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Everything posted by bachwa

  1. When you try to use logic and reason
  2. HQs be like
  3. No one: SAES HQ's
  4. the more money we get = the more money we will spend. properties and auctions costs will just increase. and even though i like the idea of having more money, this will likely solve nothing
  5. transfered from the old forum
  6. As a proud member of the AK Party, I would like to take this opportunity to thank every single citizen of San Andreas for entrusting us with the prestigious power of presidency. We promise to make you proud of your choice, and to bring the great prosperity upon the lands of San Andreas. Thank you!
  7. All's well that ends well It was another boring Sunday with not much going on, I was just casually fixing some old chairs in the mansion when I heard the engine sound coming from inside our garage. At first I thought it was just somebody parking or leaving, and I just carried on with my work, but a member came up to me and told me we have got some work to do. The delievery of weapons from Liberty City, carried out by Organization Zero members, was forced to stop and unload at our Headquarters because the truck had broken down. We obviously didn't want those goods to stay for much long at our base, so we loaded the van as quickly as possible. We obviously hurried to load up the van and take it to our San Fierro warehouse as quickly as possible. I drove the van and Mark was right by my side. The van was fully loaded, almost over it's limit, so it was a bumpy ride to say the least. We tormented the engine over the lonely roads, due to the secrecy of the load. We usually don't do things like that, everything is rather well organized and prepared, but as this was an exception, it required an exceptional treatment. We arrived at San Fierro docks much later than we would in normal circumstances, but still, our workers were there waiting to unload the cargo. The workers unloaded the cargo and the problem was pretty much solved. It took an exceptional effort from me and mark to load all that stuff by ourselves, but our security van was the one worth the most praise. We were extremely lucky to not run into more problems upon this delievery, but fortune favours the brave! Workers unloaded the heavy cargo and I was off to our headquarters to continue with my Sunday business, and Mark left to find a mechanic who would fix springs and shock absorbers on our security van. Participants: Rudy, Mark, Workers - Lionel Messi, Ronaldinho Gaucho and Cristiano Ronaldo.
  8. it used to be April fools, but now you made it April retards!
  9. delet dis
  10. keep it british time up there because some people live in different timezones, and it's rather a pain in the ass to convert your own time to the british time just to see if you can BR or not. useful addition as long as its british (server) time +1
  11. well THAT gave me quite a chuckle
  12. Just another day at the office part 1 Organization Zero is known around the entire San Andreas as being the best providers of the paid pleasure. So it comes as no surprise to us that besides the government and criminal organizations, who are our best customers, even the people of the civilan branch request our services every once in a while. That was the exact case with the taxi driver from Los Santos, whose name is Jorge. Jorge called one of our agents, and appointed a meeting with one of our prostitutes in a Los Santos nightclub called Alhambra. This was not an usual order. This was an individual person asking for an A-class prostitute, which was also very expensive. I was in the neighborhood, so I went round to the Alhambra to meet with the customer in person, and charge him in advance. He was a typical dude. Nothing seemed odd about him, he seemed like dozen other taxi drivers who you meet on the street, and he just wanted a good time, and good time is what we provide to our customers. I charged him in advance, which is not something we do unless it's a single customer, and called one of my best workers, Silvana. She was willing to take this unusual customer and give him the time of his life. She didn't hesitate nor complain about anything, but instead she told me she would be ready in 10 minutes, and that I should pick her up infront of her house. I went to pick Silvana up. I arrived infront of her house, and she was waiting for me. Silvana, being one of the best workers, didn't ask any questions even as we drove towards the Alhambra club. This unusual offer did not seem odd at all to her. She saw this like just another day at the office. Traffic was jammed and it took us a while to get to the Alhambra, but when we finally arrived, the customer did not complain at all about our late arrival. Instead, he immediatelly took Silvana to the VIP rooms and got to business. I left the club as soon as I delievered the girl. I did not suspect anything, and neither did she. It may have been a mistake. To be continued... Participants: Z|Bachwa, Silvana, Jorge
  13. When our spies informed us about the delievery of motorcycles which took place on the lonely road in Whetstone, we did not really care about it all that much. But once we, after additional research, found out more about the types of motorcycles being delivered, and some details about them (which are not to be disclosed to the public), we immediatelly went to work. I gathered a group of my most trusted people and, with detailed instructions from our spies about the arrival of the truck, we barricaded the road and waited for the cargo to arrive. Due to the crystal clear instructions and an extremely accurate report from our spies, we were able to intercept the delivery. We stopped the lonely truck on a lonely road and, whilst aiming at the driver (who we later found out, was working for the rival organization) and inspected the bikes which were packed on a trailer of the truck. It would take us a while to inspect every single bike on the trailer, so instead we gave up on idea of inspecting every single one of them. But instead, we tested only one of them, and its engine was indeed the exact thing we were looking for. We assumed all bikes were made the same way, with same engine features. Even though the road was lonely, it was unsafe for us to stay in the middle of it and look for further trouble, so instead we hijacked the truck and slowly guided the driver to our nearest warehouse which was located on the docks of San Fierro. After further investigation and observation of the bikes, our experts concluded that the engines of all bikes were indeed made of the valuable parts we were looking for. After loading up the warehouse will valuable loot, only thing left for us was to get rid of the driver, as he was the only evidence against us. We double-checked him for any possible microphones or radio transmitters which could be attached to him. After making sure he was safe to be taken to our private labaratory (as we like to call it), we did just that. We took him to our headquarters, to the private torture room, in which we found out many compromising details about him and about the rival organization to whom the bikes were supposed to be delivered. After threatening and torturing him for a while, we murdered him and got rid of the evidence. Job's done. Participants: Z|Bachwa, Z|Cazzone, Z|Flappy, Z|KaiZaki, Sandro (Trucker)
  14. benesis
  15. Topic name is pretty much self-explanatory I believe. Opened the game tonight, to my most unpleasant surprise, found the server in it's most horrific state - THE MORNING MOOD! As if having that horrible experience once a day wasn't enough! No seriously, I found that many players didn't like the day/night switch, and the new concept of time overall. So I would like to, atleast, add a little poll to see an overall opinion on the matter. Cheers.
  16. @bachwa said in SAES:RPG v1.5 Patch Notes: im very curious about this Ingame time now cycles through day/night faster (each represent 3 hours in real time) Okay just checked ingame, at roughly 1 AM... I can't stress this enough how much I hate the fact that it was the morning/daytime on SAES.
  17. im very curious about this Ingame time now cycles through day/night faster (each represent 3 hours in real time)
  18. RIP B.S. It was a real pleasure roleplaying with you throughout the years. We at Organization Zero mourn the loss of a great business partner, and a valuable associate who always provided a helping hand when we needed it the most. Your gang was truly one of a kind, and despite the periods of inactivity, which every gang occassionally has, Zebras will only remember the best things about you.
  19. "Be the scammer, not the scammed." - Humafk, circa 2019
  20. cmon man is it really worth it lol
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