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Everything posted by AntiRug

  1. @pancy said in FOX - FOX Operations X: SECTION A 1- Name (optional): Baha 2- Ingame name: Pancy 3- Age: 21 4- Sex: Male Dear @Pancy , FOX Operations X would like to thank you for your interests in joining our forces. Your efforts in joining FOX have not gone unnoticed, so I am pleased to announce that your application has been ~[Accepted.]~(lime) Please meet a FOX HQ+ Ingame, to proceed to the testing phase. Best Of Luck! Regards, FOX HQ Team
  2. You've Suggested two ideas, however have added only 1 pole. Now I ain't no genius, but I know somethings not right when I see it...
  3. ^[Aye Comrade! @matu368 ] ^[Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, brother! Don't drink too much, you fucking alcoholic..]
  4. @markus said in TST - The Strike Team: Founders Mixpeko Sanfara :waitwhat: ''Of This TST Generation''
  5. Interesting.. Best Of Luck!
  6. Date: 07/04/2021 Information: FOX DM 3v3 Training Players involved(if any): Screenshots:
  7. Date: 07/04/2021 Information: FOX Meeting Players involved(if any): Screenshots:
  8. Aye! Happy Birthday, brother.
  9. Date: 31/03/2021 The place of the event: LV Event type: Knock Me Off My NRG LWS: Me, myself, and I. @AntiRug Prize: 2 Rounds - 500k Each Hosted by: FOX Operations X Winner: @Fredo / @fadi-semre12 Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Date: 31/03/2021 The place of the event: LVX Event type: Kill The LWS Member LWS: Me, myself, and I. @AntiRug Prize: ~[$]~(lime)1,000,000 -- 2 Rounds Hosted by: FOX Operations X Winner: @Wegz / @Rapmachin3re Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Date: 31/03/2021 The place of the event: G6 Event type: LMS LWS: Me, myself, and I. @AntiRug Prize: ~[$]~(lime)1,000,000 Hosted by: FOX Operations X Winner: @Razak Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Date: 31/03/2021 The place of the event: G6 Event type: Fallout LWS: Me, myself, and I. @AntiRug Prize: ~[$]~(lime)1,000,000 Hosted by: FOX Operations X Winner: @Kree Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. @rocoso said in FOX - FOX Operations X: SECTION A 1- Name (optional): Juan David 2- Ingame name: Rocoso 3- Age: 18 4- Sex: Masculine Application cancelled as per the applicants request. Regards, FOX sHQ Team
  14. Taking this community into consideration, they will most likely be cancerous and deadly for the epileptic folks.
  15. @rocoso said in FOX - FOX Operations X: SECTION A 1- Name (optional): Juan David 2- Ingame name: Rocoso 3- Age: 18 4- Sex: Masculine Dear @Rocoso , FOX Operations X would like to thank you for your interests in joining our forces. Your application is ~[Under Review.]~(orange) Application seems pretty decent and you show great potential. Keep hanging around the FOX Agents. Don't be shy asking to tag along for future patrols! Regards, FOX sHQ Team
  16. @carter said in FOX - FOX Operations X: SECTION A 1- Name (optional): Blent 2- Ingame name: Carter 3- Age: 22 4- Sex: Male Dear @Carter , FOX Operations X would like to thank you for your interests in joining our forces. Your application has been placed on ~[UNDER REVIEW.]~(orange) We wish to see more ingame activity from you. Get to know some of the FOX members, and try to tag along on future patrols. Regards, FOX sHQ Team
  17. Date: 22/03/2021 The place of the event: LV Event type: Kamikaze My Shamal LWS: Me, myself, and I. @AntiRug Prize: ~[$]~(lime)1,000,000 Hosted by: FOX Operations X Winner: @Kok Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. Date: 22/03/2021 The place of the event: LV Event type: Hunter Shooter LWS: Me, myself, and I. @AntiRug Prize: ~[$]~(lime)1,000,000 Hosted by: FOX Operations X Winner: @Yassinos Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. Date: 22/03/2021 The place of the event: LS Event type: LMS LWS: Me, myself, and I. @AntiRug Prize: ~[$]~(lime)1,000,000 Hosted by: FOX Operations X Winner: @Versace Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. Date: 22/03/2021 The place of the event: LV Event type: Knock Me Off My NRG LWS: Me, myself, and I. @AntiRug Prize: ~[$]~(lime)500,000k 2 Rounds Hosted by: FOX Operations X Winner: @Westbrook Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. No point in adding another mod to the game, which noone will use. I highly doubt anyone will drive this.
  22. ^[Selling a property next to the Jail!] Has A Carspawn Can Snipe the Jail Right when you spawn Starting Bid - 20m ::: :::
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