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Everything posted by RadiO

  1. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #70 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: 2v2 Boat TDM ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: [TT]Brooks ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 2.000.000$ ( per team ) ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): Team 007 : GoldMind & Reus ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s):* ::: https://imgur.com/a/0DHkErk :::
  2. -90- Event Type: 2v2 Boat TDM Event Prize: 2.000.000$ LWS/G6: Brooks / Blizzard / Arctic Winner: Tram 007: Reus & GoldMine Screens: https://imgur.com/a/0DHkErk
  3. #72 Roleplay ::: @Roarke said in The Pirus ~ Media Archive: Roleplay Number : 122 Story : It was night in the Los Santos city. All of the Pirus members were chillin up in the hood. Then the boss Jaster recivied a call from a Mongol. Jaster talked with him on the phone like ten minutes. After that he went near the Roarke and talked with the Roarke about the calling reason of the Mongol. Jaster said they need a Rocket Launcher and we'll provide it to them. Roarke shaked his head and Roarke and Jaster went to the Gun storage. Roarke found the Rocket Launcher and put it on a big box with the some Rockets inside of it. After that Jaster called the Mongol again they set up a meeting place. Roarke was the driver of the car so he used some shortcuts to dont get attention of cops. When Roarke and Jaster arrived at the meeting place the Mongols were waiting for them. Jaster started to talk about the price of the Rocket Launcher. Roarke took out the box from the trunk of the car and he showed the Rocket Launcher to the Mongols. Mongols said they liked the Rocket Launcher and they are ready to pay some good money for that thing. Jaster took the money, Mongols took the Rocket Launcher. Roarke and Jaster went back to the hood and Jaster put the money in the gang money safe. Participants : @The-Pirus @Mongols-MC Screenshots : :::
  4. @Cornelius said in Fallout 3 Steam Key Giveaway!: 88, if I win I will ask for demotion in MMC i'll buy it for you, just fucking leave MMC
  5. #71 Roleplay ::: @Xtream said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive: Participants in The RP: @RadiO @Cornelius RP Scenario: Mongols MC phone called one of our Executive members. They asked him if they could send one of our technicians to help them upgrade their bikes and fix any issues that were detected. So a TMH-Tech was sent to Red County to check on their bikes. Apparently there were issues with the bike and a lot to upgrade so we took the bikes at our Burberry Garage. Our Technician changed the lamps , the filters and fixed some damaged pipes in the bike. He also put something which would boost the bikes speed and help it to lose less gas when the speed was used. The Mongols MC tested it and were happy with the results. So they left happy about their new upgraded bikes. ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/RJsc3Kn :::
  6. 13.10.2019 ::: ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] :::
  7. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #69 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Multi-Class Race ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: [ThC]KARIM ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 2.000.000$ ( divided for 4 winners ) ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): Flusha , SWT, Sneijder & Brooks ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/6xF9RhX :::
  8. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #68 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Lucky Bomber ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: [MMC]Cron[HQ] ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): [ThC]GoldMine ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/2I8C9CU :::
  9. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #67 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Guess the Number ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: [MMC]Cron[HQ] ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): [ThC]Reus ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/cZjAE9K :::
  10. Night gas stations refueling Situation before ::: ::: Situation after ::: :::
  11. Event Type: Multi-Class Race Price: 2,000,000$ ( divided for 4 winners ) LWS/G6: @KARIM Winner: @Sneijder @SWT @flusha and @Brooks Screenshots: Click Here!
