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Everything posted by JoGe

  1. UPDATE* More images from the view to Los Santos ( u can also see that there is that gas station very near ) +a new picture of the house from different view. https://imgur.com/a/CttSVWs
  2. Good luck, im just curious that who will get Helsinki's role ;) lol :D
  3. Address: Wigs Wigs Wigs shop Account name:ekrem1096 Last seen:27th november 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/w8wnZSX
  4. Good luck ! seems a nice gang !
  5. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4960/im-just-here-to-share-a-links-to-get-free-games lol
  6. So im selling richman house with perfect location, gas station and atm at backyard. Also it has three amazing balconies and carspawn. Starting bid 20m ("high"due to in-game offers i have received) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HZUKdao Dont bother to comment about price if you are not going to buy it.
  7. Address : Las Colinas 33 Username : squad3 Seen: 22nd September 2018 ss : https://imgur.com/a/isveiMu
  8. House with a fancy tower for sale. Also has carspawn and everything you need is near, location is perfect. Starting price is 4m ::: SS : https://imgur.com/a/4dojNoG 2 pictures, scroll down for another one :::
  9. Lego LOTR to steam https://www.humblebundle.com/store/lego-the-lord-of-the-rings?hmb_source=humble_home&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_1_layout_type_twos_tile_index_1 Subnautica to epicgames https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/subnautica/home Cheers !
  10. Address: 10 Juniper Street Account name:desertpoh Last seen: 9th november 2018 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/GHJ9oFL
  11. So basicly you want to make GTA V from GTA SA
  12. this WILL BE SOLD for the highest bid. no matter how small the bid is.
  13. Barber saloon at grove street, even its barber saloon its not a business! I dont place starting price, lets see how much people are ready to pay for this. ss : https://imgur.com/a/Xlty9FE
  14. I offer ls market train station + 10m cash,
  15. I offer ls market train station + 10m cash,
  16. username : fabiorua seen : 5th November 2018 ss : https://imgur.com/a/GrWqXKH This is my second request this week.
  17. Application for Drive thru operator division In-game name: Joge Account name:Joge Tell us why do you want to join Drive thru operator division: I was Drive thru operator before the new ranking system and i think Tapi remember's when i said " i want to become drive thru operator" like first day i joined in Clucking bell over month ago. Do you meet the requirements to join this division: I meet all the requirements.
  18. "But the way it's implemented is wrong in my opinion, previously it was most rewarding to drive long distances as they would deliver you more cash... Logical, more km's/effort made equals more cash. But that's not the case with the current system, anyone who favors long-distance trucking like me is now simply doomed... So what is this claim based on, well let's dig a little deeper into maximizing our profits. So, of course, everyone who's here to make money tries to maximize their available free-time to maximize their profits. Let's say in this case I'm a trucker spawned at LV trucking side, I spawn in my road train and drive into the marker. I now get a multitude of choices, including long and short distance loads... Long distance loads will give me a 4-5k delivery reward + the weight bonus which is 11k!!! highly outweighing the delivery reward. Let's say I drive from LV to LS, which will take me approx 5-6 minutes. I would've now made 16k by doing this. Instead, I could've also driven from LV trucking depot to creek warehousing which takes approx 1 minute where I'll make 12.5k... Meaning I could make around 30-40k extra including stops more by doing short trips..." In real life cargo weight affects the price, so I think it makes sense. In real life cargo type also affects the price of transport, for example, it is more expensive to transport hazardous substances than wood. So imo if illegal transports come back, I think they should have an extra charge too. (because of wanted level you get for delivering it)
  19. username Teressa100 Seen: 11th November 2018 SS: https://imgur.com/a/gDWf0fj
  20. Weird flex but ok :thinking_face: Welcome ! :beers:
  21. username : 40salih seen: 4th November 2018 screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/ViAA5uJ
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