner]~(blueviolet,black): @Reus ~[Screens:]~(blueviolet,black) ::: :::
  18. Address:14 jefferson Block Account name:kingkush Last seen:17th september 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. #73 Roleplay ::: @Ramby said in Five-0 Media Archive: RP Number: 8 RP date: 15/10/2019 RP explanation: Five-0 task force unit Alpha was on a state-wide patrol when they encountered a suspicious activity ongoing near an abandoned garage. The officers stopped their car and took a good overview of the situation. There was an ongoing drug deal right in front of their eyes. Both officers rushed out and told the suspects to go face down to the ground. While one officer was holding them at gunpoint, the other one was searching their pockets. A few weapons came out of the search with some strange white substance. Enough reason to book them. They both got arrested and were brought to LSPD for questioning. Both officers went to a code 7 after this successful score. Involved organizations: CripZ and Mongols-MC Involved people: Ramby, Terry, @Casper and @Razak Screenshot album: https://imgur.com/a/CvMnHmp :::
  20. GL <3
  21. Type: Chiken Arrest LWS/G6: @KARIM Prize: 1 000 000 $ Winner: @Liyones Screenshots: ::: :::
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