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Everything posted by Exile

  1. Involved SAI members: Sergeant.Jackson,[SWAT]nyru Other involved people: Sergeant.Jackson,[SWAT]nyru Date, time and duration of activity: May 28th 2019 (17:49) Activity type: Patrol Details: A patrol through Las Venturas and Los Santos Screenshots:
  2. Involved SAI members: Trooper Penkins,Giggs Benson Other involved people: Reflex,Cheese Date, time and duration of activity: May 25th 2019 (08:34) Activity type: RP Details: Patrol around the Las Venturas area Screenshots:
  3. Involved SAI members: Sergeant.Jackson,Trooper Penkins,Giggs Benson Other involved people: Reflex,Cheese Date, time and duration of activity: May 25th 2019 (03:58) Activity type: RP Details: There was an accident that had occurred while we were driving down the Las Venturas intersection,the driver of the tow truck had accidently let go of the vehicle he was towing which damaged our police car. Screenshots:
  4. Involved SAI members: Sergeant.Jackson,Trooper Perkins Other involved people: Morena Date, time and duration of activity: May 25th 2019 (02:58) Activity type: RP Details: We encountered a state trooper driving around the Ganton area of Los Santos who was swerving inbetween lanes. When we stopped him it didn't appear that he was intoxicated or undre the influence,so we just warned him and instructed him to drive carefully. Screenshots:
  5. Involved SAI members: Sergeant.Jackson,Trooper Perkins Other involved people: Sergeant.Jackson,Trooper Perkins Date, time and duration of activity: May 25th 2019 (01:27) Activity type: Patrol Details: A routine patrol around the hills in Los Santos Screenshots:
  6. Involved SAI members: Sergeant.Jackson Other involved people: CDS|ElGrande[HQ] Date, time and duration of activity: May 29th 2019 (14:03) Activity type: RP Details: A suspicous latino mail with a busted headlight,was caught driving wrecklessly through the alleyways and backdoors of the rural Los Santos area. Once I stopped the driver and commanded him to get out of the vehicle and began questioning him. I asked, ''Why are you driving through alleyways and driving so wrecklessly?" he responded by saying "i drive fast for go to friend". He didn't seem native to our area,nor did he have a drivers license or ID to show me. After informing him he was under arrest,he tried to flee,and he was detained shortly after. Screenshots:
  7. Involved SAI members: Samuel Jackson,Ben Sherman,Jerry Schmidt, Other involved people: [AA*]Buster Date, time and duration of activity: May 19th 2019 (02:14) Activity type: RP Details: A flashy latino man had entered the roadblock very early in the morning,around 4AM. He had made an excuse saying that he was just trying to go to the local Cluck'n'Bell to meet up with a friend,but the restaurant does not open that early. We had smelled a strong aroma of marijuana lingering from his car,so that gave us probable cause to search it,once we searched it he had 20 pounds of marijuana stuffed in his trunk,he was detained and booked.
  8. Involved SAI members: Samuel Jackson,Ben Sherman,Jerry Schmidt, Other involved people: None Date, time and duration of activity: May 19th 2019 (00:42) Activity type: Roadblock Details: We setup a roadblock around the exit of LV after a houserob occured in East-LV to catch anybody trying to flee the city.
  9. Involved SAI members: Samuel Jackson,Ben Sherman,Jerry Schmidt, Other involved people: None Date, time and duration of activity: May 18th 2019 (19:42) Activity type: Patrol Details: A morning patrol around LV-X looking for anybody whose violating traffic laws
  10. Involved SAI members: Samuel Jackson,Ben Sherman,Jerry Schmidt, Other involved people: [ThC]Fuegoo and OC>|Shadowz Date, time and duration of activity: May 18th 2019 (20:17) Activity type: RP Details: We stopped a driver for reckless driving,while pulling him over we noticed his drivers license was expired,also he was noticeably drunk,we detained him,took him to the station and his little ''girlfriend'' bailed him out
  11. Nickname: Exile Age: 17 Country: United States Languages spoken: I natively speak English,but I can understand a little bit of Spanish. From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): -[8] How long have you been playing on SAES: 6.5 years In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: ~[[AA] was originally a group of assassins,they began selling cargo in San Fierro containing illegal weapons in the early 2010's,there,then picked up the name ''Arms Assassins.'' Some time has passed since then,they are now the most prestigious gang in San Fierro and are a force to be reckoned with. Their roleplay consists of selling arms and transporting them. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): ~[DEA[2013]]~(blue,navy,navy,navy,navy,navy,navy) - ~[Clan closed in 2013]~(black) ~[TT[2013]]~(orange,orange) - ~[I was about 12 years old when I joined TT,very influenceable at that age,someone from AA had told me that if I would have more fun in AA,so I decided to join AA.]~(black) ~[AA[2013-2014]]~(#95004B) - ~[I had joined AA with no plans of ever leaving,some drama occurred between me and another member which I explained to Terry,and it ultimately destroyed my passion for SAES and ended in me getting kicked.]~(black) ~[ALT[2014-2017]]~(#e7f7a6,#e7f7a6) ~[After an admin that was in ALT saw what happened to me,he decided to invite me into ALT,I was in ALT for 3 years until I got bored of the civilian life and tried to return back to being a criminal.]~(black) ~[CripZ[2018]]~(GREEN,GREEN,GREEN,GREEN) - ~[Once I left ALT,I started hanging around CripZ when they were level 1,and started to help them with their writing,designing,and creating shaders. I felt that I belonged in CripZ since I helped them so much,but I still felt bored in the server once I got invited so I ended up getting kicked for inactivity.]~(black) ~[OC[2018]]~(purple) - ~I don't remember whether I got kicked for inactivity or if the gang closed.]~(black) Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: Name 3 BR rules: You can not start a bank robbery with only 1 member of your gang One gang is only allowed to do 2 bank robberies a day Assisting your gang as a medic is not allowed Name 3 GR rules: No grenades or explosives are to be used at a Gang Rob You can not do a Gang Rob alone Spawn Killing is not allowed Name 3 Turf rules: You are not allowed to camp on unclimbable roofs You are not allowed to spawn as a medic to assist your gang during a turf war You are not allowed to spawn as a cop to arrest a rival gang during a turf war What is Roleplay?: Roleplay means to act your role,so if you are a spawned as a cop you act as if you are a cop. What is Deathmatching?: Deathmatching is killing a person without reason If Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I report them using /report and wait for an admin to handle the situation. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Pass right by them Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Yoko Troyano Terry AlphaDet187 BigMike Ikzelf Smokey187 Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): [AA] was my original gang,I was kicked out because of some old drama and six years have passed since them,and im hoping to return back to my home.
