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Everything posted by flappy

  1. Date: 15/09/2024 Participants: @flappy Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots:
  2. Date: 15/09/2024 Activity: Stopping a PBR(SF) Participants: @flappy @Doom @Carlos @Hammer Screenshots:
  3. Date: 15/09/2024 Activity: Patrolling Participants: @flappy @Doom @Mitchie Screenshots:
  4. Date: 14/09/2024 Activity: Stopping a BR(TR) Participants: @flappy @Doom @Gotchi @Zarc Screenshots:
  5. Date: 14/09/2024 Event Type: All vs All boxing LWS Host: @Winter_Soldier Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @PhantomS Screenshots:
  6. Date: 14/09/2024 Event Type: Destroy my car LWS Host: @Winter_Soldier Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @BOB Screenshots:
  7. Date: 14/09/2024 Activity: Stopping a SR Participants: @flappy @Mitchie @Carlos Screenshots:
  8. Date: 14/09/2024 Activity: Stopping a SR Participants: @flappy @Mitchie @Pandashi @Carlos Screenshots:
  9. Date: 14/09/2024 Activity: Stopping a BR(BB) Participants: @flappy @Dinaz @Gotchi @Juky Screenshots:
  10. Date: 14/09/2024 Activity: Stopping a BR(SF) Participants: @flappy @Dinaz @Gotchi Screenshots:
  11. Date: 13/09/2024 Participants: @flappy Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 30 minutes Screenshots:
  12. Date: 13/09/2024 Participants: @flappy Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots:
  13. Date: 13/09/2024 Event Type: All vs all 1 hp boxing LWS Host: @I-Gun Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @Zyler Screenshots:
  14. Date: 13/09/2024 Event Type: 1 vs 1 deagle LWS Host: @I-Gun Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @Mario Screenshots:
  15. Date: 12/09/2024 Activity: Securing the VIP Participants: @kellerman @flappy @MrYOLO Screenshots:
  16. Date: 12/09/2024 Participants: @flappy Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots:
  17. Date: 12/09/2024 Participants: @flappy Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots:
  18. Date: 12/09/2024 Event Type: Land on my DFT LWS Host: @Winter_Soldier Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @Dinaz Screenshots:
  19. Date: 12/09/2024 Activity: Patrolling Participants: @flappy @Dinaz @Gotchi Screenshots:
  20. Date: 12/09/2024 Event Type: LMS LWS Host: @Stark Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @Orten Screenshots:
  21. Date: 11/09/2024 Participants: @flappy @Glayd @Laciden @ja9A Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots:
  22. Date: 11/09/2024 Participants: @flappy @Glayd @Laciden Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots:
  23. Date: 11/09/2024 Participants: @flappy @GetAway Type of activity: Patrol Duration: 15 minutes Screenshots:
  24. Date: 11/09/2024 Event Type: knock me from NRG LWS Host: @Winter_Soldier Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @Diavolo Screenshots:
  25. Date: 11/09/2024 Event Type: 1 vs 1 sniper LWS Host: @Winter_Soldier Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s): @Chasin1 Screenshots:
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