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Everything posted by Freezoom

  1. Happy Birthday my jew <3
  2. impounder wannabe
  3. Post N : 24 Date : 27/08/2020 Activity Type :Repairing cars Cuban Car Member's : N/A Other Helper's : N/A Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/959dMx2
  5. Address: Idlewood Flats 2 Account name: aymen000 Last seen: 25th July 2020 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/ak0zs2R
  6. Bro just do /gunfix
  7. @nicus said in It has to stop... >:(: Stop with the police brutality!!! Poor girl did nothing wrong! This is America
  8. What about poor players? :cry:
  9. Doum gnn kutlu olsun kral
  10. Happy Birthday our lovely fhrer <3
  11. @Freezoom said in [Auction Big Business in San Fierro near Bank]: Get out boys free here 54
  12. Happy Birthday
  13. Starting bid from 2m Buyout 15m
  14. Post N : 23 Date : 13/08/2020 Activity Type : Impounding cars Cuban Car Member's : @Elegant Other Helper's : Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/zF5v3kq
  15. Post N : 22 Date : 11/08/2020 Activity Type : Impounding cars&Repairing cars Cuban Car Member's : @Jesse421 Other Helper's : @Cheer Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/4HTd1sg
  16. GXT Members: Freezoom Time Taken: 15 minutes Deliveries: Refuelling gas stations Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8nZYw8U
  17. @AntiRug said in Prison Warden should be able to open door in jail: I am voting no, due to the fact that any new player within the server who may not know how the script works would have access to open the door, thus letting criminals out. Also, criminals would have the opportunity to spawn as a warden and let their homies out, which makes no sense. Hasn't been an issue beforehand, don't consider it to be an issue at the moment. :/ Yes but Prison warden spawn won't be any problem
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