  12. Involved SAI members: Samuel_Jackson Other involved people: Ironclad Date, time and duration of activity: May 5th 2019 (13:20) Activity type: RP Details: Stopped a driver for speeding and endangering other drivers with their reckless driving
  13. Involved SAI members: Samuel_Jackson Other involved people: BlueZ>iBow|TF Date, time and duration of activity: May 2nd 2019 (10:09) Activity type: Roadblock Details: While I had my roadblock setup,a civilian passed through with an expired ID,when I asked him why he was driving around with an expired ID. He started to act very delusional,he began rambling and slurring his words. This made me come to the conclusion that the guy was drunk,I ran a BAC test on him and he was over the state's limit. He was detained at the roadblock.
  14. Involved SAI members: Samuel_Jackson Other involved people: None Date, time and duration of activity: May 2nd 2019 (06:17) Activity type: Roadblock Details: I set up a roadblock at LV-X to catch any truckers carrying illegal goods,or criminals trying to pass into another city
  15. Came up with a few prototypes because I was bored,don't know the information on regards to what you guys would like but heres a 3 i thought of. Both colors are SWAT's color code but may look different because of the lighting.
  16. Involved SAI members: Samuel_Jackson (Exile) Responsible SAI Teams involved: Samuel_Jackson (Exile) Other involved people: - OC|>Jengus Date, time and duration of activity: April 28th (7:02) Activity type: Patrol/RP Details: While I was patrolling the RP Area,I had encountered a car that had matched the description of a stolen vehicle. I decided to pull the driver over,after running the driver's license plate. It turns out it was not the stolen vehicle,but I alerted him his plates are expired. The driver informed me that he was on his way to get the m renewed,so I let him off the hook,this time..
  17. Involved SAI members: Samuel_Jackson (Exile) Rhaskos_Abigail Responsible SAI Teams involved: Samuel_Jackson (Exile) Rhaskos_Abigail Other involved people: - [ThC]Sparrow Jack_Storm Date, time and duration of activity: July 10th 2018 Activity type: Roadblock Details: Me and Abigail decided to set up a roadblock on LV-X to control traffic and arrest any fugitives that tried to enter the Las Venturas area with a warrant out for their arrest.
  18. Involved SAI members: Samuel_Jackson (Exile) Responsible SAI Teams involved: Samuel_Jackson (Exile) Other involved people: -YAS|SwaTT (Also a trainee I was patrolling with) Date, time and duration of activity: April 28th (01:28) Activity type: Patrol/RP Details: After patrolling around the Las Venturas area,I decided to head towards the Los Santos area,after making my way to the LV-X area,I encountered a trucker that appeared to be out of his truck,holding an illegal firearm. I asked him why was he blocking the road,and where did he get the illegal firearm from. He tried to make a run for it,and also insulted me while doing so,we were able to capture the suspect and detain him Screenshots:
  19. Involved SAI members: Samuel_Jackson (Exile) Responsible SAI Teams involved: Samuel_Jackson (Exile) Other involved people: -[ThC]mimyy Date, time and duration of activity: April 28th (21:54) Activity type: Patrol/RP Details: I was patrolling the LV-X are when I encountered a young female swerving lanes,I assumed she was under the influence,turned on my siren and attempted to pull her over. Instead of pulling over,she tried to flee the scene for a minute,until she eventually stopped after I alerted her she was on her last warning to stop. When she started responding to me,her words were slurred and her breath reeked of alcohol. I gave her a blood-alcohol-concentration test,and she wasn't over the legal limit,she was at 0.4%. So I let her go on a warning,but to be aware of her surroundings and to drive safely. Screenshots:
  20. Involved SAI members: Giggs_Benson Samuel_Jackson Responsible SAI Teams involved: Samuel_Jackson (Exile) Other involved people: - Date, time and duration of activity: April 23rd (19:51) server time Activity type: Patrol Details: Giggs Benson and I were patrolling the Los Santos area looking,looking for people speeding or violating any traffic laws. Screenshots:
  21. @ChasinTLSN This was sweet :hearts:
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