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Everything posted by RadiO

  1. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #76 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Odd or Even ( it's a real life game and a well known one, it's simple and easy, also kinda works like True or False, i'll say random number ans participants should puck go to one of the two hangers, last one wins.) ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: Brooks ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 2.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): CripZ>AdemBygt ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/yBsmrsY :::
  2. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #75 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Code Breaking ( there's numbers hidden inside a big bulding, participants should find those numbers and figure out the word which those numbers stands for, technically, it's an alphabets game, like A = 1 / B = 2 / C = 3.. etc..., in our case numbers were 5-11-15-16-18 which stands for the Alpabets E-K-O-P-R and the word which worth 5 millions cash was "Poker", first one sends me the right word in PM wins. ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: corn ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 5.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): CripZ>AdemBygt ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/7sLboZo :::
  3. Ingame nickname: RadioGaga Team you bet for (type Draw if so): Wild Animals Amount you bet: 25m nik zebi @Hari
  4. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #74 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: DD Fallout with Dune ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: [MMC]Corn[HQ] ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): [CDC]Fad ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/tXIT858 :::
  5. -113- Event Type: DD Fallout with Dune Event Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6: Corn Winner: Fad Screens: https://imgur.com/a/tXIT858
  6. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #73 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Symon Says ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: [MMC]Corn[HQ] ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): Gopnik ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/5YLTgmb :::
  7. Type: Symon Says Prize: 1.000.000 LWS/G6: Corn Winners: Gopnik Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5YLTgmb
  8. Refilling refinery Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: :::
  9. 08.11.2019 ^[Night TurfWar] ^[Before-After] ^[]
  10. 8.11.2019 ^[San Fierro 8/8] ^[] ^[Los Santos 8/8] ^[]
  11. 8.11.2019 ^[Evening Activity] ^[]
  12. Role-Play #79 ^[Illegal Stuff?] It was the month of November, one of our spies got shocking news for us that we are not safe even after moving to Blueberry. The Immigration Customs & Enforcement (ICE) has informed the Federal Investigations knows that we are more than mechanics, they know about out illegal work. We did not have enough weapons or protection also not much-skilled peoples to finish them off. So we decided to keep an eye and follow the main source of problems, who knows all the plans of them and got some pieces of information against us. The second day, one of our spies gave us a message that he had successfully tracked his car and location via GPS. He was on a Cluckin' Bell near Bone County, which is not too far from our territory. We started to head off there, armed, before he calls for backup. After reaching the exact location, we waited for some time outside the shop after parking our Van. Though, our doubts were clear as we found the same Police Vehicle outside the shop. But seemed like he was taking long, and one-by-one all customers left. We took the weapons quietly from the trunk of the car and went inside with the arms hidden. We found him and took him at a corner, but he refused to recognize us. We gave him drugs and made him fainted, took off all his weapons, mobile phone, and ID cards and got him inside the Van. Then we went looking for a safe place, where there are very few peoples nearby from a long-range. Reaching our last and final destination, we tortured him and tried our best to make him speak the truth he knows about us. And what action is the State going to take, so we lied to him saying we kidnapped his family as well. Finally, he started to talk, he told us that they are going to raid our base after two weeks from now on. We couldn't trust a police officer, especially someone high ranked. So we decided to finish him off at the hilly area "Bang Bang Bang..". His last words were '' I will die serving my country. '' and then we went to a bar to chill out ourselves from this incident and completely forget it. Screens lined correctly as a whole story: Click hre!
  13. RadiO

    FBI form

    You can apply here, copy the application format from the 1st post, ans reply to thar post with it don't forger to anser the questions asked on the format. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6123/fbi-federal-bureau-of-investigation Best of luck.
  14. -107- Event Type: 4v4 TDM Event Prize: 4.000.000$ LWS/G6: Alex Winner: Zaza, Adembygt, Veto & Yankata Screens: https://imgur.com/a/57rWCyy
  15. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #72 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: 4v4 TDM ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: [FOX]Alex ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 4.000.000$ ( per team ) ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): CripZ Team: Zaza, Adembygt, Veto & Yankata ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/57rWCyy :::
  16. tugaaa noob it's TR mot BC #SirtugAAmigo
  17. 06.11.2019 ^[Bone County 8/8] ^[]
  18. Address: Rebecca Black Store Account name: reeth34 Last seen: 6th October 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/K7DRNGb
  19. The area consists of 3 props Accomodation Quarters 4 Accomodation Quarters 5 Accomodation Quarters 6 Starting bid: 25,000,000$ Min. bid increase is 10% of last bid Property: ::: ::: GUI ::: :::
  20. @cocko said in [For Sale] Whetstone Cluckin' Bell Resturant: 16m Meet me in game for the deal, can be locked.
  21. 04.11.2019 ^[Las Venturas 8/8] ^[] ^[Bone County 7/8] ^[]
  22. 4.11.2019 ^[Evening Activity] ^[]
  23. 3.11.2019 ^[Morning TurfWar] ^[Before-After] ^[] ^[Night TurfWar] ^[Before-After] ^[]
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