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Everything posted by ILLUSION

  1. When your crush says "I like TT"
  2. SAES Myths are coming true! Justsomeane joined DE, Billionaire became the President... What next? POLAT FOR SAHA!
  3. YOU SHOULDVE LET ARDRON POST THE TOPIC!!!!!! Happy birthday Kristina
  4. We already have this system. Topic can be locked. Since post was edited I'll edit mine too. We have a warning system, we use it for new players who have clear punishment history. On their first rulebreak we warn them verbally and put a warning log on their punishment record. If he/she commits a second rulebreak he/she gets punished. Therefore we don't warn someone more than once. If some newbie got an adminjail, it means he/she was already warned about rule-breaks.
  5. Hello everyone, this is your favourite ILLUSION speaking! @Legacy , last week we didn't see any activity from you towards our gang. Before this week your style of "hanging" was a little problematic and your behaviour within our base was not really appreciated by most of our members. Therefore your application is; If you are still interested in joining AA, you are welcome to apply after a week. AA HQ
  6. @Justsomeane logging in to server after being DE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46ypAUg_SFw
  7. I sent him my photo and here is what he drew. Amazing work. I am really content, thanks for your effort @each !
  8. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8351/tutorial-detailed-ingame-guide-with-images
  9. @Justsomeane right now; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgwFkEUcIK8
  10. ok
  11. Today we decided to run a bit to stay fit!
  12. @Billionaire after hearing the dissolution of government.
  13. Of course this poll had to come from Filex
  14. Address:14 Palisades Gardens Account name:rodas666 Last seen:12th June Screenshots:


    Tunisian Liberation Organisation...
  16. SRs founding idea was cool. During HRs we were robbing nothing, we were just standing inside a marker and it was weak RP wise. I think thats why SR replaced HR. What is problematic about SR is only about its mapping. Once a criminal climbed to roof, he feels safe and dont give a damn about cops. The case is same about cops, once cop got inside to store he just waits SR to end to get some arrest. Current mapping do not force two sides to fight. SR doesnt have to go. But the building itself must be changed to something that will encourage/force both sides to fight.
  17. @Bartman said in House Robery: -bonus: hr could take places like ... sperm banks...
  18. I agree with Blizzard, this imbalance isn't about one side's being more powered than the other. Cops are dependent on criminals for their gameplay. So all they can do is stopping criminals from doing something. When criminals do not do anything or when a cop fails to stop them on their own, criminal side looks more attractive. For example I do play as a cop only when I have a companion with me. Because playing as a cop when you are alone is not amusing at all. This imbalance might be due to the players who do not have a companion/friend to play with them. So they basically choose to play as a criminal.
  19. /me cries
  20. I've been longing for casino since it was removed it was funny even though I always lost. The idea is good but there might be somethings problematic. It'd be hard to track who won what or who won lost since it is based on Discord. And about rewards, the rewards should be limited to money instead of interiors/cars because these are the things what seperate donators from others. If there is a way to put these things in-game it'd be really awesome. Even if it is not possible I still would want to see such thing in our Discord channel. Hear the voice of gamblers! And +1 for the idea.
  21. @Mega9 said in Server Update v1.5.1: HEY MOM I AM ON TV!
  22. he is a good guy anas ur mom gay
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