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Everything posted by flappy

  1. Date: 31/08/2024 Activity: Stopping the SR Participants: @flappy @MrYOLO @Gotchi Screenshots:
  2. Date: 31/08/2024 Activity: Patrolling Participants: @flappy @DJO @MrYOLO Screenshots:
  3. Date: 29/08/2024 Activity: Securing the vip Participants: @flappy @Takagi @DJO @Enemy44 Screenshots:
  4. Date: 29/08/2024 Activity: Patrolling Participants: @flappy @Hammer @Miltingary @Diavolo @Takagi Screenshots:
  5. Date: 30/06/2024 Activity: Stopping a BR(LV) Participants: @flappy @Yukii @PsyGhost @Aveyro @Dinaz Screenshots:
  6. Date: 21/06/2024 Activity: Stopping a BR(LV) Participants: @flappy @Aveyro @Dinaz @Yukii Screenshots:
  7. Date: 10/06/2024 Activity: Stopping a SR Participants: @flappy @Jojo @Epichu Screenshots:
  8. Date: 09/06/2024 Activity: Stopping a BR(SF) Participants: @flappy @Rasta @3KO Screenshots:
  9. Date: 05/06/2024 Activity: Stopping a BR(BB) Participants: @flappy @Rasta @Aveyro @Dinaz @reket Screenshots:
  10. Date: 05/06/2024 Activity: Stopping a BR(SF) Participants: @flappy @Rasta @nulgath @Aveyro Screenshots:
  11. Date: 05/06/2024 Event Type: Marathon LWS Host: @Thundeer Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): @Shikomaru Screenshots:
  12. Date: 05/06/2024 Event Type: Dragon cage LWS Host: @Thundeer Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): @Shikomaru Screenshots:
  13. Date: 04/06/2024 Event Type: Chicken shooter LWS Host: @Thundeer Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): Dimatrack Screenshots:
  14. Date: 04/06/2024 Event Type: Land on my picador LWS Host: @Thundeer Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): disceetobject87 Screenshots:
  15. Date: 04/06/2024 Event Type: LMS face to face LWS Host: @Thundeer Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): Mr.Icardi Screenshots:
  16. Date: 04/06/2024 Event Type: Race to MC TOP LWS Host: @Thundeer Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): Stark Screenshots:
  17. Date: 04/06/2024 Activity: Stopping a BR(TR) Participants: @flappy @Dinaz @chef Screenshots:
  18. Date: 04/06/2024 Event Type: Fallout LWS Host: @Thundeer Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): Mr.cardi Screenshots:
  19. Date: 04/06/2024 Event Type: Lucky nade LWS Host: @Thundeer Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): @EDU Screenshots:
  20. Date: 04/06/2024 Event Type: Destruction derby LWS Host: @Thundeer Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): @Shikomaru Screenshots:
  21. Date: 04/06/2024 Event Type: LMS LWS Host: @Thundeer Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): Stark Screenshots:
  22. Date: 04/06/2024 Activity: Stopping a SR Participants: @flappy @PsyGhost @Zarc Screenshots:
  23. Date: 04/06/2024 Activity: Patrolling Participants: @flappy @PsyGhost @Zarc @Lincoln Screenshots:
  24. Date: 04/06/2024 Activity: Patrolling Participants: @flappy @Aveyro @achour Screenshots:
  25. Date: 02/06/2024 Activity: Patrolling Participants: @flappy @Zarc @lazar_ Screenshots:
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