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Everything posted by Freezoom

  1. @Freezoom said in [AUCTION]House near Jail: Buyout 65m Buyout 60m
  2. Post N : 21 Date : 7/08/2020 Activity Type : Impounding cars Cuban Car Member's : @Gal Other Helper's : @MaRoO @Colobria Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/dtc3YZ7
  3. @Greed said in DESERT EAGLES 2020 RECRUITMENT RESULTS: gz hehehe @Freezoom go wank ''gZ HhEhEe fReZeZom gO wAnK'' I don't need special class for arrest or kill you :honk:
  4. Gz, now please respond to JB
  5. Participants: @Pitty @Hotfire @Blue @Leonard @MarksMan @Liyones @Remp05 and others Story: *6 August of 2020 after CC Roadtrip Cuban mechanics give decision to open CC garage in Lvx and I joined them in their RP Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MnehM6o
  6. Happy birthday gay
  7. Post N : #20 Date : 02/08/2020 Activity Type : Repairing cars Cuban Car Member's : @Kristiina @Versace Other Helper's : @Cheer Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/SbVTcD2
  8. Participants: @Blue @SWT @Leonard @Beckham Story: 1 August of 2020 Cuban mechanics decided to open their LV-LS highway temporare garage,I got call from Cuban mechanic Leonard he was talking about their LV-LS garage he asked to me for help,After I took my toolbox and car keys I went to here.And we started fix and refuel people cars Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/oW3bPIq
  9. Happy Birthday Daryl
  10. Starting bid: 15m Minimum bid increase 2m 5 sec to JB
  11. Post N : #19 Date : 31/07/2020 Activity Type : Repairing cars Cuban Car Member's : @Beckham Other Helper's : N/A Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/M9XmAaI
  12. Eid mubarak to all my muslim brothers
  13. Participants: @Leonard @Nico AdemBygt Story: 30 th the June,I was relaxing in my San Fierro house.I got call from Cuban mechanic Leonard he told me ''Hey I need help in CC SF warehouse can you help me?''I said to him''Yes,I will be there in 10-15 minutes''I got my car keys and went to SF CC warehouse,My first customer was racer his car model Nissan Skyline R34.The car problem was about engine when I opened to hood there was a lot of smokes coming from engine,I asked to him''Hey what happend to your car?''he said to me''I hit to tree when I was going to my home''I took nippers and used to remove engine from car later I put new engine to his car and I asked to him for anything else he said to me''Just fix everything you want''I checked tires and engine pipes tires was fine but engine pipes was broken I changed pipes and checked inside when I get in the car I saw a broken rearview mirror,I changed rearview mirror and told it everything is fixed he asked to me price and later he paid to me and he is gone.When darkness begins to fall we decision to close garage. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/bR12mCg
  14. Post N : #18 Date : 30/07/2020 Activity Type : Impounding cars Cuban Car Member's : @SWT Other Helper's : Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/qxhzUYL
  15. Post N : #17 Date : 29/07/2020 Activity Type : Repairing car's in CC Lvx garage Cuban Car Member's : @Beckham Other Helper's : Greed Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/HaJbiOn
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