@Xavier said in The Online Market: That sounds cool, Although i dont really know what you mean by typing username and password. Just to prevent people from abusing you have to login with your ingame username and password
So basically i am suggesting this to prevent people from scamming each other and to make things easier so if this suggestion gets scripted and added to saes people will get alot of benifits such as: Doing trusted trades Buying a car or a house in 1 click. How it works (I designed the app) An app called MARKET will be added to the phone (M menu) You have to click on it and then a login screen will appeae wher eyou have to type your ingame username and password: After you successfully login this menu will appear where you will find multiple things for sale such as props and cars: When you click on show location a blip will appear on the map showing you the house location. And when you click buy the amount of money will be taken of your bank account and the prop will be owned by you When you click SELL a menu containing your props and cars will appear and you will be able to sell:
@Anas_ said in Saes Got Talent: My talent is being a fake friend and ditching them when they ask for a favor (i assume u know what i mean ;) ) Intresting stuff ma boi
@Tombaa said in Community Task - Mappers: @Zei said in Community Task - Mappers: @Zwolle Bitch please, Zwolle is ruining TT base mapping as we speak Sounds intresting he fucks up everything when drunk