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Everything posted by AntiRug

  1. Kudos @JohnnyEnglish ! Looking sweet!
  2. Date: 21/02/2021 Information: Stopping Lunas LSBR 1/8 Players involved(if any): @AntiRug / @Afufu / @XpooKs Screenshot: ::: :::
  3. Dear @happy1337 , FOX Operations X would like to thank you for your interests in joining our forces. Sadly, we have to notify you, that your application has been ~[denied.]~(red) There were a few red flags regarding your application. Stealing other applicants application answers is absolutely not tolerated. Also pretty clear that you are a fan of using translators, which we don't judge, but it does indicate that you do not have the sufficient ''natural'' English skills in order to be apart of ~[FOX Operations X.]~(navy) Feel free to reapply in two weeks again, if still interested. Although, we doubt our answer will be much different then. Regards, FOX sHQ Team
  4. Happy Birthday, Amigo!
  5. Date: 21/02/2021 The place of the event: LV Event type: Rhino Shooter LWS: Me, myself, and I. @AntiRug Prize: ~[$]~(lime) 1,000,000 Hosted by: FOX Operations X Winner: @Kiraa Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Date: 21/02/2021 The place of the event: LV Event type: Kamikaze My Shamal LWS: Me, myself, and I. @AntiRug Prize: ~[$]~(lime) 1,000,000 Hosted by: FOX Operations X Winner: @Weppo Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USljLNyOkmo&ab_channel=TomassRalfsB%C4%81li%C5%86%C5%A1
  8. Date: 19/02/2021 The place of the event: LS Event type: Knock Me off my NRG LWS: Me, myself, and I. @AntiRug Prize: ~[$]~(lime) 1,000,000 Hosted by: FOX Operations X Winner: @Leb Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Date: 19/02/2021 The place of the event: LV-LS Event type: Knock Me off my NRG LWS: Me, myself, and I. @AntiRug Prize: 2 Rounds / 500k Each Hosted by: FOX Operations X Winner: @Kok / @RiseAgain Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Date: 19/02/2021 The place of the event: LV Event type: Chicken Shooter LWS: Me, myself, and I. @AntiRug Prize: ~[$]~(lime)1,000,000 Hosted by: FOX Operations X Winner: @Thamond Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Happy Birthday Rambo!!!
  12. Dayuum! Congrats, bud!!!
  13. ~[FOX crew:]~(black,navy,black) @Knele / @AntiRug / @ALIJR007 / @XpooKs ~[Date and time of the patrol:]~(black,navy,black) 16/01/2021 || 17:00 Ingame Time ~[Screenshots:]~(black,navy,black) Click Me ::: :::
  14. Date: 16/02/2021 Information: Stopping BR 7/8 Players involved(if any): @AntiRug / @JohnnyEnglish / @XpooKs Screenshot: ::: :::
  15. people sadly use markers as a good way of avoiding arrest by entering and exiting the marker continuously. Sure add arrest/damage protection from the markers, but make it against the rules to abuse markers as a way of avoiding arrest.
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