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Everything posted by flappy

  1. Date: 02/03/2025 Activity: Stopping a BR(SF) Participants: @flappy @Manny @Crank Screenshot:
  2. Date: 02/03/2025 Activity: Patrolling Participants: @flappy @Manny @Crank @Lincoln @Strong @Gotchi Screenshot:
  3. Date: 02/03/2025 Activity: Stopping a JB Participants: @flappy @Manny @Crank @Lincoln Screenshot:
  4. Date: 01/03/2025 Activity: Patrolling Participants: @flappy @Gotchi @Hammer Screenshot:
  5. Date: 28/02/2025 Activity: Stopping a JB Participants: @flappy @Crank @Mr.Xleepy Screenshot:
  6. Date: 28/02/2025 Activity: Stopping a JB Participants: @flappy @Crank @Aoxy Screenshot:
  7. Date: 28/02/2025 Activity: Stopping a PBR(BB) Participants: @flappy @Glayd @Zarc Screenshot:
  8. Date: 26/02/2025 Event Type: Face to Face Uzi LWS Host: @flappy Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): @DR Ahmed Screenshots:
  9. Date: 26/02/2025 Event Type: Face to Face Deagle LWS Host: @flappy Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): @Filex Screenshots:
  10. Date: 26/02/2025 Event Type: LMS LWS Host: @flappy Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): @koko Screenshots:
  11. Date: 25/02/2025 Activity: Securing the Jail Participants: @flappy @Strong @Coma Screenshot:
  12. Date: 25/02/2025 Event Type: LMS LWS Host: @flappy Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): @lmchouma Screenshots:
  13. Date: 25/02/2025 Event Type: Nade LMS LWS Host: @flappy Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): @slayski Screenshots:
  14. Date: 23/02/2025 Event Type: 1 vs 1 Airbox LWS Host: @flappy Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): @alone Screenshots:
  15. Date: 23/02/2025 Event Type: All vs All box LWS Host: @flappy Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): @3KO Screenshots:
  16. Date: 23/02/2025 Event Type: LMS LWS Host: @flappy Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): @BlaZe Screenshots:
  17. Date: 22/02/2025 Activity: Stopping the SR Participants: @flappy @Aoxy @Gotchi Screenshot:
  18. Date: 22/02/2025 Activity: Patrolling Participants: @flappy @Hammer @Infinity_ @Gotchi @PsyGhost @Crank Screenshot:
  19. Date: 22/02/2025 Activity: Stopping a BR(WH) Participants: @flappy @Crank @Manny @Hammer @kellerman Screenshot:
  20. Date: 21/02/2025 Activity: Stopping a BR(WH) Participants: @flappy @Strong @Crank Screenshot:
  21. Date: 21/02/2025 Event Type: 1 vs 1 Sniper LWS Host: @flappy Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): @koko Screenshots:
  22. Date: 21/02/2025 Event Type: LMS LWS Host: @flappy Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): @scat Screenshots:
  23. Date: 21/02/2025 Activity: Patrolling Participants: @flappy @Aoxy @Crank @Glayd Screenshot:
  24. Date: 19/02/2025 Activity: Stopping a BR(TR) Participants: @flappy @Jojo @Crank Screenshot:
  25. Date: 19/02/2025 Activity: Stopping a JB Participants: @flappy @Zarc @Hammer Screenshot:
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