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Everything posted by RadiO

  1. 3.11.2019 ::: ^[Morning Activity] ^[] ^[Night Activity] ^[] :::
  2. 2.11.2019 ::: ^[] :::
  3. You're cop so what you have said is reasonable.
  4. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #71 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Freeway Death Race ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: [TT]Brooks ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 2.000.000$ ( per team ) ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): Alex & Kok ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s):* ::: https://imgur.com/a/RVwXluI :::
  5. @ElRastaMan17 said in [SUGGESTION] Rules regarding BR: Stupid seeing people outside the bank when the br is inside. Since br is inside it should count as deathmatch and of course you are there not owning any money. But yeah lets all plan a bank rob irl and stay outside camping waiting for police forces to come in reality, Criminal do, some goes inside to do the robbery and some stays outside to protect them if cops come.
  6. Make a countdown for spawn at props when there is a BR going on then we can talk about this.
  7. 1.11.2019 ::: ^[] :::
  8. B'z Up!
  9. Starting Bid: 8.000.000$ Good location An epmty space near for donation vehicels 3.200$ Daily Income Have Disk / Ammu-Nation / ATM / Hospital / Police Department near 500 metres far from SR ::: :::
  10. 31.10.2019 ::: ^[] :::
  11. i'm poor fidel need more money, cuba economy is fucked up
  12. -103- Event Type: Freeway Death Race Event Prize: 2.000.000$ LWS/G6: Brooks Winner: Alex & Kok Screens: https://imgur.com/a/RVwXluI
  13. Starting bid: 2.000.000$ has a car spawn near SR and turf zone all other houses at this road are owned but admins have a small port near ( a donation bot / plane can be places near ) Here a screen of the sexy view
  14. 30.10.2019 ^[Los Santos 8/8] ^[] ^[San Fierro 8/8] ^[]
  15. 30.10.2019 ^[Before-After] ^[]
  16. 30.10.2019 ::: ^[Mid Day Activity] ^[] :::
  17. Address: 3 Ls Marina Account name: tamiragronov Last seen: 30th, September 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rrpwx8h
  18. So if i buy the house i get SNome for free?
  19. Can be locked.
  20. Address: Sherrif Shack Account name: hollykille Last seen: 30th, September 2019 Screenshots:
  21. 29.10.2019 ::: ^[Night Activity] ^[] :::
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