  12. -88- Event Type: Lucky Rhino Event Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6: Corn Winner: Goldmine Screens: https://imgur.com/a/2I8C9CU
  13. -87- Event Type: Guess The Number Event Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6: Corn Winner: Reus Screens: https://imgur.com/a/cZjAE9K
  14. 08.10.2019 ::: ^[] ^[] :::
  15. 07.10.2019 ::: ^[] ^[] :::
  16. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #66 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: The Floor is Lava ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: [MMC]Cron[HQ] ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): [ThC]KARIM ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/2Z4rg4H :::
  17. ^[ ] @Lynch said in TST - The Strike Team | Media Archive: Roleplay With "Organization Name" ~[All Load Trucking]~(yellow) Attenders: @Lynch @Genetrix @RadiO Story: It was a regular afternoon in San Andreas. Agent.Lynch, Agent.Genetrix were patrolling around Las Venturas. The patrolling day had been very exhausting.Suddenly we saw a grey truck dragging his trailer behind him at the opposite lane. We decided to find out what has happened to the truck because the truck's front was baddly damaged and looked like it had been to a crash recently. We pulled behind him and flashed our sirens. The trucker immediately pulled over. Agent.Lynch approached the trucker for a little chat. Agent.Lynch first introduced himself and asked the trucker what has happened with his truck. The trucker seemed very nervous while answering the questions. The trucker said that he has been to a collision at low speed with another trucker, he added that the second trucker who has crashed into his truck had driven away so he didnt see his numberplate. A little bit later he mentioned that he knew who had crashed into him by his name. That lead us to a suspicion of an insurance fraud."How could he know his name who had hit him? He could of been lying about knowing his name but we werent sure" we were thinking. After hearing that Agent.Lynch immediately asked his documents to check out who we were dealing with. The trucker was getting more nervous by the minute. The trucker gave his documents to Agent.Genetrix and he went to check his documents. After some minutes of search, Agent.Genetrix came back to us and informed us about that trucker. We were dealing with a man called Mr.Radio. Mr.Radio had an average record on the database - some speeding tickets from the past but nothing special. He didnt work for anyone and claimed to be working alone. The next thing what we asked for was about his trailer. Mr.Radio replied "I am just carrying some of my old furniture, im delivering them to my friend". Agent.Lynch asked him to open the trailer's doors. The trucker happily opened the doors and Agent.Genetrix asked if he could search trought the trailer. Mr.Radio repiled in a nervous voice "Yes sure, go ahead agent". Agent.Genetrix climed into the trailer and started carefuly searching through the trailer. The trailer was full of furniture - old chairs, a wardrobe, a bookcase, 2 closets, a wooden table and 3 armchairs. Agent.Genetrix opened up the wardrobe. The next thing that he saw was 2 packs of some white stuff. He confiscated those packs and took them out of the trailer and loaded the packs to the back of the police cruiser. Meanwhile Agent.Lynch handcuffed Mr.Radio and took him also to the police cruiser. We took him to TST PD. At TST PD we took him to a office room to update Mr.Radio's database which had old informatin about him. We took a fingerprint scanner from a shelf and told Mr.Radio to put his fingers on the scanner and took the fingerprints and uploaded to the database. After updating database Agent.Lynch searched Mr.Radio's body for any possible weapons - but he didnt find anything. Only thing that he was carrying was an old cellphone with no SIM-card. After the results of the narcotics test to make sure that we were dealing with drugs Agent.Lynch took Mr.Radio to a interrogation room and started to interrogate Mr.Radio. First thing that Agent.Lynch asked was about the huge load of furniture. Mr.Radio replied "This furniture is my old furniture and I am giving it away to my poor friend at Los Santos. My new furniture just arrived and I dont have anything to do with it". The 2nd questiong what Agent.Lynch asked was about why he had been carrying illegal substances in his trailer. Mr.Radio replied "I do not know anything about these substance, I am a simple worker who doesnt know anything about drugs". Agent.Lynch didnt believe him and asked in a very loud voice "WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE DRUGS?" Mr.Radio couldnt handle this situation and gave up. He admited that he knew about these drugs and he just wanted to help his poor friend who was a drug addict. Agent.Lynch then asked where did he get those drugs but Mr.Radio remained silent for a long time. We knew that we couldnt get anymore information from him and decided to end this interrogation. We took Mr.Radio into the cell room and showed him his cell. We had sentenced him to jail for 3 years for the possession of illegal substances. The insurance fraud investigation case has been handed over to TST PD. They will do some interrogation with the 2nd trucker who crashed into Mr.Radio.
  18. 05.10.2019 ::: ^[] :::
  19. -86- Event Type: The Floor is Lava Event Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6: Corn Winner: KARIM Screens: https://imgur.com/a/2Z4rg4H
  20. 02.10.2019 ::: ^[] ^[] :::
  21. ^[There is even more] ::: :::
  22. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #65 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Maze ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: [ThC]KARIM ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): C|alis ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/5lpHXot :::
  23. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #64 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Land With Vortex ( Event will start from LS Bank roof, everyone will get a vortex, all what they have to do is to land with thar vortex inside a box which is located somewhere in LS Marina ) ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: [ThC]KARIM ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): 215|VeenoN ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/P0cGWEK :::
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