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Everything posted by bachwa

  1. I knew inviting Draven would turn out bad for the gang in the end...
  2. lol too bad they did a reset of those stats otherwise groove would have more than the entire server combined
  3. gz bachwa well deserved yet again hopefully you wont get FUCKING KICKED this time around
  4. Why does dis shit exist
  5. srecan rodjendan nemesis jebemo ti mamu
  6. Happy birthday gengar hope u have a great one can't wait to see you back in SAES clan!
  7. Dear @Zan, we are very happy to announce that you passed the application and testing procedure, therefore your application is ~[Accepted]~(lime,lime,lime,lime). Welcome aboard, make sure you respect all the server and gang rules. Keep setting an example for other applicants and your fellow gangmates on the fields of behaviour and maturity. @benlaidabdou Dear @Garcia1999, we regret to announce that you didn't satisfy us with your ingame presence. Therefore, application is ~[Denied]~(red), and you may consider reapplying in two weeks. (7th of March) Other unanswered applicants - please be patient. Your applications are still being reviewed and evaluated. Good luck though, some of you might need it.
  8. How about we spice it up with a little meme hehehehe btw it can be interpreted as a pun for org zero heheheheh fun times fun times
  9. congratulations underground empire and organization zero for succesfully staying out of this scandal FOR ONCE
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