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Everything posted by Razak

  1. Date and time: - 12/06/2021 Location: LVX Estimated Duration of Working: 30 minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 8 Type of activity: Repairing Cars ScreenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/joCWQpc :::
  2. Participants in The RP: @hessan210 me RP Scenario: On a normal day full of hard work, someone called me in the middle of the night and he had a problem with his car or something. He has a simple problem and does not require any effort or much time, so I started to work and did not waste any time despite the fatigue and exhaustion, but I modified his car and then tested it, I do not know how fast it is because the person was suffering from a speed problem and he complained to me that it does not reach the maximum speed, but I solved the problem completely After that we agreed on the price and everything and he was very satisfied, and then we parted and each of us went home Sreenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/tRCAvSZ :::
  3. Hang-Around Number: 3 TMH Members Involved: @Villain Duration of Hang: 1 Hour Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/tiep3ka :::
  4. Date and Time: 05/06/2021 Activity: Repairing cars Number of Members: 3 ScreenShot(s)/If Any: ::: :::
  5. Hang-Around Number: 2 TMH Members Involved: @Proton @Killer @Ekko Duration of Hang: 35 mins Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/gwnKgih :::
  6. @jukyplatinium said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive: TMH Technicians Working on: 05/06/2021 TMH Technicians Involved: JukyPlatinium Location: LVX Estimated Duration of Working: 13 minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 11 Helpers: @Razak Screenshots : ::: (https://imgur.com/a/pHFi8LF) :::
  7. Hang-Around Number: 1 TMH Members Involved: @JukyPlatinium Duration of Hang: 45mins Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Date and Time: 05/06/2021 Evening Activity: Repairing cars Number of Members Online: 1 memeber ScreenShot(s)/If Any: ::: https://imgur.com/a/rcCdz0n :::
  9. Number of Activity: 70 Date of Activity : 04/06/2021 Type of Activity : Protecting VIP Involved Members: Juky Razak Sohayb White Screenshots:
  10. Date and Time: 05/06/2021 in Morning Activity: Repairing cars Number of Members Online: No one but i was just chilling with Final he spawned as FBI ScreenShot(s)/If Any: ::: https://imgur.com/a/neTjzlc :::
  11. Some problems at photo's Here is the icon & place
  12. Number of RolePlay: 17 Date of RolePlay : 24/05/2021 @dawis67 said in Mongols MC Media Archive: ^[] Date: 24.05.2021 Roleplay Number: 46 Participants: @Bean @Razak Story: An unknown caller reached out to the clubhouse, requesting for the head of the club. Dawis took over the call. The caller asked if a meeting could be set up for a possible business opportunity. The caller seemed serious enough that a meeting was arranged. Caller insisted on meeting at the Clucking Bell in East LS. Upon the arrival at the location, a man in a cop uniform came out of a parked car in the driveway. He identified himself as the caller and assured he was off duty. Mongols doesn't deal with cops, but they were interested enough to hear him out. The issue at hand was a certain person that did the cop dirty. Backed into a corner and without lawful path to take the officer had turned to the outlaws for assistance. The job was easy enough, intimidation to drop the charges. The pay was just good enough, and upfront. As the man explained in detail the person of interest, he took a bag from the trunk with 20 G's in paper cash. With the information and money in hand assured the cop the job would be done in few days. The person of interest was a female casher, currently staying at Bone County Hotel. Upon her arrival home, after the days shift at the store, the unfortunate woman was greeted by bad looking bikers with bats. The woman was begging the men to leave her alone and assured she will drop the case. After the Mongols were done with her, it was certain she wasn't talking. Screenshot(s): ^[]
  13. Number of Event: 39 Date of Event : 2021/05/19 Type of Event : Kill the lws LWS/Helper : Judy Prize : 1.000.000$ Winner : Taffy ScreenShots :
  14. @Bean ~[Accepted]~(lime,lime) & Invited Welcome! @Animator11 ~[Denied]~(red,red) We are not sure of you at the moment. You can apply after 2 weeks
  15. Number of Activity: 61 Date of Activity : 16/05/2021 Type of Activity : Protecting VIP Involved Members: Razak,Frizi,Sohayb ScreenShots :
  16. Number of Activity: 60 Date of Activity : 16/05/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping SR Involved Members: Razak,Frizi,Sohayb ScreenShots :
  17. Number of Activity: 58 Date of Activity : 12/05/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping BR Involved Members: Paralita Razak Orphan
  18. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 40GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 2 month Why do you need this change? new base https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21147/razak-donation-30gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19127/donation-razak-amount-10-00gbp ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: FBI Rancher, Police LV Car and Shamal Location: Property the donation vehicles are located at: Kart Club ( Owner: isis02 ) and LV Airport ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: FBI Rancher, Police LV Car and a dodo Location: DIA BC BASE
  19. Number of Event: 19 Date of Event : 02/05/2021 Type of Event : Lucky RPG LWS/Helper : Judyes Prize : $1.000.00. Winner : Kodijo ScreenShots :
  20. Number of Event: 18 Date of Event : 02/05/2021 Type of Event : Fallout LWS/Helper : Judyes Prize : $1.000.00. Winner : Kaki ScreenShots :
  21. Number of Event: 17 Date of Event : 02/05/2021 Type of Event : Rhino Shooter LWS/Helper : Judyes Prize : $1.000.00. Winner : Anto ScreenShots :
  22. Number of Event: 16 Date of Event : 02/05/2021 Type of Event : Chicken Arrest LWS/Helper : Judyes Prize : $1.000.00. Winner : Orten ScreenShots :
  23. Number of Activity: 48 Date of Activity : 30/04/2021 Type of Activity : Protecting VIP Involved Members: Juky,Razak,Paralita ScreenShots :
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