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Everything posted by Razak

  1. 2/9/2020 Assisting Navm On Br: Other screens ::: ::: Assisting AA On Br: Other screens ::: ::: SR:
  2. Ingame name: Razak Ingame username: isis02 Previous organizations and leaving causes: ::: OC/CRIPZ/THC/BBMC/MMC/TST/FBI/SAFP/Z/O/INKAS. OC: It was my first gang where I gained experience but in the end the gang Closed. THC: Interchange Betwenn OC and ThC. BBMC: The gang Closed. MMC: 2 Generation But CLosed. FBI: It was the squad I got free invite i was new in this server and i dont know anyting about SAESRPG i mean Forum and Posting in media archive The HQ was Algeria and he told me if you didnt post in media archive for 1 week you will get kicked (Kicked). TST: 3 Generation with Jhon and It was nice Squad But Leader Choose to close it. SAFP: After two months I decided to go out because I got tired of Cop Side. The Outfit; I got good friends, I did enough help, and about three months ago, my friends decided to open a new gang and they wanted me to help, so I decided to go out with permission from the headquarters. Z; Almost the same reason (The Outfit) But To help in INKAS. INKAS: It was a month and a half, and that is exactly what happened because my friend and I JUKY made enough help. ::: Define Underground Empire: It is one of the most famous gangs, as it has great experience in drugs, weapons and dealing with other gangs, especially the way of dealing, and it has a good reputation San Andias. What binds you with Underground Empire: They are good people and I liked the way they played, as well as the good treatment of people, and I do not forget that I have friends there, which gave me strength and will to join. What do you know about organized crime: Everyone knows the gang, and it plays its full role in San Andreas, with all rewards, in an orderly and fair way.
  3. Happy birthday <3
  4. @Brophy confirm please :)
  5. TXN ID: 5GH271581V9028034 Donation Amount: 30.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Username to lock: (your username only, use /dvm to add additional users) Where you want it placed: isis02 For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  6. Ingame name: Razak Ingame username: isis02 Previous organizations and leaving causes: ::: OC/CRIPZ/THC/BBMC/MMC/TST/FBI/SAFP/Z/O/INKAS. OC: It was my first gang where I gained experience but in the end the gang Closed. THC: Interchange Betwenn OC and ThC. BBMC: The gang Closed. MMC: 2 Generation But CLosed. FBI: It was the squad I got free invite i was new in this server and i dont know anyting about SAESRPG i mean Forum and Posting in media archive The HQ was Algeria and he told me if you didnt post in media archive for 1 week you will get kicked (Kicked). TST: 3 Generation with Jhon and It was nice Squad But Leader Choose to close it. SAFP: After two months I decided to go out because I got tired of Cop Side. The Outfit; I got good friends, I did enough help, and about three months ago, my friends decided to open a new gang and they wanted me to help, so I decided to go out with permission from the headquarters. Z; Almost the same reason (The Outfit) But To help in INKAS. INKAS: It was a month and a half, and that is exactly what happened because my friend and I JUKY made enough help. ::: Define Underground Empire: The Underground Empire They sell the best weapons and Drugs they have acquired and know the expreses about how to make illegal weapons and drugs, and to transport goods to other organizations in secret ways, as well as the Underground Empire builds on a great reputation by providing weapons to San Andreas and they are the best in it, at recent days. What binds you with Underground Empire: really liked the way they played, the good members they owned and the strength of character they had that I hadn't seen before, and that gives me self-confidence. What do you know about organized crime: It is a well-known, well-rounded gang with a great reputation and experience in this field, which operates with all fairness and sincerity.
  7. Address: 1 Tuckedaway Terrace Account name: cholinlin Last seen: 16th june 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PrjR1hj
  8. Name & nickname: Razak Nationality: Algeria English proficiency (State your level, f.e: B1): B1 Punishment history (Detailed): Just 1 Adminjail for Deathmatchig Past organizations history (Detailed): Ingame i'll explain. Reason of your application to The Royals (Minimum two lines): I really like team play, I played with them, and in the way they played, they are loved and at the same time loyal to each other, I was absent two weeks ago because of the death of my dear father, I was previously thinking of joining them. Summarize the role of The Royals with your own sentences (Minimum two lines): The Royals is a specialized secret agent group who gather intel and work closely with the national government to prevent or diminish terrorist activity. Why should we pick you over others?: I am a friendly and sincere person. I know that some people do not believe that. As for me, I will help a lot with my experience that I possess. I respect the one who is older than me and the youngest of me. What unit would you like to join? Either Undercover or Intelligence Unit (State your reason of preference): I really don't care, but if I choose one, I will take full turns, so I will Intelligence Unit. Oath: I, Razak, swear that this application has been written by myself and was taken from the first page, I am aware of the consequences if I don't follow the stated rules in F1 and Rules section of Royal. I (Razak), promise to serve for the honour of Great Britain and her majesty.
  9. Happy Birthday Karouma
  10. LS House near SR Plus car spawn Starting bid: 5m Minimum bid increase: 250k ::: :::
  11. Adress: Daniel Vine Storage Username: batallorawness Last seen: 25/06/2020 SS: https://imgur.com/a/HRzmkQk
  12. Address: 2 Monkeyface street Account name: batallorawness Last seen: 25 th june 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/62BeYmu
  13. Address: Aa Hideout 1 Account name: batallorawness Last seen: 25 th june 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pJXEFve
  14. MIT - Application Form Username: isis02 Account name: Razak Age: 17 years old Nationality: Algerian Languages: English,Arabic,Frensh English skills (1-10): 8/10 Do you have Discord: RaZaK#2696 How long you play SAES/RPG: sinse 2017 How much in-game hours do you have: 1770 Hours Do you have Procop Diploma: Nah cuz before i playing as crim Previous Gang/Squad/Company: OC/X/REBELS/Z/SAFP/FBI/CRIPZ/THC/O/MMC/BBMC/INKAS Have ever been banned before: Never Read the rules and explain them in detail: Explain Rule 3: Do not patrol alone if there are officers available. Explain Rule 4: It is strictly forbidden to arrest players under 5 stars. Always privilege tough criminals. Let the criminals 5 seconds to react for your RP ask. Explain Rule 6:Marker kill,revenge dm,Deathmatching,Marker arrest All this not allowed. Explain Rule 8: We cant arrest at hospital,Event..... Why do you want to join us ?: Because I'm active player i have experiance I can help a lot in media archive and a lot of player know me at this server.
  15. Address: 10 Downing street Account name: 4th april 2020 Last seen: baffousam Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fQHAfr9
  16. Address: Tierra Robada Pharmacy Account name: w321321 Last seen: 18th June 2020 Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/1SaZTXv :::
  17. Good Luck <3
  18. @Brophy Confirm Please
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